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 Becker, L., Nelus, A., Glitza, R., & Martin, R. (2022). Accelerated Unsupervised Clustering in Acoustic Sensor Networks Using Federated Learning and a Variational Autoencoder. In 2022 International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Processing (IWAENC) pp. 1-5.

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Enzner, G., Urbanietz, C., & Martin, R. (2022). Optimized Learning of Spatial-Fourier Representations from Fast HRIR Recordings. In 30th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2022) Proceedings. Belgrade, Serbia, 29.08.-02.09.2022.pp. 304-308.

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Gauer, J., Nagathil, A., Eckel, K., Belomestny, D., & Martin, R. (2022). A versatile deep-neural-network-based music preprocessing and remixing scheme for cochlear implant listeners. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 151(5), 2975–2986.

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Koppelmann, T., Becker, L., Nelus, A., Glitza, R., Schönherr, L., & Martin, R. (2022). Clustering-based Wake Word Detection in Privacy-aware Acoustic Sensor Networks. In Interspeech 2022, pp. 719-723. ISCA.

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Schymura, C., Ochiai, T., Delcroix, M., Kinoshita, K., Nakatani, T., Araki, S., & Kolossa, D. (2021). Exploiting attention-based sequence-to-sequence architectures for sound event localization. In 2020 28th European signal processing conference (Eusipco), pp. 231–235. IEEE.

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Heckmann, M., Orth, D., Dunn, M., Steinhardt, N., Bolder, B., & Kolossa, D. (2019). CORA, a prototype for a cooperative speech-based on-demand intersection assistant. In C. P. Janssen, S. F. Donker, L. L. Chuang, & W. Ju (Eds.), Adjunct proceedings, 11th International ACM Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications: September 22 - 25, 2019, Utrecht, Netherlands (pp. 483–488). The Association for Computing Machinery.

Karbasi, M., Zeiler, S., Freiwald, J., & Kolossa, D. (2019). Toward Robust Mispronunciation Detection via Audio-Visual Speech Recognition. In I. Rojas, G. Joya, & A. Catala (Eds.), LNCS sublibray: SL1 - Theoretical computer science and general issues: Vol. 11506. Advances in Computational Intelligence: 15th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2019, Gran Canaria, Spain, June 12-14, 2019, Proceedings, Part I (Vol. 11507, pp. 655–666). Springer.

Kleingarn, D., Nabizadeh, N., Heckmann, M., & Kolossa, D. (2019). Speaker-adapted neural-network-based fusion for multimodal reference resolution. In Proceedings of the 20th Annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue (pp. 210–214). Association for Computational Linguistics.

Lentz, B., Nagathil, A., Gauer, J., and Martin, R. (2019). “Music Simplification for Cochlear Implant Users through Harmonic/Percussive Sound Separation and Spectral Complexity Reduction,” In: 22. Jahrestagung Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Audiologie.

Madhu, N., Gergen, S., & Martin, R. (2019). A robust sequential hypothesis testing method for brake squeal localisation. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146 (6), 4898-4912.

Markovic, N., Stoetzel, T., Staudt, V., & Kolossa, D. (2019). Hybrid Fault Detection in Power Systems. In 2019 IEEE International Electric Machines & Drives Conference (IEMDC): May 12-15, 2019, Westin San Diego, San Diego, CA (pp. 911–915). IEEE.

Nagathil, A., & Martin, R. (2019). Objective Evaluation of Ideal Time-Frequency Masking for Music Complexity Reduction in Cochlear Implants. In The Laboratory PRISM "Perception, Representations, Image, Sound, Music" (Chair), Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CNMR 2019). Symposium conducted at the meeting of The Laboratory PRISM "Perception, Representations, Image, Sound, Music", Marseille, France.

Nelus, A., Ebbers, J., Haeb-Umbach, R., & Martin, R. (2019). Privacy-Preserving Variational Information Feature Extraction for Domestic Activity Monitoring versus Speaker Identification. In Interspeech 2019 (pp. 3710–3714). ISCA.

Nelus, A., & Martin, R. (2019). Privacy-aware Feature Extraction for Gender Discrimination versus Speaker Identification. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing: Proceedings : May 12-17, 2019, Brighton Conference Centre, Brighton, United Kingdom (pp. 671–674). IEEE.

Nelus, A., Rech, S., Koppelmann, T., Biermann, H., & Martin, R. (2019). Privacy-Preserving Siamese Feature Extraction for Gender Recognition versus Speaker Identification. In Interspeech 2019 (pp. 3705–3709). ISCA.

Nogueira, W., Nagathil, A., & Martin, R. (2019). Making Music More Accessible for Cochlear Implant Listeners: Recent Developments. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 36(1), 115–127.

Oberländer, K., Thomas, J. P., Gauer, J., & Völter, C. (2019). Are CI recipients able to perceive emotions in music? In Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie: Vol. 98, Abstract- und Posterband – 90. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für HNO-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie e.V., Bonn – Digitalisierung in der HNO-Heilkunde. Georg Thieme Verlag KG.

Schönherr, L., Kohls, K., Zeiler, S., Holz, T., & Kolossa, D. (2019). Adversarial Attacks Against Automatic Speech Recognition Systems via Psychoacoustic Hiding. In 26th Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, NDSS 2019, San Diego, California, USA, February 24-27, 2019. The Internet Society.

Schymura, C., & Kolossa, D. (2019). Learning Dynamic Stream Weights for Linear Dynamical Systems Using Natural Evolution Strategies. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing: Proceedings : May 12-17, 2019, Brighton Conference Centre, Brighton, United Kingdom (pp. 7893–7897). IEEE.

Thüne, P., & Enzner, G. (2019). Tracking Theory of Adaptive Filters with Input-Output Sampling Rate Offset. In 27th EUSIPCO 2019: European Signal Processing Conference : A Coruña, Spain, September 2-6, 2019. IEEE.

Urbanietz, C., & Enzner, G. (2019). A Physically Motivated Approach for Binaural Simulation of Moving Sound Sources and Receivers. In M. Ochmann, M. Vorländer, & J. Fels (Eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics : integrating 4th EAA Euroregio 2019 : 9-13 September 2019 in Aachen, Germany (pp. 4833–4840). Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik.

Urbanietz, C., & Enzner, G. (2019). Spatial-fourier Retrieval of Head-related Impulse Responses from Fast Continuous-azimuth Recordings in the Time-domain. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing: Proceedings : May 12-17, 2019, Brighton Conference Centre, Brighton, United Kingdom (pp. 950–954). IEEE.

Urbanietz, C., Enzner, G., Orth, A., Kwiatkowski, P., & Pohl, N. (2019). A Radar-Based Navigation Assistance Device With Binaural Sound Interface for Vision-Impaired People. In P. Vickers, M. Gröhn, & T. Stockman (Eds.), Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD 2019). Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Northumbria University.

Vogt, H., Enzner, G., & Sezgin, A. (2019). State-Space Adaptive Nonlinear Self-Interference Cancellation for Full-Duplex Communication. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 67(11), 2810–2825.

Yang, F., Enzner, G., & Yang, J. (2019). A Unified Approach to the Statistical Convergence Analysis of Frequency-Domain Adaptive Filters. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 67(7), 1785–1796.

Yang, F., Enzner, G., & Yang, J. (2019). Transient Analysis of Partitioned-Block Frequency-Domain Adaptive Filters. In 27th EUSIPCO 2019: European Signal Processing Conference : A Coruña, Spain, September 2-6, 2019. IEEE.

Zohourian, M., & Martin, R. (2019). Direct-to-reverberant Energy Ratio Estimation Based on Interaural Coherence and a Joint ITD/ILD Model. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing: Proceedings : May 12-17, 2019, Brighton Conference Centre, Brighton, United Kingdom (pp. 611–615). IEEE.

Zohourian, M., Stinner, J., & Martin, R. (2019). Speaker Distance Estimation using Binaural Hearing Aids and Deep Neural Networks. In M. Ochmann, M. Vorländer, & J. Fels (Eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics : integrating 4th EAA Euroregio 2019 : 9-13 September 2019 in Aachen, Germany (pp. 3297–3304). Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik.


Ağcaer, S., Martin, R. (2018). "Binaural Source Localization based on Modulation-Domain Features and Decision Pooling", in Proc. of LOCATA Challenge Workshop -a satellite event of IWAENC 2018, Tokyo, Japan, Sept. 2018.

Chinaev, A., Enzner, G., Schmalenströer, J. (2018). "Fast and Accurate Audio Resampling for Acoustic Sensor Networks by Polyphase-Farrow Filters with FFT Realization", ITG Conference on Speech Communication, Oldenburg, Germany, October 2018.

Chinaev, A., Thüne, P., Enzner, G. (2018). "Low-rate Farrow structure with discrete-lowpass and polynomial support for audio resampling", European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Rome, Italy, September 2018.

Ebbers, J., Nelus, A., Martin, R., & Häb-Umbach, R. (2018). Evaluation of modulation-MFCC features and DNN classification for acoustic event detection. In Tagungsband - DAGA 2018: 44. Jahrestagung für Akustik : 19.-22. März 2018, München (pp. 1518–1521). Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. (DEGA).

Enzner, G., Thüne, P. (2018). "Bayesian MMSE Filtering of Noisy Speech by SNR Marginalization With Global PSD Priors", IEEE/ACM Trans. on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 26, no. 12, pp. 2289 - 2304, December 2018.

Freiwald, J., Karbasi, M., Zeiler, S., Melchior, J., Kompella, V., Wiskott, L., Kolossa, D., (2018). “Utilizing Slow Feature Analysis for Lipreading”, in Speech communication: 13. ITG-Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation 10.- 12. Oktober 2018 in Oldenburg, ed. Simon Doclo and Peter Jax, 191–95. ITG-Fachbericht 282. Berlin: VDE VERLAG.

Gauer, J., Nagathil, A., Völter, C., Thomas, J. P., Martin, R. (2018). „Spectral complexity reduction of music signals for cochlearimplant users - A validation with an interactive user interface“, Poster presented at the 15th International Conference on Cochlear Implants and other Implantable Auditory Technology, Antwerp, Belgium, June 2018.

Gauer, J., Nagathil, A., Martin, R., Thomas J.-P., Völter, C. (2018). "Validation of a Music Enhancement Method for CI Listeners Using an Interactive User Interface", (Extended Abstract) Proc. International Workshop on Speech Processing for Voice, Speech, and Hearing Disorders, Mysore, India, Sept. 8-9, 2018.

Gauer, J., Nagathil, A., Martin, R. (2018). "Binaural spectral complexity reduction of music signals for cochlear implant listeners", in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Calgary, Canada, April 2018.

Gergen, S., Martin, R., Madhu, N. (2018). "Source separation by fuzzy-membership value aware beamforming and masking in ad hoc arrays." In ITG-Fachbericht: Vol. 282. Speech communication: 13. ITG-Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation 10.- 12. Oktober 2018 in Oldenburg (pp. 316–320). VDE VERLAG.

Gergen, S., Martin, R., Madhu, N. (2018). “Source Separation by Feature-Based Clustering of Microphones in Ad Hoc Arrays”, 2018 16th International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC), 2018, 530-534, Sep.

Heckmann, M., Orth, D., Kolossa, D., (2018). “"Gap after the next two vehicles": A Spatio-temporally Situated Dialog for a Cooperative Driving Assitant”, in Speech communication: 13. ITG-Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation 10.- 12. Oktober 2018 in Oldenburg, ed. Simon Doclo and Peter Jax, 326–30. ITG-Fachbericht 282. Berlin: VDE VERLAG.

Hussain, T., Chou, C., Zettner, E., Torre, P., Hans, S., Gauer, J., Markgraf, M., Nguyen, Q. T. (2018). „Early Indication of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss in Young Adult Users of Personal Listening Devices“, Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology, 127(10), 703–709, July 2018.

Ito, N., Schymura, C., Araki, S., & Nakatani, T. (2018). Noisy cGMM: Complex Gaussian Mixture Model with Non-Sparse Noise Model for Joint Source Separation and Denoising. In EUSIPCO 2018: 26th European Signal Processing Conference : Rome, Italy, September 3 - 7, 2018 (pp. 1662–1666). IEEE.

Martin, R., Cohen, I. (2018). "Single-Channel Speech Presence Probability Estimation and Noise Tracking", in Audio source separation and speech enhancement, ed. Emmanuel Vincent, Sharon Gannot and Tuomas Virtanen, 87–106. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2018

Nagathil, A., Schlattmann, J.-W., Neumann, K., Martin, R. (2018). "Music Complexity Prediction for Cochlear Implant Listeners Based on a Feature-based Linear Regression Model", J. Acous. Soc. Am. (JASA), 144(1), pp. 1-10, July 2018.

Nelus, A., Martin, R. (2018). "Gender discrimination versus speaker identification through privacy-aware adversarial feature extraction." In ITG-Fachbericht: Vol. 282. Speech communication: 13. ITG-Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation 10.- 12. Oktober 2018 in Oldenburg (pp. 101–105). VDE VERLAG.

Oberländer, K., Gauer, J., Nagathil, A., Martin, R., Thomas, J. P., Völter, C. (2018). „Komplexitätsreduktion zur Verbesserung des Musikgenusses bei CI Trägern“. presented at the 35. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Phoniatrie und Pädaudiologie (DGPP), Innsbruck, Austria, September 2018.

Orth, D., Steinhardt, N., Bram Bolder, Dunn, M., Kolossa, D., Heckmann, M., (2018). “Analysis of a Speech-Based Intersection Assistant in Real Urban Traffic”, in 2018 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference: November 4-7, Maui, Hawaii, 1273–78. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE.

Orth, D., Bolder, B., Steinhardt, N., Dunn, M., Kolossa, D., Heckmann, M. (2018). "A Speech-Based On-Demand Intersection Assistant Prototype", 2018 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Changshu, China, June 26-29 2018.

Schymura, C., Guo, P., Maymon, B., Rafaely, B., Kolossa, D., (2018). “Exploiting Structures of Temporal Causality for Robust Speaker Localization in Reverberant Environments”, in Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation: 14th International Conference, LVA/ICA 2018, Guildford, UK, July 2–5, 2018, Proceedings, 228–37. 1st edition 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Schymura, C., Isenberg, T., Kolossa, D., (2018). “Extending Linear Dynamical Systems with Dynamic Stream Weights for Audiovisual Speaker Localization”, in 2018 16th International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC): 17-20 Sept. 2018, 515–19. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE.

Schymura, C. Kolossa, D., (2018). “Potential-Field-Based Active Exploration for Acoustic Simultaneous Localization and Mapping”, in 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing: Proceedings: April 15-20, 2018, Calgary Telus Convention Center, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 76–80. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE.

Thüne, P., Enzner, G. (2018). "Maximum-Likelihood and Maximum-A-Posteriori Perspectives for Blind Channel Identification on Acoustic Sensor Network Data", ITG Conference on Speech Communication, Oldenburg, Germany, 2018.

Urbanietz, C., Enzner, G. (2018). “Binaural Rendering for Sound Navigation and Orientation”, Published in: 2018 IEEE 4th VR Workshop on Sonic Interactions for Virtual Environments (SIVE), Reutlingen, Germany, March 2018.

Urbanietz, C., Enzner, G. (2018). “Binaural Rendering of Dynamic Head and Sound Source Orientation Using High-Resolution HRTF and Retarted Time”, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Calgary, Canada, April 2018.

Watanabe, S., Kolossa, D., Virtanen, T., (2018). “Application of Source Separation to Robust Speech Analysis and Recognition”, in Audio source separation and speech enhancement, ed. Emmanuel Vincent, Sharon Gannot, and Tuomas Virtanen, 377–412. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Yee, D., Kamkar-Parsi, H., Martin, R., Puder, H. (2018). "A relative-transfer-function-based post-filter for speech enhancement in hearing aids using a nearby external microphone." In ITG-Fachbericht: Vol. 282. Speech communication: 13. ITG-Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation 10.- 12. Oktober 2018 in Oldenburg

Yee, D., Kamkar-Parsi, H., Martin, R., Puder, H. (2018). “A Noise Reduction Postfilter for Binaurally Linked Single-Microphone Hearing Aids Utilizing a Nearby External Microphone”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing Vol. 26 no. 1, pp. 5-18, January 2018.

Yu, H., Tan, Z. Ma, Z., Martin, R., Guo J. (2018). "Spoofing Detection in Automatic Speaker Verification Systems Using DNN Classifiers and Dynamic Acoustic Features", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Vol. 29 no. 10, pp. 4633-4644, October 2018.

Zohourian, M., Martin, R. (2018). "GSC-based Binaural Speaker Separation Preserving Spatial Cues", in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Calgary, Canada, April 2018.

Zohourian, M., Enzner, G., Martin, R. (2018). "Binaural Speaker Localization Integrated in an Adaptive Beamformer for Hearing Aids", IEEE/ACM Trans. Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 515-528, March 2018.


Azarpour, M., Siska J., Enzner, G. (2017). “Realtime Binaural Speech Enhancement Demo on Raspberry Pi”, Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), New Orleans (USA), March 2017.

Azarpour, M., Enzner G. (2017). “Binaural noise reduction via cue-preserving MMSE filter and adaptive-blocking-based noise PSD estimation”, EURASIP Jrnl. on Advances in Signal Processing (open access:, July 2017.

Enzner, G., Thüne, P. (2017). “Robust MMSE filtering for single-microphone speech enhancement”, Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), New Orleans (USA), March 2017.

Friedrichs, K., Bauer, N., Martin, R., Weihs, C. (2017). "A computational study of auditory models in music recognition tasks for normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners", EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, vol. 2017, no. 1, pp. 7, March 2017.

Glarner, T., Boenninghoff, B., Walter, O., Haeb-Umbach, R. (2017). "Leveraging Text Data for World Segmentation for Underresourced Languages", Interspeech, Stockholm, Schweden, August 2017.

Heckmann, M., Orth, D., Wersing, H., Kolossa, D. (2017). "Development of a personalised intersection assistant", ATZ Worldw (2017) 119: 36.

Heckmann, M., Wersing, H., Orth, D., Kolossa, D., Schömig, N., Maag, C., Dunn, M. (2017). "Towards an On Demand Intersection Assistant: Initial User Acceptance and System Development", 2017 FAST-zero ’17, Nara, Japan, September 18-22 2017.

M. Karbasi, D. Kolossa: "ASR-based Measures for Microscopic Speech Intelligibility Prediction", 1st International Workshop on Challenges in Hearing Assistive Technology (CHAT-2017), Stockholm, August 2017.

Krymova, E., Nagathil, A., Belomestny, D., Martin, R. (2017). "Segmentation of Music Signals Based on Explained Variance Ratio for Applications in Spectral Complexity Reduction," in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), New Orleans, USA, March 2017.

Meutzner, H., Ma, N., Nickel, R., Schymura, C., Kolossa, D. (2017). "Improving audio-visual speech recognition using deep neural networks with dynamic stream reliability estimates", Proc. ICASSP, New Orleans, March 2017.

Meutzner, H., Gupta, S., Nguyen, V.-H., Holz, T., Kolossa, D. (2017). "Towards Improved Audio CAPTCHAs Based on Auditory Perception and Language Understanding", ACM Transactions on Information and System Security, vol. 19, no. 4, February 2017.

Nagathil, A., Weihs, C., Neumann, K., Martin, R. (2017). "Spectral Complexity Reduction of Music Signals Based on Frequency-domain Reduced-rank Approximations: An Evaluation with Cochlear Implant Listeners," J. Acous. Soc. Am. (JASA), 142(3), pp. 1219-1228, September 2017.

Nagathil, A., Schlattmann, J.-W., Neumann, K., Martin, R. (2017). “Evaluation of Spectral Music Complexity Reduction Methods for Cochlear Implant Listeners by Means of a Perceptual Music Quality Prediction Model”, Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses (CIAP), Lake Tahoe, USA,  July 2017.

Nagathil, A., Schlattmann, J.-W., Neumann, K., Martin, R. (2017). "A Feature-based Linear Regression Model for Predicting Perceptual Ratings of Music by Cochlear Implant Listeners," in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), New Orleans, USA, March 2017.

Nelus, A., Gergen, S., Martin, R. (2017). “Analysis of temporal aggregation and dimensionality reduction on feature sets for speaker identification in wireless acoustic sensor networks”, in Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), IEEE 19th International Workshop on, pp. 1–6, IEEE, 2017.

Orth, D., Kolossa, D., Sarria Paja, M., Schaller, K., Pech, A., Heckmann, M. (2017). "A Maximum Likelihood Method for Driver-Specific Critical-Gap Estimation", 2017 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Redondo Beach, CA, USA, 11-14 June 2017.

Orth, D., Schömig, N., Mark, C., Jagiellowicz-Kaufmann, M., Kolossa, D., Heckmann, M. (2017). "Benefits of Personalization in the Context of a Speech-Based Left-Turn Assistant", 9th ACM International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI ’17), Oldenburg, Germany, September 24 - 27, 2017.

Orth, D., Kolossa, D., Heckmann, M. (2017). "Predicting driver left-turn behavior from few training samples using a maximum a posteriori method", 2017 IEEE 20th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Yokohama, Japan, October 16-19.

Rafaely, B., Kolossa, D., Maymon, Y. (2017). "Towards acoustically robust localization of speakers in a reverberant environment," Proc. HSCMA, San Francisco, March 2017.

Rafaely, B., Kolossa, D. (2017)."Speaker localization in reverberant rooms based on direct path dominance test statistics", Proc. ICASSP, New Orleans, March 2017.

Schönherr, L., Zeiler, S., Kolossa, D. (2017). "Spoofing Detection via Simultaneous Verification of Audio-Visual Synchronicity and Transcription", IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop (ASRU), Okinawa, Japan, December 2017.

Schymura, C., Rios Grajales, J., Kolossa, C. (2017). "Monte Carlo exploration for active binaural localization", Proc. ICASSP, New Orleans, March 2017.

Thüne, P. (2017). "Advances in Blind Multichannel Wiener Filtering of Noisy Speech", Dissertation, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Universitätsbibliothek der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2017.

Thüne, P., Enzner G. (2017). "Maximum-Likelihood Approach with Bayesian Refinement for Multichannel-Wiener Postfiltering", IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 65, no. 13, pp. 3399-3413, July 2017.

Yang, F., Enzner G., Yang, J. (2017). “Frequency-Domain Adaptive Kalman Filter with Fast Recovery of Abrupt Echo-Path Changes”, IEEE Signal Proc. Letters, vol. 24, no. 12, pp.1778-1782, Dec. 2017.

Yang, F., Enzner G., Yang, J. (2017). “Statistical Convergence Analysis for Optimal Control of DFT-Domain Adaptive Echo Canceler”, IEEE/ACM Trans. on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 1095-1106, Feb. 2017.

Zohourian, M., Martin, R., Madhu, N. (2017). “New insights into the role of the head radius in model-based binaural speaker localization", in 2017 25th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Aug 2017, pp. 221– 225.



Abdelaziz, A. H., & Kolossa, D. (2016). General hybrid framework for uncertainty-decoding-based automatic speech recognition systems. Speech Communication, 79, 1–13. (

Boenninghoff, B., Nickel, R. M., Zeiler, S., Kolossa, D. (2017). "Unsupervised Classification of Voiced Speech and Pitch Tracking Using Forward-Backward Kalman Filtering", Proc. Speech Communication, 12. ITG Symposium, Paderborn, Germany, 2016.
Thüne, P., Enzner, G. (2016). "Maximum-Likelihood Approach to Adaptive Multichannel-Wiener Postfiltering for Wind-Noise Reduction", ITG Conference on Speech Communication, Paderborn, Germany, 2016.

Enzner, G., Kranemann, T., Thüne, P. (2016). "Evaluation of Estimated Hammerstein Models via Normalized Projection Misalignment of Linear and Nonlinear Subsystems", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Shanghai, China, 2016.
Gergen, S., Zeiler, S., Hussen Abdelaziz, A., Kolossa, D. (2016). "New Insights into Turbo-Decoding-Based AVSR with Dynamic Stream Weights", ITG-Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation, Paderborn, Germany, Oct. 2016.
Gergen, S., Martin, R. (2016). "Estimating Source Dominated Microphone Clusters in Ad-Hoc Microphone Arrays by Fuzzy Clustering in the Feature Space", ITG-Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation, Paderborn, Germany, Oct. 2016.

Gergen, S., Zeiler, S., Hussen Abdelaziz, A., Nickel, R., Kolossa, D. (2016). "Dynamic Stream Weighting for Turbo-Decoding-Based Audiovisual ASR", Interspeech 2016, San Francisco, Sept. 2016.

Jacobi, R. C., vom Bögel, G., Grabmaier, A., & Kolossa, D. (2016). Analysis of time variant reliability information used in a multilevel decoding scheme for RFID and sensor signals. International Journal of RF Technologies, 7(2-3), 153–173. (

Karbasi, M., Abdelaziz, A. H., Meutzner H., Kolossa, D. (2016), "Blind Non-Intrusive Speech Intelligibility Prediction using Twin-HMMs", Proc. INTERSPEECH, San Francisco, USA, September 2016.

Karbasi, M., Abdelaziz, A. H., Kolossa, D. (2016). “Twin-HMM-Based Non-Intrusive Speech Intelligibility Prediction”, in 2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP 2016: March 20-25, 2016 Shanghai, China, 624–28: IEEE.

Meutzner, H., Gupta, S., Nguyen, V.-H., Holz T., Kolossa, D. (2016). "Toward Improved Audio CAPTCHAs Based on Auditory Perception and Language Understanding", ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS) (formerly known as TISSEC), vol. 19, no. 4, article 10, November 2016.

Meutzner, H., Kolossa, D. (2016). "A Non-speech Audio CAPTCHA Based on Acoustic Event Detection and Classification", Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Budapest, Hungary, August 2016.

Meutzner, H., Araki, S., Fujimoto, M., Nakatani, T. (2016). "A Generative-Discriminative Hybrid Approach to Multi-Channel Noise Reduction for Robust Automatic Speech Recognition", Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Shanghai, China, March 2016.

Nagathil, A., Weihs C., Neumann, K., Martin, R. (2016). “Frequency-domain Reduced-rank Approximations of Music Signals for the Improvement of Music Perception in Cochlear Implant Listeners,” ARCHES Meeting/ICanHear Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, 21.-23. November 2016

Nagathil, A., Weihs, C., Martin, R. (2016). “Spectral Complexity Reduction of Music Signals for Mitigating Effects of Cochlear Hearing Loss,” IEEE/ACM Trans. Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 445-458, March 2016.

Nelus, A., Gergen, S., Taghia, J., Martin, R. (2016). "Towards Opaque Audio Features for Privacy in Acoustic Sensor Networks", ITG-Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation, Paderborn, Germany, Oct. 2016.

Schasse, A., Martin, R., Kornagel, U., Fischer, E., Puder, H. (2016). „Efficient estimation of inter-subband speech correlations”, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), S. 5385–5389, 2016.

Schönherr, L., Orth, D., Heckmann, M., Kolossa, D. (2016). "Environmentally Robust Audio-Visual Speaker Identification", Proc. IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology (SLT 2016), San Diego, USA, 13-16 December 2016.

Taghia, J., Kolossa, D., Martin, R. (2016). „ALE for robots! A single-channel approach to robot self-noise cancellation”, IEEE International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC), S. 1–5, 2016.

Taghia, J., Martin, R. (2016). “A Frequency-domain adaptive line enhancer with step-size control based on mutual information for harmonic noise reduction”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 1140-1154, June 2016.

Yee, D., Kamkar-Parsi, H., Martin, R., Puder, H. (2016). „A Model-Based Placement Strategy for a Nearby External Microphone for Speech Enhancement in Hearing Aids”, ITG-Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation, Paderborn, Germany, Oct. 2016.

Yee, D., Kamkar-Parsi, H., Puder, H., Martin, R. (2016). “A Speech Enhancement System Using Binaural Hearing Aids and an External Microphone”, in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP 2016: March 20-25, 2016 Shanghai, China, 246–50: IEEE.

Zeiler, S., Meutzner, H., Abdelaziz A. H., Kolossa, D. (2016), "Introducing the Turbo-Twin-HMM for Audio-Visual Speech Enhancement", Proc. INTERSPEECH, San Francisco, USA, September 2016.

Zohourian, M., Martin, R. (2016). “Adaptive binaural beamforming based on model-based binaural localization”, Poster Presentation, International Hearing Aid Research Conference (IHCON 2016), August 10-14, 2016, Tahoe City, CA, USA.

Zohourian, M., Enzner, G., Martin, R. (2016). “Improved binaural speaker localization and separation robust to rotational head movement”, Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2016: 42. Jahrestagung für Akustik, 14. bis 17. März 2016 in Aachen, ed. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V, 1080–83.

Zohourian, M., Enzner, G., Martin, R. (2016). “On the Use of Beamforming Approaches for Binaural Speaker Localization”, ITG-Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation, Paderborn, Germany, Oct. 2016.

Zohourian, M., Martin, R. (2016). “Binaural Speaker Localization and Separation Based on a Joint ITD/ILD Model and Head Movement Tracking”, in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP 2016: March 20-25, 2016 Shanghai, China, 430–34: IEEE.


Agcaer, S., Schlesinger, A., Hoffmann, F.-M., Martin, R. (2015). "Optimization of amplitude modulation features for low-resource acoustic scene classification," in Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2015 23rd European , vol., no., pp.2556-2560, Aug. 31 2015-Sept. 4 2015.

Archer-Boyd, A. W., Whitmer, W. M., Brimijoin, O. W., Soraghan, J. J. (2015). "Biomimetic Direction of Arrival Estimation for Resolving Front-Back Confusions in Hearing Aids", JASA, Vol. 137, May 2015.

Gergen, S., Nagathil, A., Martin, R. (2015). "Reduction of reverberation effects in the MFCC modulation spectrum for improved classification of acoustic signals", Interspeech 2015, Dresden, September 2015.

Gergen, S., Nagathil, A., Martin, R. (2015). "Classification of reverberant audio signals using clustered ad hoc distributed microphones". Signal Processing, 107, 21-32.

Hussen Abdelaziz, A., Zeiler, S., Kolossa, D. (2015). “Learning Dynamic Stream Weights For Coupled-HMM-based Audio-visual Speech Recognition”, IEEE Trans. Audio Speech and Language Processing, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 863-876, May 2015.

Hussen Abdelaziz, A., Watanabe, S., Hershey, J., Vincent, E., Kolossa, D. (2015). “Uncertainty Propagation through Deep Neural Networks,” in Proc. Interspeech, Dresden, Germany, September 2015.

Jacobi, R., vom Bögel, G., Kolossa, D. (2015). “Multilevel Decoding Scheme for RFID and Sensor Signals in Inductively Coupled Systems”, Proc. of the European Conference on Smart Objects, Systems and Technologies (SmartSysTech), Aachen, Germany, June 2015.

Jacobi, R., Süss, A., vom Bögel, G., Kolossa, D. (2015). “Determination of the Optimal Carrier Frequency in Harsh Environments by Parameter Estimation”, Proc. of the European Conference on Smart Objects, Systems and Technologies (SmartSysTech), Aachen, Germany, June 2015.

Jacobi, R., Süss, A., vom Bögel, G., Kolossa, D. (2015). “Carrier Frequency Adaptation Approach”, Proc. IEEE International Conference on RFID, San Diego, USA, April 2015.

Karbasi, M., Kolossa, D. (2015). “A Microscopic Approach to Speech Intelligibility Prediction using Auditory Models”, Proc. DAGA, Nürnberg, March 2015.

Martin, R., Azarpour, M., Enzner, G. (2015). "Binaural Speech Enhancement with Instantaneous Coherence Smoothing Using The Cepstral Correlation Coefficient", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp.111-115, Brisbane, Australia, April 2015.

Meutzner, H., Gupta, S., Kolossa, D. (2015). "Constructing Secure Audio CAPTCHAs by Exploiting Differences between Humans and Machines", Proc. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), Seoul, Korea, April 2015.

Nagathil, A., Weihs C., Martin R. (2015). “Signal Processing Strategies for Improving Music Perception in the Presence of a Cochlear Hearing Loss,” in Proc. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie (DGA), Bochum, Germany, ISBN 978-3-9813141-5-1.

Saeidi, R., Astudillo, R., Kolossa, D. (2015). “Uncertain LDA: Including observation uncertainties in discriminative transforms”, IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Sept. 2015.

Schasse, A., Gerkmann, T., Martin, R., Sörgel, W., Pilgrim, T., Puder, H. (2015), "Two-Stage Filter-Bank System for Improved Single-Channel in Hearing Aids", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing (TASLP) ,vol. 23, no. 2, February 2015, pp. 383-393.

Schymura, C., Winter, F., Kolossa, D., Spors, S. (2015). “Binaural Sound Source Localisation and Tracking using a dynamic Spherical Head Model", in Proc. Interspeech, Dresden, Germany, September 2015.

Zohourian, M., Archer-Boyd, A., Martin, R. (2015). ''Multi-Channel Speaker Localization and Separation Using a Model-Based GSC and an Inertial Measurement Unit'', IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp.5615-5619, Brisbane, Australia, 2015.

Zohourian, M., Archer-Boyd, A., Martin, R. (2015). '' An Improved Adaptive Beamformer Robust to Rotational Movement'', in Proc. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie (DGA), pp.3611-3615, Bochum, Germany, ISBN 978-3-9813141-5-1.

Thüne, P., Enzner, G. (2015). "Multichannel Wiener Filtering via Multichannel Decorrelation", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brisbane, Australia, 2015.


Azarpour, M., Enzner, G., Martin, R. (2014), "Binaural Noise PSD Estimation for Binaural Speech Enhancement", International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2014, Florence, Italy, May 2014.

Azarpour, M., Enzner, G. (2014). "Fast Noise PSD Estimation Based on Blind Channel Identification", International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC), 2014.

Becker, S., Hudde, H. (2014). "Einstellung des cochleären Verstärkers mit Cortiresonator, äußeren Haarzellen und aktiven Haarbündeln ", 40. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA 2014, Oldenburg, 345-346.

Blauert, J., Dominicus, R.-D. (2014). "Die Dinge, Gefühle und Gedanken der auralen Welt − eine epistemologische Analyse in Hinblick auf Qualitätsbeurteilung (The things, feelings and thoughts of the aural world. An epistomological analysis with regard to quality assessment)“, in: W.G. Schmidt, ed., „Klang“: Anthropologie–Medialität–Kulturelle Praxis. 28‒48, De Gruyter, D‒Berlin.

Blauert, J., Kolossa, D., Danés, P. (2014). "Feedback loops in engineering models of binaural listening",  Proc. Meetings Acoust., POMA 21, 1pPP11.

Blauert, J., Raake, A. (2014). “Komplexe instrumentelle Soundqualität-Beurteilung als Ausgangspunkt für Schätzungen des Kulturgrades der Rezipienten (Complex instrumental sound-quality assessment as a starting point  for estimating the cultural level of the recipients.)”, in: Schmidt, W.G. (Ed.) Die Natur-Kultur-Grenze in Kunst und Wissenschaft, 193‒-214, Königshausen & Naumann, D‒Würzburg.

Darnstädt, M., Meutzner, H., Kolossa, D. (2014). "Reducing the Cost of Breaking Audio CAPTCHAs by Active and Semi-Supervised Learning", Proc. International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), Detroit, USA, December 2014.

Enzner, G., Martin, R., Vary, P. (2014). "Uncertainty modeling in acoustic echo control", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Signals, Systems and Computers, pp. 1633-1638, Nov. 2014.

Enzner, G., Thüne, P. (2014). "On the Statistics and the Detection of Multichannel Common Zeros", International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC), Antibes - Juan-les-Pins, France, 2014.

Gergen, S., Martin, R. (2014). "Linear Combining of Audio Features for Signal Classification in Ad-hoc Microphone Arrays", Proc. ITG Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation, September 2014.

He, Y., Martin, R., Bilgic, A. (2014). "Scalable low-complexity GPS and DGPS positioning using approximate QR decomposition, Signal Processing , 94, 445 - 455, 2014.

Heckmann, M., Mikias, P., Kolossa, D. (2014). "The Impact of Word Alignment Accuracy on Audiovisual Word Prominence Detection", Proc. ITG Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation, September 2014.

Hudde, H., Becker, S. (2014). "Model analysis of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions", 21st International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV21), Beijing, China, paper 25, 1-8.

Hudde, H., Becker, S. (2014). "Spontane otoakustische Emissionen werden durch akti-ve Haarbündel erzeugt ", 40. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA 2014, Oldenburg, 343-344.

Hussen Abdelaziz, A., Kolossa, D. (2014). "Dynamic Stream Weight Estimation in Coupled-HMMbased Audio-visual Speech Recognition Using Multilayer Perceptrons", Proc. Interspeech, September 2014.

Hussen Abdelaziz, A., Zeiler, S., Kolossa, D. (2014). "A new EM estimation of dynamic stream weights for coupled-HMM-based audio-visual ASR", Proc. ICASSP, Florence, May 2014.

Jacobi, R., Grey, S., vom Bögel, G., Kolossa, D. (2014). "Digitally Controlled Analog Front End for Inductively Coupled Transponder Systems", Proc. IEEE RFID Technology and Applications, September 2014.

Kolossa, D. (2014). Narrowing the gap: Probabilistic interfaces for signal enhancement and pattern recognition. In IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), 2014: 3-5 Dec. 2014, Atlanta, GA, USA ; [including workshop papers] (pp. 517–521). IEEE. (

Kuech, F., Mabande, E., Enzner, G. (2014). "State-space architecture of the partitioned-block-based acoustic echo controller", International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2014, pp.1295-1299, Florence, Italy, May 2014.

Ma, Z., Martin, R., Guo, J., Zhang, H. (2014). "Nonlinear Estimation of Missing ΔLSF Parameters by a Mixture of Dirichlet Distributions", International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2014, Florence, Italy, May 2014.

Madhu, N., Martin, R., Rehn, H. W., Gergen, S., Fischer, A. (2014). "A hierarchical approach for the online, on-board detection and localisation of brake squeal using microphone arrays", 4th Joint Workshop on Hands-free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays (HSCMA) 2014, Nancy, France, May 2014.

Majdak, P., Søndergaards, P. Blauert, J. (2014). “Die Auditory-Modeling-Toolbox der AABBA-Initiative  (The Auditory-Modeling Toolbox of the AABBA initiative)”, Fortschr. Akustik, DAGA 2014, Dtsch. Ges. Akustik, D−Oldenburg).

Meutzner, H., Nguyen, V. H., Holz, T., Kolossa, D. (2014). "Using Automatic Speech Recognition for Attacking Acoustic CAPTCHAs: The Trade-off between Usability and Security", Proc. Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), New Orleans, USA, December 2014.

Pastore, T., Braasch, J., Blauert, J (2014). "Temporally-diffusive reflections and the Precedence Effect”, Proc. Meetings Acoust. POMA.

Raake, A., Blauert, J. (2014). "Umfassende Modellierung der Vorgänge bei der Beurteilung von Sound-Qualität (Comprehensive modeling of the processes involved in assessing sound quality)“, Proc. 28. Tonmeistertagung – VDT Intl. Convention,  D–Köln.

Raake, A., Blauert, J., Braasch, J., Brown, G., Danés, P., Dau, T., Gas, B., Argentieri, S., Kohlrausch, A. Kolossa, D., Le Goff, N., May, T., Obermayer, K. Spors, S. (2014). "Two!Ears – integral interactive model of auditory perception and experience”, Fortschr. Akust., DAGA 2014,  Dtsch. Ges. Akustik, D−Oldenburg.

Raake, A, Wierstorf, H., Blauert, J. (2014). "A case for Two!Ears in audio-qualiy assessment”, Proc. 7th Forum Acusticum, PL−Krakòw.

Schasse, A., Martin, R. (2014). “Estimation of Subband Speech Correlations for Noise Reduction via MVDR Processing”, IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech and Language Process., vol. 22, no. 9, pp. 1355-1365, September 2014.

Schmid, D., Enzner, G., Malik, S., Kolossa, D., Martin, R. (2014). "Variational Bayesian Inference for Multichannel Dereverberation and Noise Reduction", IEEE Trans. on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, vol. 22, no. 8, pp. 1320-1335, Aug. 2014.

Schymura, C., Ma, N., Brown, G. J., Walther, T., Kolossa, D. (2014). "Binaural Sound Source Localisation using a Bayesian-network-based Blackboard System and Hypothesis-driven Feedback", in: Proc. FORUM ACUSTICUM 2014, PL-Krakow.

Taghia, J., Martin, R. (2014). "A negentropy based adaptive line enhancer for single-channel noise reduction at low SNR conditions”, IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech, and signal processing (ICASSP), Florence, 2014.

Taghia, J., Martin, R. (2014). “Objective intelligibility measures based on mutual information for speech subjected to speech enhancement processing”, IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 6-16, January 2014.

Zeiler, S., Cwiklak, J., Kolossa, D. (2014). "Robust Multimodal Human Machine Interaction using the Kinect Sensor", Proc. ITG Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation, September 2014.


Astudillo, F. R., Kolossa, D., Abad, A., Zeiler, S., Saeidi, R., Mowlaee, R., da Silva Neto, J. P., Martin, R. (2013). "Integration of Beamforming and Uncertainty-of-Observation Techniques for Robust ASR in Multi-Source Environments", Computer Speech and Language, Special Issue on Multisource Environments, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 837-850, May 2013.

Azarpour, M., Enzner, G., Martin, R. (2013). "Adaptive Binaural Noise Reduction Based on Matched-Filter Equalization and Post-Filtering", International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2013, Vancouver, Canada, May 2013.

Azarpour, M., Schmid, D., Martin, R., Gerkmann, T. (2013). "An Evaluation of Binaural Noise and Reverberation Reduction Algorithms", in Proceedings AIA-DAGA 2013 Conference on Acoustics.

Becker, S., Hudde, H. (2013). "A physiology-based auditory model elucidating the function of the cochlear amplifier and related phenomena. Part II: Model parameters and simulations", International Congress on Acoustics (ICA) Montreal 2013, Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, Vol. 19, 050112 (2013), Acoustical Society of America [DOI: 10.1121/1.4799318].

Blauert, J. (2013).  "Psychoakustik aus perzeptionistischer Sicht (Psychoacoustics from a perceptionist’s viewpoint)", in: Busch, V., Schlemmer, K., Wöllner, C. (eds.) Wahrnehmung‒Erkenntnis‒Vermittlung. Musikwissenschaftliche Brückenschläge (Festschrift für Wolfgang Auhagen). 19‒31, Olms, D-Hildesheim.

Blauert, J. (2013). "On the nature and usability of room-acoustical parameters", Fortschr. Akust. AIA/DAGA’13, 857–860, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Berlin, 2013.

Blauert, J.,  Kolossa, D., Obermayer, K., Adiloglu, K. (2013). "Further challenges and the road ahead", in J. Blauert (ed.), The technology of binaural listening, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2013.

Blauert, J., Braasch, J. (2013). "Applications of models of binaural hearing", Int. Congr. Acoust. ICA 2013 Montreal. Proc. Meetings Acoust. POMA 19 / paper 1pPPa1, 2013.

Braasch, J., Blauert, J., Parks, A. J., Pastore, M. T. (2013). "A cognitive approach for binaural models using a top-down feedback structure", Int. Congr. Acoust. ICA 2013 Montreal. Proc. Meetings Acoust. POMA 19 / paper 5pPP2, 2013.

Gergen, S., Nagathil, A., Martin, R. (2013). "Audio Signal Classification in Reverberant Environments Based on Fuzzy-Clustered Ad-hoc Microphone Arrays", International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2013, Vancouver, Canada, May 2013.

Hudde, H., Becker, S. (2013). "A physiology-based auditory model elucidating the function of the cochlear amplifier and related phenomena. Part I: Model structure and computational method", International Congress on Acoustics (ICA) Montreal 2013, Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, Vol. 19, 050111 (2013), Acoustical Society of America [DOI: 10.1121/1.4798788].

Hussen Abdelaziz, A., Zeiler, S., Kolossa, D. (2013). ''Using Twin-HMM-Based Audio-Visual Speech Enhancement as a Front-End for Robust Audio-Visual Speech Recognition'', Proc. Interspeech, Lyon, France, August 2013.

Hussen Abdelaziz, A., Zeiler, S., Kolossa, D. (2013). ''Twin-HMM-based audio-visual speech enhancement'', Proc. ICASSP, Vancouver, Canada, May 2013.

Hussen Abdelaziz, A., Zeiler, S., Kolossa, D., Leutnant, V., Haeb-Umbach, R. (2013). ''GMM-based Significance Decoding'', Proc. ICASSP, Vancouver, Canada, May 2013.

Kohlrausch, A.,  Braasch, J., Kolossa, D., Blauert, J. (2013). "An introduction to binaural processing", in J. Blauert (ed.), The technology of binaural listening, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2013.

Kolossa, D., Zeiler, S., Saeidi, R., Astudillo, F. R. (2013). “Noise-Adaptive LDA: A New Approach for Speech Recognition Under Observation Uncertainty", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 20, no. 11, pp. 1018-1021, 2013.

Meutzner, H., Malik, S., Kolossa, D. (2013). "SVM-Based Preprocessing for Automatic Speech Recognition", Proc. Joint Annual Conference on Acoustics and German Annual Conference on Acoustics (AIA-DAGA), Merano, Italy, March 2013.

Meutzner, H., Schlesinger, A., Zeiler, S., Kolossa, D. (2013). "Binaural Signal Processing for Enhanced Speech Recognition Robustness in Complex Listening Environments", Proc. 2nd CHiME Workshop on Machine Listening in Multisource Environments, Vancouver, Canada, June 2013.

Mohammadiha, N., Martin, R., Leijon, A. (2013). "Spectral Domain Speech Enhancement Using HMM State-Dependent Super-Gaussian Priors", IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS, VOL. 20, NO. 3, pp. 253 - 256, MARCH 2013.

Nagathil, A., Martin, R. (2013). "Evaluation of Spectral Transforms for Music Signal Analysis," in Proc. IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA), New Paltz, New York, USA, October 2013.

Nickel, R, Astudillo, F. R., Kolossa, D., Martin, R. (2013). “Corpus-Based Speech Enhancement with Uncertainty Modeling and Cepstral Smoothing”, IEEE Trans. on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, vol. 21, no. 5, May 2013.

Raake, A., Blauert, J. (2013). " Comprehensive modeling of the formation process of sound-quality", Proc. QoMEX 2013. Klagenfurt, Austria, 2013.

Schasse, A., Martin, R. (2013). "Online Inter-Frame Correlation Estimation Methods for Speech Enhancement in Frequency Subbands", in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Process. (ICASSP), Vancouver, Canada, 2013.

Taghia, Jalal, Martin, R., Taghia, Jalil, Leijon, A. (2013). "Dual-Channel Noise Reduction Based on a Mixture of Circular-Symmetric Complex Gaussians on Unit Hypersphere", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vancouver, 2013.

Thüne, P., Enzner, G. (2013). "Improved Online Identification of Acoustic MISO Systems Based on Separated Input Signal Components", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vancouver, Canada, 2013.

Vatolkin I., Nagathil A., Theimer W., Martin R. (2013). “Performance of Specific vs. Generic Feature Sets in Polyphonic Music Instrument Recognition,” in Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO), Sheffield, UK, March 2013.


Fernandez Astudillo, R., Kolossa, D., Abad, A., Zeiler, S., Saeidi, R., Mowlaee, P., da Silva Neto, J. P., Martin, R. (2012). “Integration of Beamforming and Uncertainty-of-Observation Techniques for Robust ASR in Multi-Source Environments”, Computer Speech and Language, Special Issue on Multisource Environments, to appear 2012.

Hoffmann, E., Kolossa, D., Köhler, B.-U., Orglmeister, R. (2012). “Using Information Theoretic Distance Measures for Solving the Permutation Problem of Blind Source Separation of Speech Signals” , EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, vol. 2012:14, April 2012.

Abdelaziz, A. H., Kolossa, D. (2012). "Decoding of Uncertain Features Using the Posterior Distribution of the Clean Data for Robust Speech Recognition", International Speech Communication Association, (2012).

Abdelaziz, A. H., Zeiler, S., Kolossa, D. (2012). "Audio-Visual Speech Recognition for Uncertain Acoustical Observations", ITG Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation, (2012).

Azarpour, M., Enzner, G., Martin, R. (2012). “Distortionless-Response vs. Matched-Filter-Array Processing for Adaptive Binaural Noise Reduction”, International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC 2012).

Becker, S., Hudde, H. (2012). "Der cochleäre Verstärker - Modelle und Ergebnisse", 38. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA 2012, Darmstadt, 2012.

Blauert, J. (2012). "Conceptual aspects regarding the qualification of spaces for aural performances", acta acustica united with Acustica  99, 1–13, 2012.

Blauert, J. (2012). "Modeling binaural processing: What next?" (Abstr.) J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 132, 1911, 2012.

Blauert, J. (2012). "A Perceptionist’s View on Psychoacoustics", Archives of Acoustics, Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 365–371, August 2012.

Blauert, J., Jekosch, U. (2012). "A Layer Model of Sound Quality", J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 60, No. 1/2, Jan.-Febr. pp. 4-12.

Blauert, J., Obermayer, K. (2012). "Rückkoppelungswege in Binauralmodellen", DAGA 2012, Darmstadt, pp. 215-216.

Blauert, J.,  Rabenstein, R. (2012). "Providing Surround Sound with Loudspeakers: A Synopsis of Current Methods",  Archives of Acoustics, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 5-18.

Borß, C., Martin, R. (2012). "On the Construction of Window Functions with Constant Overlap- add Constraint for Arbitrary Window Shifts", ICASSP, pp. 337-340, Kyoto, Japan, March 2012.

Dokku, R., Martin, R. (2012). “Detection of Stop Consonants in Continuous Noisy Speech Based on an Extrapolation Technique”, in Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Bucharest, Romania, pp. 2338-2342, 2012.

Antweiler, C., Telle, A., Vary, P., Enzner, G. (2012). “Perfect-sweep NLMS for time-variant acoustic system identification", Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Kyoto (Japan), March 2012.

Gergen, S., Borß, C., Madhu, N., Martin, R. (2012). " An Optimized Parametric Model for the Simulation of Reverberant Microphone Signals", IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing ICSPCC 2012, Hong Kong, August 2012.

Gergen, S., Grautstück, C., Martin, R. (2012). "Messtechnische Untersuchung der Akustik eines Elektroautos", 38. Jahrestagung für Akustik DAGA 2012, Darmstadt, März 2012.

Hudde, H., Becker, S. (2012). "Der cochleäre Verstärker - Modellvorstellungen zur Funktion des Cortiresonators", 38. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA 2012, Darmstadt, (2012).

Kolossa, D., Nickel, R., Zeiler, S., Martin, R. (2012). “Inventory-Based Audio-Visual Speech Enhancement”, Proc. Interspeech, Portland, Oregon, USA, September 9-13, 2012.

Jacobi, R. C., Hennig, A., Kolossa, D. (2012). „Simulation Methods for Inductively Coupled Sensor Systems in Varying Environments“, Proc. PRIME, Aachen, Germany, June 12-15, 2012.

Malik, S., Schmid, D., Enzner, G. (2012). "A State-Space Cross-Relation Approach to Adaptive Blind SIMO System Identification," IEEE Signal Process. Lett., vol. 19, no. 8, pp. 511-514, Aug. 2012.

Malik, S., Enzner, G. (2012). "State-Space Frequency-Domain Adaptive Filtering for Nonlinear Acoustic Echo Cancellation", IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech  Lang. Process., vol. 20, no. 7, pp. 2065-2079 , Sept. 2012.

Malik, S., Enzner, G. (2012). "Variational Bayesian Inference For Nonlinear Acoustic Echo Cancellation Using Adaptive Cascade Modeling", Publisher: Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Kyoto, Japan, March 2012.

Mowlaee, P., Saeidi, R., Martin, R. (2012). "Model-Driven Speech Enhancement for Multisource Reverberant Environment", Signal Separation Evaluation Campaign (SiSEC) 2011, in: Proc. The 10th International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Source Separation LVA/ICA 2012 , vol. 7191, pp. 454-461, 2012.

Mowlaee, P., Saeidi, R., Christensen, M., Martin, R. (2012). "Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment of Single-Channel Speech Separation Algorithms", ICASSP, pp. 69-72, Kyoto, Japan, March 2012.

Mowlaee, P., Saeidi, R., Christensen, M. G., Zheng-Hua Tan, Z.-H., Kinnunen,T., Fränti, P., Jensen, S. H. (2012). "A Joint Approach for Single-Channel Speaker Identification and Speech Separation", IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Vol. 20, No. 9, Nov. 2012.

Nagathil, A., Martin, R. (2012). "Optimal Signal Reconstruction from a Constant-Q Spectrum", ICASSP, pp. 349-352, Kyoto, Japan, March 2012.

Nickel, R., Astudillo, R., Kolossa, D., Zeiler, S., Martin, R. (2012). "Inventory-Style Speech Enhancement with Uncertainty-of- Observation Techniques", ICASSP, pp. 4645-4648, Kyoto, Japan, March 2012.

Schasse, A., Tendyck, C., Martin, R. (2012). "Improved Source Localisation Based on the Doppler Effect", Intern. Workshop on Acoustic, Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC), 2012.

Schasse, A., Martin, R., Soergel, W., Pilgrim, T., Puder, H. (2012). "Efficient Implementation of Single-Channel Noise Reduction for Hearing Aids Using a Cascaded Filter-Bank", Proc. ITG Symposium Speech Communication, 287-290, 2012.

Schlesinger, A. (2012). "Transient-Based Speech Transmission Index for Predicting Intelligibility in Nonlinear Speech Enhancement Processors", ICASSP, pp. 3993-3996, Kyoto, Japan, March 2012.

Schmid, D., Malik, S., Enzner, G. (2012). "A Maximum A Posteriori Approach to Multichannel Speech Dereverberation and Denoising," in Proc. Int. Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC), Aachen, Germany, Sep. 2012.

Schmid, D., Thüne, P., Kolossa, D., Enzner, G. (2012). "Dereverberation Preprocessing and Training Data Adjustments for Robust Speech Recognition in Reverberant Environments," in Proc. ITG Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation, Braunschweig, Germany, Sep. 2012.

Schmid, D., Malik, S., Enzner, G. (2012). "An Expectation-Maximization Algorithm for Multichannel Adaptive Speech Dereverberation in the Frequency-Domain," in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, and Signal Process. (ICASSP), Kyoto, Japan, Mar. 2012, pp. 17-20.

Schmid, D., Enzner, G. (2012). "Cross-Relation-Based Blind SIMO Identifiability in the Presence of Near-Common Zeros and Noise," IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 60-72, Jan. 2012.

Taghia, J., Hendriks, R., Martin, R. (2012). "On Mutual Information as a Measure of Speech Intelligibility", ICASSP, pp. 65-68, Kyoto, Japan, March 2012.

Thüne, P., Enzner, G. (2012). "Assessment of Multichannel Acoustic System Identification Using a Spectral-Importance Weighted Misalignment", International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC), Aachen, Germany, 2012.

Weinert, M., Enzner, G., Batke, J.-M., Jax, P. (2012). „Komfortable Messung und Bereitstellung individueller kopfbezogener Impulsantworten als OpenDAFF“, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Akustik (DAGA)/, Darmstadt (Germany), March 2012.


Becker, S., Hudde, H. (2011). "Netzwerkmodell des peripheren Gehörs - Nachbildung von menschenbezogenen Daten", 37. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA 2011, Düsseldorf, 371-372.

Blauert, J. (2011). "Epistemologic bases of binaural listening: A perceptionist’s approach", in: Proc. FORUM ACUSTICUM 2011, DK-Aalborg.

Blauert, J. (2011). "Speech-inherent functional onomatopoeia as a basis for emotional analysis of phones", in: Proc. Int. Symp. Auditory & Audiological Research, ISAAR 2011. Danavox Jubilee Foundation, DK-2750 Ballerup (in press).

Blauert, J., Braasch, J. (2011). "Binaural signal processing", in: Proc. 17th Int. IEEE Conf. Signal Processing, DSP 2011, GR-Corfu.

Blauert, J., Dominicus, R.-D. (2011). "Die Dinge, Gefühle und Gedanken der auralen Welt - eine epistemologische Analyse in Hinblick auf Qualitätsbeurteilung", in: W.G. Schmidt, ed., Klangwelten, de Gruyter, D–Berlin.

Blauert, J., Dominicus, R.-D., Jekosch, U. (2011). "Die Hörwelt aus perzeptionistischer Sicht: Gliederungshilfen für die Psychoakustik", Fortschr. Akust. DAGA’11, Dtsch. Ges. Akustik, D-Berlin.

Blume, H., Bischl, B., Botteck, M., Igel, C., Martin, R., Roetter, G., Rudolph, G., Theimer, W., Vatolkin, I., Weihs, C. (2011). "Huge Music Archives on Mobile Devices - Toward an Automated Dynamic Organization", IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 24-39 , Special Issue on Mobile Media Search, July 2011.

Borß, C. (2011). "Auralization of Nearby Sound Sources - Part 1: Near-Field Model", Proc. Annual Meeting of the German Acoust. Society (DAGA).

Borß, C. , Blauert, J. (2011). “Auralization of Nearby Sound Sources - Part 2: Evaluation”, in Proc. Annual Meeting of the German Acoust. Society (DAGA), Düsseldorf, Germany, Mar. 2011.

Braasch, J. & Blauert, J. (2011). "Stimulus-dependent adaption of inhibitory elements", in: Proc. FORUM ACUSTICUM 2011, DK–Aalborg.

Breithaupt, C., Martin, R. (2011). "Analysis of the Decision-Directed SNR Estimator for Speech Enhancement With Respect to Low-SNR and Transient Conditions", IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, pp. 277-289, Feb. 2011. ISSN 1558-8916.

Christensen M. G., Mowlaee P. (2011). “A New Metric for VQ-based Speech Enhancement and Single-Channel Speech Separation”, International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, pp. 4764 - 4768, March 2011.

Enzner, G. (2011). "Fast Range-Acquisition of Head-Related Impulse Responses", Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Akustik (DAGA), Düsseldorf, March 2011.

Enzner, G., Krawczyk, M., Hoffmann, F., Weinert, M. (2011). “3D Reconstruction of HRTF-Fields from 1D Continuous Measurements”, IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA), New Paltz (NY, USA), October 2011.

Hu, H., Taghia, J., Sang, J., Taghia, J., Mohammadiha, N., Azarpour, M., Dokku, R., Wang, S., Lutman, M. E., & Bleeck, S. (2011). Speech Enhancement via Combination of Wiener Filter and Blind Source Separation. In Y. Wang & T. Li (Eds.), Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing: Vol. 124. Practical applications of intelligent systems: Proceedings of the sixth International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering, Shanghai, China, Dec 2011 (ISKE2011) (Vol. 124, pp. 485–494). Springer. (

Hudde, H. (2011). "The Corti resonator - an actively driven system underlying the cochlear amplifier", in: Proceedings Forum Acusticum, Aalborg 2011, 1085-1089.

Kolossa, D. (2011). “High-Level Processing of Binaural Features”, Proc. Forum Acusticum, Aalborg, Denmark, June 27-July 1, 2011.

Kolossa, D., Fernandez Astudillo, R., Abad, A., Zeiler, S., Saeidi, R., Mowlaee, P., da Silva Neto, J.P., Martin, R. (2011). “CHiME Challenge: Approaches to Robustness using Beamforming and Uncertainty-of-Observation Techniques”, in Proc. CHiME Workshop on Machine Listening in Multisource Environments, Florence, Italy, Sept.1, 2011.

Madhu, N., Martin, R. (2011). "A Versatile Framework for Speaker Separation Using a Model-Based Speaker Localization Approach", IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 1900-1912, ISSN 1558-7916, Sept. 2011.

Madhu, N., Martin, R. (2011). "Low-complexity, Robust Algorithm for Sensor Anomaly Detection and Self-calibration of Microphone Arrays", IET Signal Processing, 5, 97-103, ISSN 1751-9675.

Malik, S., Enzner, G. (2011). "Fourier Expansion of Hammerstein Models for Nonlinear Acoustic System Identification", Publisher: Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Prague, Czech Republic, May 2011.

Malik, S. , Enzner, G. (2011). "Recursive Bayesian Control of Multichannel Acoustic Echo Cancellation", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 18, no. 11, pp. 619-622, Nov. 2011.

Martin, R., Gerkmann, T. (2011). "Besser Hören dank Algorithmen: Wie digitale Signalverarbeitung Hörgeräte verbessert und die Kommunikation erleichtert", rubin Wissenschaftsmagazin, Frühjahr 2011, Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Mowlaee, P., Saeidi, R., Tan, Z.-H., Christensen, M. G., Kinnunen, T., Jensen, S. H., Fränti, P (2011). “Sinusoidal-based Approach for Single-Channel Speech Separation Challenge”, in Proc. Interspeech 2011.

Nagathil, A., Göttel, P., Martin, R. (2011). “Hierarchical Audio Classification Using Cepstral Modulation Ratio Regressions Based on Legendre Polynomials,” in Proc. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Prague, Czech Republic, May 2011

Nickel, R., Martin, R. (2011). " Memory and Complexity Reduction for Inventory-Style Speech Enhancement Systems", Proc. EUSIPCO 2011, pp. 196-200.

Schmid, D., Enzner, G. (2011). "Evaluation of Adaptive Blind SIMO Identification in Terms of a Normalized Filter-Projection Misalignment," in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, and Signal Process. (ICASSP), Prague, Czech Republic, May 2011, pp. 4140-4143.

Taghia, Jalal, Taghia, Jalil, Mohammadiha, N., Sang, J., Vaclav Bouse, V., Martin, R. (2011). "An Evaluation of Noise Power Spectral Density Estimation Algorithms in Adverse Acoustic Environments", IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Prague, 2011.

Vlaming, M. S. M. G.,  Kollmeier, B., Dreschler, W.A., Martin, R., Wouters, J., Grover, B., Mohamad, Y., Houtgast, T. (2011). HearCom: "Hearing in the Communication Society", Acta Acoustica united with Acoustica, Vol. 97, No. 2, pp 175-192, March/April 2011.


Blauert, J., Braasch, J., Buchholz, J., Colburn, H.S., Jekosch, U., Kohlrausch, A., Mourjopoulos, J., Pulkki, V. & Raake, A. (2010), "Aural assessment by means of binaural algorithms – the AABBA project, " in: Buchholz, J.M., Dau, T., Dalsgaard, J.C. & Poulsen, T. (eds.) Binaural Processing and Spatial Hearing, Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. Auditory & Audiolog. Res. − ISAAR’09, 113–124, The Danavox Jubilee Foundation, DK−2750 Ballerup

Blauert, J. (2010). DIN 1320, Dezember 2009, "Akustik: Begriffe" - kommentiert aus der Sicht der Hörakustik, Z. Lärmbekämpf. 5, 117-119

Blauert, J. (2010). " Zur Terminologie der Hörakustik im Lichte der neuen DIN 1320", Fortschr. Akustik, DAGA’10, 611-612, D-Berlin

Blauert, J. & Rabenstein, R. (2010). " Schallfeldsynthese mit Lautsprechern I: Beschreibung und Bewertung", Proc. ITG Fachtg. Sprachkommunikation, ITG-Fachberichte, ITG, D-Frankfurt

Blauert, J. & Rabenstein, R. (2010). " Loudspeaker Methods for Surround Sound (2010) " , Proc. 57th Open Seminar of Acoustiscs, OSA’10, 21-28, Polish Acoust. Soc. Upper Silesien sect. PL-Gliwice

Rabenstein, R. & Blauert, J. (2010). "Schallfeldsynthese mit Lautsprechern II: Signalverarbeitung", Proc. ITG Fachtg. Sprachkommunikation, ITG-Fachberichte, ITG, D-Frankfurt

So, R.H.Y., Ngan, B., A. Horner, A., Braasch, J., Blauert, J. & Leung, K.L. (2010). "Toward orthogonal non-individualised head-related transfer functions for forward and backward directional sound: cluster analysis and an experimental study", Ergonomics 53, 767-781

Borß, C., Martin, R., Lyzenga, J. (2010). "Statistical Evaluation of Localization Performance and its Application in an Internet-Based Self-Screening Test Using a Virtual Environment", Acta Acustica united with Acustica, Vol. 96, pp. 936-946, 2010.

Borß, C., Martin, R. (2010). "Self-Screening of Localization   Performance in Adverse Acoustical Conditions", Int. Conference on Adult Hearing Screening (AHS 2010), Cernobbio (Como Lake), Italy, Jun. 2010.

Enzner, G.: "Bayesian inference model for applications of time-varying acoustic system identification", European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Aalborg (Denmark), August 2010.

Gergen S., Madhu, N., Martin, R. (2010). "A New Performance Criterion for Microphone Array Geometries and Filter-and-Sum Beamforming" ITG-Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation, Bochum, Germany, Oct. 2010.

Gergen, S., Madhu, N., Martin, R. (2010). "Performance characterization of linear arrays with respect to robust MVDR beamforming" International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC), Tel Aviv, Israel, Aug. 2010.

Gerkmann T., Martin, R. (2010). "Cepstral smoothing with reduced computational complexity." ITG-Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation, Bochum, Germany, Oct. 2010.

Gerkmann, T., Martin, R. (2010). "Empirical distributions of DFT-domain speech coefficients based on estimated speech variances." International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC), Tel Aviv, Israel, Aug. 2010.

Gerkmann, T., Krawczyk, M., Martin, R. (2010): "Speech presence probability estimation based on temporal cepstrum smoothing", Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 4254-4257, Mar. 2010.

He, Y., Martin, R., Bilgic, A.M. (2010). “Approximate Iterative Least Squares Algorithms for GPS Positioning”, IEEE Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT).

Hudde, H. (2010). "Zum Begriff des 'Trommelfellschalldrucks' - eine Neubetrachtung unter Verwendung Finiter Elemente", 36. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA 2010, Berlin, 75-76

Kolossa, D., Fernandez Astudillo, R., Zeiler, S. , Vorwerk, A., Lerch, D., Chong, J., Orglmeister, R. (2010). “Missing Feature Audiovisual Speech Recognition under Real-Time Constraints”, ITG Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation, paper 22, 4 pages, Bochum, Germany, October 6-8, 2010.

Vorwerk, A., Wang, X., Kolossa, D., Zeiler, S., Orglmeister, R. (2010). "WAPUSK20 - A Database for Robust Audiovisual Speech Recognition", Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on International Language Resources and Evaluation (ELREC), pp. 3016 – 3019, 2010.

Kolossa, D., Chong, J., Zeiler, S., Keutzer, K. (2010). “Efficient Manycore CHMM Speech Recognition for Audiovisual and Multistream Data”, Proc. Interspeech 2010, pp. 2698 – 2701, Makuhari, Japan, September 26-30, 2010.

Kohl, F. , Wübbeler, G., Kolossa, D., Elster, C., Bär, M., Orglmeister, R.(2010). "Noise adjusted PCA for finding the subspace of evoked dependent signals from MEG data”, Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation (LVA 2010), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 6365, pp. 442-449, September 2010.

Malik, S., Enzner, G. (2010). "Continuous HRTF acquisition vs. HRTF interpolation for binaural rendering of dynamical auditory virtual environments", ITG-Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation, Bochum, Germany, Oct. 2010.

Malik, S., Enzner, G. (2010). "Iterative learning of DFT-domain dynamical models subject to parameter variations", Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Aalborg, Denmark, pp. 845-849, August 2010.

Malik, S., Enzner, G. (2010). "Online Maximum-Likelihood Learning of Time-Varying Dynamical Models in Block-Frequency Domain", Publisher: Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Dallas, TX, pp. 3822-3825, March 2010.

Mauler, D., Martin, R. (2010). "Optimization of Switchable Windows for Low-Delay Spectral Analysis-Synthesis", IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 4718-4721, March 2010.

Nagathil, A., Vatolkin, I., Theimer, W. (2010). “Comparison of Partition-Based Audio Features for Music Classification,” in Proc. 9. ITG-Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation, Bochum, Germany, October 2010

Nagathil, A., Gerkmann, T., Martin, R. (2010). “Musical Genre Classification Based on a Highly-resolved Cepstral Modulation Spectrum,” in Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Aalborg, Denmark, pp. 462-466, August 2010

Nagathil, A., Gerkmann, T., Martin, R. (2010). “Cepstral Modulation Features for Classifying Audio Data,” in Proc. 36. Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA), Berlin, Germany, pp. 657-658, March 2010

Schasse, A., Martin, R. (2010). "Blind Separation of Acoustic Sources using the Teager-Kaiser Energy Operator", ITG-Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation, Bochum, Germany, Oktober 2010.

Schasse, A. , Martin, R. (2010). "Localization of acoustic sources based on the Teager-Kaiser energy operator", Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Aalborg, Denmark, August 2010.

Schmid, D., Thüne, P., Enzner, G. (2010). "A Real-Time Speech Dereverberation Environment Based on Multichannel Parametric Room Equalization," in Proc. ITG Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation, Bochum, Germany, Oct. 2010.

Schmid, D., Enzner, G. (2010). "A Parametric Least-Squares Approximation for Multichannel Equalization of Room Acoustics," in Proc. Int. Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC), Tel Aviv, Israel, Sep. 2010.

Pawig, M., Enzner, G., Vary, P. (2010). "Adaptive Sampling Rate Correction for Acoustic Echo Control in Voice-over-IP“, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 58, No. 1, January 2010


Antweiler, C., Enzner, G. (2009). “Perfect-sequence LMS for rapid continuous-azimuth acquisition of head-related impulse responses”, IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA), New Paltz (NY, USA), October 2009.

Blauert, J. & Guski, R. (2009). "Critique of "pure" psychoacoustics", Fortschr. Akust., NAG/DAGA’09, 1550-1551, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Berlin

Guski, R. & Blauert, J, (2009). " Psychoacoustics without psychology?" Fortschr. Akust. NAG/DAGA’09, 1518-1519, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Berlin

Blauert. J (2009). Editorship of: J. Blauert, J. Braasch, H. Fastl, V.Hamacher, D. Hammershoei, U. Heute, I. Holube, H. Hudde, U. Jekosch, G. Klump,
A. Kohlrausch, A. Lacroix, H. Moeller, S. Möller, J. N. Mourjopoulos, P. Novo & S.van der Par, Communication Acoustics, Chinese Edition. Science Press., Beijing. China

Borß, C. (2009). “A VST Reverberation Effect Plugin Based on Synthetic Room Impulse Responses”, in Proc. 12th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-09), Como, Italy, Sep. 2009.

Borß, C. (2009). "A Novel Approach for Optimally Matching a Late Reverberation Model to an Image Source Model - Or: What Does a Football Have to Do With Shoebox Shaped Rooms?", in Proc. Auralization Symposium of the European Acoustics Association, Espoo, Finland, Jun. 2009.

Borß, C., Martin, R. (2009). "An Improved Parametric Model for Perception-Based Design of Virtual Acoustics", in AES 35th Int. Conference, London, UK, Feb. 2009.

Enzner, G. (2009). "3D-continuous-azimuth acquisition of head-related impulse responses using multi-channel adaptive filtering”, IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA), New Paltz (NY, USA), October 2009.

Enzner, G. (2009). “Model-based interrelations of adaptive filter algorithms in acoustic echo control”, Special Session on Speech Enhancement in IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing, Victoria (B.C., Canada), August 2009.

Gerkmann, T., Martin, R. (2009). "On the Statistics of Spectral Amplitudes After Variance Reduction by Temporal Cepstrum Smoothing and Cepstral Nulling", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 57, no. 11, pp. 4165-4174, Nov. 2009.

Gerkmann, T., Martin, R., Dalga, D. (2009). "Multi-Microphone Maximum A Posteriori Fundamental Frequency Estimation in the Cepstral Domain", IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 4505-4508, Apr. 2009.

Guski, R. & Blauert, J., (2009). "Psychoacoustics without psychology?" Fortschr. Akust. NAG/DAGA’09, 1518-1519, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Berlin

Hudde, H., Schmidt, S. (2009). "Sound fields in generally shaped curved ear canals", J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 125 (5), 3146-3157.

Hudde, H., Schmidt, S. (2009). "Fundamental sound fields in the core region of curved ear canals", Proceedings NAG/DAGA 2009 – Rotterdam, 1280-1283.

Martin, R., Nagathil, A. (2009). “Cepstral Modulation Ratio Regression (CMRARE) Parameters for Audio Signal Analysis and Classification,” IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Taipei, Taiwan,pp. 321-324, April 2009

Mauler, D., Martin, R. (2009). "Improved Reproduction of Stops in Noise Reduction Systems with Adaptive Windows and Nonstationarity Detection,” EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing/, vol. 2009, Article ID 469480, 17 pages, 2009. doi:10.1155/2009/469480

Schmid, D., Enzner, G. (2009). "Robust Subsystems for Iterative Multichannel Blind System Identification and Equalization," in Proc. IEEE Pacific Rim Conf. Commun., Comput., Signal Process., Victoria, BC, Canada, Aug. 2009, pp. 889-893.
Schmidt, S., Hudde, H. (2009). "Accuracy of acoustic ear canal impedances: Finite ele-ment simulation of measurement methods using a coupling tube", J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 125 (6), 3819-3827

Schmidt, S., Hudde, H. (2009). "Features of sound fields within and outside the ear canal", Proceedings NAG/DAGA 2009 – Rotterdam, 1284-1287.


Blauert, J (2008). "3-D-Lautsprecher-Wiedergabemethoden", Fortschr. Akust. DAGA’08, 25-26, Dtsch. Ges. Akustik, D-Berlin.

Blauert, J (2008). "Concepts in sound quality", Master-Class Lecture (90 min), Audio Engr. Soc, New York NY, last access 1.1.09

Borß, C., Martin, R. (2008). "Interactive Auditory Virtual Environments for Mobile Devices", 10th Int. Conf. on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI), Amsterdam, Netherlands, Sep. 2008.

Borß, C., A. Silzle, A., Martin, R. (2008). " Internet-Based Interactive Auditory Virtual Environment Generators", 14th International Conference on Auditory Display, Paris, France, June 2008.

Borß, C. (2008). "Effcient ynchronous Resampling of Audio Signals for Spatial Rendering of Mirror Image Sources", Proc. Annual Meeting of the German Acoust. Society , 34. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA '08, D-Dresden.

Breithaupt, C., Gerkmann, T., Martin, R. (2008). "A Novel A Priori SNR Estimation Approach Based on Selective Cepstro-Temporal Smoothing", IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 4897-4900, Apr. 2008.

Breithaupt, C., Krawczyk, M., Martin, R. (2008). "Parameterized MMSE Spectral Magnitude Estimation for the Enhancement of Noisy Speech", in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Las Vegas.

Eneman, K., Luts, H., Wouters, J., Büchler, M., Dillier, N., Dreschler, W., Froehlich, M., Grimm, G., Hohmann, V., Houben, R., Leijon, A., Lombard, A., Mauler, D., Moonen, M., Puder, H., Schulte, M., Spriet, A. and Vormann, M. (2008). "Evaluation of Signal Enhancement Algorithms for Hearing Instruments", 16th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2008.

Enzner, G. (2008). "Analysis and Optimal Control of LMS-type Adaptive Filtering for Continuous-Azimuth Acquisition of Head Related Impulse Responses", in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) , Las Vegas, April 2008.

Enzner, G. and Pauls, M. (2008). "VDA Bewertung der modellbasierten Optimalfilterung für die Echounterdrückung in KFZ-Freisprechsystemen“, 34. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA '08, D-Dresden.

Gerkmann, T., Breithaupt, C., Martin, R. (2008): "Bias Compensation for Cepstro-Temporal Smoothing of Spectral Filter Gains", 8. ITG-Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation, Okt. 2008.

Gerkmann, T, Breithaupt, C., Martin, R. (2008). "Improved A Posteriori Speech Presence Probability Estimation Based on a Likelihood Ratio With Fixed Priors", IEEE Trans. on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, pp. 910-919, Vol. 16, No. 5, Jul. 2008.

Hudde, H. (2008). "Die Sinus-Impuls-Analogie der Basilarmembran als Ursprung der Frequenzgruppen", 34. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust. (DAGA '08), D-Dresden.

Luts, H., Eneman, K., Wouters, J., Büchler, M., Dillier, N., Dreschler, W., Froehlich, M., Grimm, G., Harlander, N., Hohmann, V., Houben, R., Jansen, S., Leijon, A., Lombard, A., Mauler, D., Moonen, M., Puder, H., Schulte, M., Spriet, A. and Vormann, M. (2008). "Perceptual evaluation of signal enhancement strategies for hearing aids: a multicenter study", International Hearing Aid Research Conference (IHCON), Lake Tahoe, CA, USA, 2008.

Madhu, N., Martin, R. (2008). "A Scalable Framework for Multiple Speaker Localization and Tracking", 11th Int. Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC), Seattle, WA, USA., September 14-17, 2008.

Madhu, N., Martin, R. (2008). "SCORE: A Low Complexity Robust Algorithm for the Detection of Corrupt Sensors and Self-Calibration of Microphone Arrays", 11th Int. Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC), Seattle, WA, USA., September 14-17, 2008.

Madhu, N., Breithaupt, C., Martin, R. (2008). "Temporal Smoothing of Spectral Masks in the Cepstral Domain for Speech Separation", in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) , Las Vegas.

Madhu, N., Tashev, I., Acero, A. (2008). "An EM-Based Probabilistic Approach for Acoustic Echo Suppression", in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) , Las Vegas.

Martin, R., Breithaupt, C. (2008). "Analysis and Control of Statistical Fluctuations in Noise Reduction Systems", International Hearing Aid Research Conference (IHCON), Lake Tahoe, U.S.A. (Abstract + Poster).

Martin, R., Enzner, G. (2008). "Speech enhancement in hearing aids - from noise suppression to rendering of auditory scenes", Proc. 25th Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel, pp. 363-367, Eilat, Israel.

Malik, S., Enzner, G. (2008). "Model–Based Vs. Traditional Frequency–Domain Adaptive Filtering in the Presence of Continuous Double–Talk and Acoustic Echo Path Variability", Proc. of Int. Workshop for Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC), Seattle (Washington), USA, Sept. 2008.

Mauler, D., Gerkmann, T., Martin, R. (2008). "An Analysis of Quefrency Selective Temporal Smoothing of the Cepstrum in Speech Enhancement", 11th Int. Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC), Seattle, WA, USA., September 14-17, Sep 2008.

Schmidt, S., Hudde, H. (2008). "Measurement of equal-loudness contours using eardrum pressure as reference signal." Proc. of Acoustics'08 SFA, ASA, EAA Conference, Paris.

Schmidt, S., Hudde, H. (2008). "Ein eindimensionales Hörgerätemodell zur Evaluation akustischer Zusatzelemente in der Otoplastik." 34. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust. (DAGA '08), D-Dresden.

Schmidt, S., Hudde, H. (2008). "Messung von Isophonen mit Bezug auf den Schalldruck am Trommelfell", 34. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust. (DAGA '08), D-Dresden.

Ahrens, C., J. Braasch, Schmidt, S. (2008). "Documenting the acoustics of the Silbermann pipe organ at the Catholic Cathedral in Dresden before and after the restoration of 2002", Proc. of Acoustics'08 SFA, ASA, EAA Conference, Paris.


Blauert, J. (2007). "Zeitmanagement für Doktoranden", 33. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA '07, pp. 169–170, D-Stuttgart.

Blauert, J. & Jekosch, U. (2007). "Auditory quality of concert halls – the problem of the references", Proc. 19th Int. Congr. Acoust. (ICA 2007) Madrid, paper RBA 06-004, Soc. Española de Acoustica, ES–Madrid.

Braasch, J, Savita, H.V. & Blauert, J. (2007). "Modeling the Precedence Effect for percussive sounds with different attack transients", Proc. 19th Int. Congr. Acoust., paper PPA 05–001 (ICA 2007) Madrid, Soc. Española de Acoustica, ES–Madrid.

Blauert, J., Braasch, J. (2007). “Räumliches Hören”, in: Weinzierl, Ed.: Handbuch der Audiotechnik, 87-122, Springer Berlin-Heidelberg-New York.

C. Breithaupt, T. Gerkmann, R. Martin (2007). "Cepstral Smoothing of Spectral Filter Gains for Speech Enhancement Without Musical Noise", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 14, no. 12, pp. 1036–1039, Dec. 2007.

Hendriks, R. C., Martin R. (2007). "MAP Estimators for Speech Enhancement Under Normal and Rayleigh Inverse Gaussian Distributions", IEEE Trans. on Speech, Audio and Language Processing, Vol. 15, no 3, pp. 918-927.

Hudde, H. (2007). "Conceptual design of the human middle ear", in: Middle ear me-chanics in research and otology, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore 2007, pp. 197-204.

Hudde, H. (2007). "Über vier Funktionsprinzipien des menschlichen Mittelohrs", 33. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA '07, pp. 721-722, D-Stuttgart.

Mauler, D. and Martin, R. (2007). "A Low Delay, Variable Resolution, Perfect Reconstruction Spectral Analysis-Synthesis System for Speech Enhancement", Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Poznan, Poland, pp. 222-227, 3-7 September, 2007.

Mauler, D., Nagathil, A., Martin, R. (2007). "On Optimal Estimation of Compressed Speech for Hearing Aids," in Proc. Interspeech, Antwerp, Belgium, August 2007

Möller, S., Smeele, P., Boland, H., Krebber, J. (2007). "Evaluating Spoken Dialogue Systems According to De-Facto Standards: A Case Study", Computer Speech and Language 21, pp. 26-53.

Schmidt, S., Hudde, H. (2007). "Reicht eine einzelne Mikrofonsonde für die trommelfellbezogene Audiometrie aus?" 33. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA '07, pp. 725-726, D-Stuttgart.

Schmidt, S. (2007). "Three-dimensional sound propagation in the ear canal affects measurement", Workshop "Acoustics of individual ear canals", Audiologieinitiative Niedersachsen, Oldenburg.

Silzle, A., Borß C. (2007). “Latency Annoyance of Interactive Auditory Virtual Environments”, 33. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA '07, pp. 867-868, D-Stuttgart.

Silzle, A. (2007). "Generation of Quality Taxonomies for Auditory Virtual Environments by Means of a Systematic Expert Survey ”, ICA 2007, Madrid, 33. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA '07, pp. 869-870, D-Stuttgart..

Silzle, A. (2007). “Quality Taxonomies for Auditory Virtual Environments”, 122nd AES Convention, Vienna.


Blauert, J. (2007). "Zeitmanagement für Doktoranden", 33. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA '07, pp. 169–170, D-Stuttgart.

Blauert, J. & Jekosch, U. (2007). "Auditory quality of concert halls – the problem of the references", Proc. 19th Int. Congr. Acoust. (ICA 2007) Madrid, paper RBA 06-004, Soc. Española de Acoustica, ES–Madrid.

Braasch, J, Savita, H.V. & Blauert, J. (2007). "Modeling the Precedence Effect for percussive sounds with different attack transients", Proc. 19th Int. Congr. Acoust., paper PPA 05–001 (ICA 2007) Madrid, Soc. Española de Acoustica, ES–Madrid.

Blauert, J., Braasch, J. (2007). “Räumliches Hören”, in: Weinzierl, Ed.: Handbuch der Audiotechnik, 87-122, Springer Berlin-Heidelberg-New York.

C. Breithaupt, T. Gerkmann, R. Martin (2007). "Cepstral Smoothing of Spectral Filter Gains for Speech Enhancement Without Musical Noise", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 14, no. 12, pp. 1036–1039, Dec. 2007.

Hendriks, R. C., Martin R. (2007). "MAP Estimators for Speech Enhancement Under Normal and Rayleigh Inverse Gaussian Distributions", IEEE Trans. on Speech, Audio and Language Processing, Vol. 15, no 3, pp. 918-927.

Hudde, H. (2007). "Conceptual design of the human middle ear", in: Middle ear me-chanics in research and otology, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore 2007, pp. 197-204.

Hudde, H. (2007). "Über vier Funktionsprinzipien des menschlichen Mittelohrs", 33. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA '07, pp. 721-722, D-Stuttgart.

Mauler, D. and Martin, R. (2007). "A Low Delay, Variable Resolution, Perfect Reconstruction Spectral Analysis-Synthesis System for Speech Enhancement", Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Poznan, Poland, pp. 222-227, 3-7 September, 2007.

Mauler, D., Nagathil, A., Martin, R. (2007). "On Optimal Estimation of Compressed Speech for Hearing Aids," in Proc. Interspeech, Antwerp, Belgium, August 2007

Möller, S., Smeele, P., Boland, H., Krebber, J. (2007). "Evaluating Spoken Dialogue Systems According to De-Facto Standards: A Case Study", Computer Speech and Language 21, pp. 26-53.

Schmidt, S., Hudde, H. (2007). "Reicht eine einzelne Mikrofonsonde für die trommelfellbezogene Audiometrie aus?" 33. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA '07, pp. 725-726, D-Stuttgart.

Schmidt, S. (2007). "Three-dimensional sound propagation in the ear canal affects measurement", Workshop "Acoustics of individual ear canals", Audiologieinitiative Niedersachsen, Oldenburg.

Silzle, A., Borß C. (2007). “Latency Annoyance of Interactive Auditory Virtual Environments”, 33. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA '07, pp. 867-868, D-Stuttgart.

Silzle, A. (2007). "Generation of Quality Taxonomies for Auditory Virtual Environments by Means of a Systematic Expert Survey ”, ICA 2007, Madrid, 33. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA '07, pp. 869-870, D-Stuttgart..

Silzle, A. (2007). “Quality Taxonomies for Auditory Virtual Environments”, 122nd AES Convention, Vienna.Ahrens, Ch., Schmidt, S., Braasch, J. (2006). "Wiedergewonnene spätbarocke Strahlkraft. Zur Wiederherstellung des historischen Stimmtons der Silbermann-Orgel in der Dresdner Hofkirche" organ - Journal für die Orgel, 2006/04, Schott-Verlag Mainz, 2006.

Ahrens, C., Schmidt, S., et al. (2006). "Wie nah sind wir dem Klang von 1755?" RUBIN Wissenschaftsmagazin der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 1/2006.

Blauert, J. (2006). "Scheinwelten, Wirkwelten … und die Wurzeln der Psychoakustik", 32. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA '06, pp. 303-304, D-Braunschweig.

Blauert, J. (2006). "Reality, virtual reality - and the roots of psychoacoustics", Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Perceptive Quality of Systems, 149-151, D-Berlin.

Borß, C., Silzle, A., Martin, R. (2006): "Interactive Auditory Virtual Environments for Self-Screening Hearing Tests", 13. Tag der Biomedizinischen Technik, Bochum.

Borß, C. (2006). "Audioübertragung mit geringer Latenz für interaktive Web-Services", 32. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA '06, pp. 249-250, D-Braunschweig.

Breithaupt, C., Martin, R. (2006). "Statistical analysis and performance of DFT domain noise reduction filters for robust speech recognition", in: Proc. 9th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP 2006, 17-21 September 2006, USA-Pittsburgh, PA, pp. 365-368.

Breithaupt, C., Schwarz, J., Martin,R. (2006). "Geräuschreduktion für die robuste Spracherkennung", Fachtagung "Sprachkommunikation" der Informationstechnischen Gesellschaft (ITG), Kiel, 2006.

Breithaupt, C., Martin, R. (2006). "Voice activity detection in the DFT domain based on a parametric noise model", Proc. of the Int. Worksh. of Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC), Paris, 2006.

Gerkmann, T., Martin, R. (2006). "Soft Decision Combining for Dual Channel Noise Reduction", ISCA Interspeech, pp. 2134–2137, Sep. 2006.

Hudde, H. (2006). “Conceptual Design” of the Human Middle Ear”, 4th Symposium on Middle Ear Mechanics in Research and Otology, MEMRO 2006, Zürich, Switzerland.

Hudde, H., Weistenhoefer, C. (2006). "Key features of the human middle ear", Journal for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 68: pp. 324-328.

Krebber, J., Drullman, R., Eneman, K., Huber, R., Jekosch, U., Luts, H., Martin, R. (2006). "Enhancement of Telephone Situations for Hearing Impaired" , Proceedings of the Conference and Workshop on Assistive Technologies for Vision and Hearing Impairment Technology for Inclusion, M.A. Hersh (ed), 2006.

Madhu N., Gückel, A. and Martin, R. (2006). "Combined Beamforming and Frequency Domain ICA for Source Separation", IWAENC, September 2006.

Madhu, N., Martin, R., et al. (2006). "Brake Squeal Localization", 32. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA '06, pp. 725-726, D-Braunschweig.

Martin, R. (2006). "Bias Compensation Methods for Minimum Statistics Noise Power Spectral Density Estimation", Signal Processing, Vol.86, Issue 6, June 2006, pp.1215-1229.

Mauler, D. and Martin, R. (2006). "Noise Power Spectral Density Estimation on Highly Correlated Data", 10th Int. Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC), Paris, France, September 12-14, 2006.

Möller, S., Raake, A., Kitawaki, N., Takahashi, A., Wältermann, M. (2006). "Impairment Factor Framework for Wideband Speech Codecs", IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 14(6), pp. 1969-1976.

Rosca, J., Gerkmann, T., et al. (2006). "Statistical Inference of Missing Speech Data in the ICA Domain", IEEE ICASSP, vol. 5, pp. 617–620, May 2006.

Sauert, B., Enzner, G. and Vary, P. (2006)."Near End Listening Enhancement with Strict Loudspeaker Output Power Constraining”, Proc. of International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC), Paris (France), September 2006.

Schmidt, S., Hudde, H. (2006). "Messtechnische Konsequenzen der dreidimensionalen Schalleinkopplung in den Gehörgang", 32. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA '06, pp. 127-128, D-Braunschweig.

Scholz, K., Wältermann, M., et al. (2006). "Messtechnische Erfassung der Qualitätsdimension 'Direktheit/Frequenzgehalt' zur instrumentellen Analyse und Beurteilung von Sprachqualität", 32. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA '06, pp. 459-460, D-Braunschweig.

Scholz, K., Wältermann, M., Huo, L., Raake, A., Möller, S., Heute, U.(2006). "Estimation of the Quality Dimension 'Directness/Frequency Content' for the Instrumental Assessment of Speech Quality", in: Proc. 9th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP 2006, 17-21 September 2006, USA-Pittsburgh, PA, 1523-1526.

Scholz, K., Wältermann, M., Huo, L., Raake, A., Möller, S., Heute, (2006). "Vergleich der instrumentellen Erfassung der Qualitätsdimension 'Direktheit/Frequenzgehalt' bei Schmalband- und Breitbandsprache", in: 7. ITG-Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation, D-Kiel, 26.-28. April 2006, VDE Verlag, D-Berlin.

Silzle, A. (2006). "Towards a New Method for Developing "Objective" Quality Taxonomies", 2nd ISCA/DEGA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems, Berlin, Germany.

Silzle, A. (2006). "Länge von Außenohr-Impulsantworten und Auswahl von Reflexionen für interaktive auditive virtuelle Umgebungen", 32. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA '06, pp. 695-696, D-Braunschweig.

Taschke, H., Hudde, H. (2006). "A finite element model of the human head for auditory bone conduction simulation", Journal for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 68: 319-323.

Voges, C., Martin, R., et al. (2006). "Algorithms of Audiovisual Speaker Localisation in Reverberant Acoustic Environments", WPNC`06, pp.75-80.

Wältermann, M., Raake, A., Möller, S. (2006). "Perceptual Dimensions of Wideband-transmitted Speech", in: 2nd ISCA/DEGA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems, 4-6 September 2006, D-Berlin,103-108.

Wältermann, M., Scholz, K. , et al. (2006). "Qualitätsdimensionen bei der Sprachübertragung in modernen Telekommunikationsnetzen", 32. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA '06, pp. 457-458, D-Braunschweig.

Wältermann, M., Scholz, K., Raake, A., Heute, U., Möller, S. (2006). "Underlying Quality Dimensions of Modern Telephone Connections", in: Proc. 9th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP 2006, 17-21 September 2006, USA-Pittsburgh, PA, pp. 2170-2173.


Blauert, J., Braasch, J. (2005). "Acoustical communication: the Precedence Effect", Proc. Forum Acusticum Budapest 2005, HU-Budapest.

Blauert, J. (2005). "Analysis and synthesis of auditory scenes (2005)", Communication Acoustics, pp. 1-26, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York NY.

Blauert, J., Jekosch, U. , (2005). "Noise quality: What's the problem?", Proc. 3rd Congr. Austrian-Alps-Adria Acoust. Soc., pp. 18-25, HR-Opatje.

Blauert, J., Jekosch, U. (2005). "Product-sound quality - What is the problem?", Proc. Int. Conf. Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies & Results, S7-P1, GR-Crete.

Blauert, J., Jekosch, U. (2005). "Sprachtechnologie-Forschung am Institut für Kommunikationsakustik in Bochum", Festschrift für Prof. Endres, Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation, w.e.b. Universitätsverlag, D-Dresden

Blauert, J., Jekosch, U., Möller, S. (2005). "30 Years of Speech-Technology Research at the Institute of Communication Acoustics - and the Philosophy Behind It ", in: Proc. 10th Int. Conf. on Speech and Computer, SPECOM 2005, GR-Patras, 17-19 Oct. 2005, pp. 49-56.

Braasch, J., Schmidt, S. (2005). "Modeling of binaural hearing", in Communication Acoustics (J. Blauert, Ed.), Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: 30 pages.

Breithaupt, C., Martin, R. (2005). "Methoden der Signalverarbeitung für die robuste Spracherkennung", 31. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA'05, pp. 313-314, D-München.

Breithaupt, C., Madhu, N., et al. (2005). "A Robust Steerable Realtime Multichannel Noise Reduction System", 2005 Joint Workshop on Hands-Free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays, HSCMA2005.

Curdes, Y., Taschke, H., Hudde, H. (2005). "BOHEAR - Mittel- und Innenohrmodell", Berichtsband der achten Jahrestagung der DGA, D-Göttingen.

Curdes, Y., Taschke, H., Hudde, H. (2005). "Schwingungsformen der menschlichen Ossikelkette bei Knochenschallanregung", 31. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA'05, pp. 427-428, D-München.

Hess, W., Blauert, J. (2005). "Evaluation of auditory spatial impression in performance spaces ", in FORUM ACUSTICUM BUDAPEST 2005, HU-Budapest.

Heute, U., Möller, S., Raake, A., Scholz, K., Wältermann, M. (2005). "Integral and Diagnostic Speech-Quality Measurement: State of the Art, Problems, and New Approaches", in: Proc. 4th European Congress on Acoustics, Forum Acusticum Budapest 2005, HU-Budapest, pp. 1695-1700.
Hudde, H. (2005). "BOHEAR - BOchum Head and EAR Model", DGA Göttingen 2005, Dtsch. Ges. f. Audiologie.

Hudde, H., Müller, M. (2005). "Einfluss der Gehörgangsform auf die Transformationseigenschaften des Gehörgangs", 31. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA'05, pp. 421-422, D-München.

Hudde, H. (2005). "Flexibility - an important feature of the human middle ear's ossicular chain", in: Proceedings Forum Acusticum, Budapest 2005: pp. 209-214.

Hudde, H. (2005). " A functional view on the peripheral human hearing organ", Communication Acoustics. J. Blauert, Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York NY: pp. 47-74.

Hudde, H. (2005). "Wiederherstellung von Hörfunktionen. Interaktive und autonome Systeme der Medizintechnik - Funktionswiederherstellung und Organersatz", J. Werner, Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag: pp. 455-487.

Jekosch, U. (2005). "Assigning meanings to sounds: Semiotics in the context of product-sound design", in: J. Blauert (ed.) Communications Acoustics, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York NY.

Jekosch, U., Blauert, J. (2005). "Einige Grundüberlegungen zur Qualität von Geräuschen", 31. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA'05, pp. 5-6, D-München.

Jekosch, U., Blauert., J. (2005). "Schritte zu einer vereinheitlichten Theorie der Qualität von Geräuschen", in: Zeitschrift f. Lärmbekämpfg. 52, pp. 87-81.

Madhu, N. , Martin, R. (2005). "Robust Speaker Localization Through Adaptive Weighted Pair TDOA (AWEPAT) Estimation", INTERSPEECH-2005, pp. 2341-2344, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2005.

Martin, R. (2005). "Speech Enhancement Based on Minimum Mean Square Error Estimation and Supergaussian Priors", IEEE Trans. Speech and Audio Processing, Vol. 13, No.5, pp. 845 - 856.

Merimaa, J., Hess, W., Blauert, J. (2005). "Der auditive Raumeindruck in zwei Konzertsäälen stark unterschiedlicher Größe", 31. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA'05, pp. 669 - 670, D-München.

Möller, S. (2005). "Evaluating Telephone-Based Interactive Systems", in: Proc. COST278 and ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Applied Spoken Language Interaction in Distributed Environments (ASIDE2005), invited paper, DK-Aalborg, 10-11 Nov. 2005.

Möller, S., Krebber, J., Smeele, P. (2005). "Evaluating the Speech Output Component of a Smart-Home System", Speech Communication 48, pp. 1-27.

Möller, S. (2005). ITU-T Contribution COM 12-17: Proposal for a New Supplement to P-Series Rec. "Parameters Describing the Interaction with Spoken Dialogue Systems", Federal Republic of Germany, ITU-T SG12 Meeting, 17-21 October 2005, CH-Geneva.
Möller, S., Raake, A. (2005)." ITU-T Delayed Contribution D.029: Preliminary Equipment Impairment Factors for Wideband Speech Codecs", Federal Republic of Germany, ITU-T SG12 Meeting, 18-27 January 2005, CH-Geneva.

Möller, S. (2005)." ITU-T Delayed Contribution D.030: Proposal for Parameters Describing the Performance of Speech Technology Devices", Federal Republic of Germany (Author: S. Möller), ITU-T SG12 Meeting, 18-27 January 2005, CH-Geneva.

Möller, S. (2005). "Neue ITU-T-Empfehlungen zur Evaluierung telefonbasierter Sprachdialogdienste", in: Informatik 2005 - Beiträge der 35. Jahrest. d. Ges. f. Informatik e.V. (A. B. Cremers, R. Manthey, P. Martini, V. Steinhage, eds.), GI Lecture Notes in Informatics, DE-Bonn, Vol. 2, 587-591.

Möller, S. (2005). "Parameters for Quantifying the Interaction with Spoken Dialogue Telephone Services", in: Proc. 6th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue, PT-Lisboa, 166-177.
Möller, S. (2005). "Perceptual Quality Dimensions of Spoken Dialogue Systems: A Review and New Experimental Results", in: Proc. 4th European Congress on Acoustics (Forum Acusticum Budapest 2005), HU-Budapest, 2681-2686.

Möller, S., Raake, A. (2005)."Quantifying the Quality Difference Between Narrow-Band and Wideband Speech Codecs", Fortschritte der Akustik, Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 31. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA'05, pp. 157-158, D-München.

Möller, S. (2005). "Towards Developing Speech-Quality Recognizers: Some Basic Considerations on the Structure of Quality Prediction Models", in: Electronic Speech Signal Processing. Proc. 16th Conf. joint with 15th Czech-German Workshop Speech Processing, CZ-Prague (R. Vich, ed.), TUDpress, DE-Dresden, 245-252.

Möller, S. (2005). "Towards Generic Quality Prediction Models for Spoken Dialogue Systems - A Case Study", in: Proc. 9th European Conf. on Speech Communication and Technology, Interspeech 2005, PT-Lisboa, 2489-2492.

Novo, P. (2005). "Auditory Virtual Environments ", in: J. Blauert (ed.) Communications Acoustics, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York NY.

Pegam, R., Krebber, J., Jekosch, U. (2005). „Benutzererwartungen im Zusammenhang mit dem Sprachdialogsystem INSPIRE“, DAGA 2005, München, pp. 251-252.

Raake, A., Möller, S. (2005). "Quality Degradation Due to Linear and Non-linear Distortion of Wideband Speech ", in: Proc. 4th European Congress on Acoustics (Forum Acusticum Budapest 2005), HU-Budapest, 1683-1688.

Schmidt, S., Hudde, H. (2005). "BOHEAR - Außenohrmodell", Berichtsband der achten Jahrestagung der DGA, D-Göttingen.

Schmidt, S., Hudde, H. (2005). "Systematische Fehler bei akustischen Gehörgangsmessungen", 31. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA'05, pp. 423-424, D-München.

Schmidt, S. (2005). " Which sound pressure level does a hearing aid produce at the eardrum?", 2. Oldenburg hearing aid developer's forum, Oldenburg

Silzle, A. (2005). "Taxonomie und Optimierungsmethode für Systeme zur Generierung von auditiven virtuellen Umgebungen", 31. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA'05, pp. 533-534, D-München.

Taschke, H., Hudde, H. (2005). "Aspekte der Knochenschallleitung", 31. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., DAGA'05, pp. 425-426, D-München.

Wältermann, M., Möller, S. (2005). "ITU-T Delayed Contribution D.071: Perceptual Correlates of the E-Model's Impairment Factors", Federal Republic of Germany, ITU-T SG12 Meeting, 17-21 October 2005, CH-Geneva.

Wältermann, M., Raake, A., Möller, S. (2005). "Quality Dimensions of Narrow-Band and Wideband Telephone Connections", in: 2nd ETSI Workshop on Wideband Speech Quality in Terminals and Networks: Assessment and Prediction, DE-Mainz, 22-23 June 2005, European Telecommunications Standards Institute, FR-Sophia Antipolis.


Blauert, J., Raake, A., Möller, S., Jekosch, U., Altinsoy, E., Novo, P. (2004). "Stationäre und nicht-stationäre Beiträge zur Qualität von Sprache und Geräuschen", Final Project Report, PROCOPE collaboration with LMA-CNRS, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität, D-Bochum.

Braasch, J., Blauert, J. (2004). "Modelling the Precedence Effect for Noise Bursts of Different Durations", CFA/DAGA 2004, Strasbourg, pp. 209-21.

Braasch, J., Schmidt, S. (2004). "Expression Devices in Pipe Organs", in: Proc. 7. Congrès Français d'Acoustique / 30. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., CFA/DAGA'04, pp. 1231-1232, F-Strassburg.

Curdes, Y., Hudde, H., Taschke, H. (2004). "Modelling the Dynamic Behaviour of the Human Middle Ear Using the Finite-Element Method", in: Proc. 7. Congrès Français d'Acoustique / 30. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., CFA/DAGA'04, pp. 935-936, F-Strassburg.

Enzner, G., Mauler, D., Vary, P. (2004). "Realtime Performance of Acoustic Echo Canceler and Postfilter for Residual Echo Suppression in the Car Environment" in Proc. of Joint Congress: 7eme Congres Francais d'Acoustique (CFA) and 30. Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA), Strasbourg, France, March 2004.

Gretzki, R. and Silzle, A. (2004). “A New Method for Elevation Panning Reducing the Size of the Resulting Auditory Events”,in: Proc. 7. Congrès Français d'Acoustique / 30. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., CFA/DAGA'04, pp. 443-444, F-Strassburg.

Hess, W. (2004). "Examination of Binaural Activity Patterns", in: Proc. 7. Congrès Français d'Acoustique / 30. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., CFA/DAGA'04, pp. 889-890, F-Strassburg.

Hess, W. (2004). "Influence of head-tracking on spatial perception", Proc. of the AES 117th convention, San Francisco.

Raake, A. (2004). "E-Model: Additivity of Burst Packet Loss Impairment with other Impairment Types", ITU-T Delayed Contribution D.221, Germany, ITU-T SG 12 Meeting, CH-Geneva, 24-31 March 2004.

Raake, A. (2004). "Speech Transmission Quality under 2-state Markov Loss and Implications for the E-model", ITU-T Delayed Contribution D.222, Germany, ITU-T SG 12 Meeting, CH-Geneva, 24-31 March 2004.

Jekosch, U. (2004). "Basic Concepts and Terms of 'Quality', Reconsidered in the Context of Product-Sound Quality", in: Acta Acustica 90, pp. 999-1006.

Krebber, J., Möller, S., Pegam, R., Raake, A., Melichar, M., Rajman, M. (2004). "Wizard of Oz Tests for a Dialogue System for Smart Homes", in: Proc. 7. Congrès Français d'Acoustique / 30. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., CFA/DAGA'04, pp. 1149-1150, F-Strassburg.

Martin, R., Malah, D., Cox, R.V., Accardi, A.J. (2004). "A Noise Reduction Preprocessor for Mobile Voice Communication", Journal of Applied Signal Processing, JASP, No.8, pp. 1046-1058.

Merimaa, J., Hess, W. (2004). "Training of Listeners for Evaluation of Spatial Attributes of Sound", Proc. of the AES 117th Convention, San Francisco.

Möller, S., Skowronek, J. (2004). "An Analysis of Quality Prediction Models for Telephone-Based Spoken Dialogue Systems", Acta Acustica united with Acustica 90, pp. 1112-1130.

Möller, S. (2004). "Quality Prediction Models for Telephone-Based Spoken Dialogue Systems", in: Proc. 7. Congrès Français d'Acoustique / 30. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., CFA/DAGA'04, pp. 63-64, F-Strassburg.

Möller, S., Krebber, J., Raake, A., Smeele, P., Rajman, M., Melichar, M., Pallotta, V., Tsakou, G., Kladis, B., Vovos, A., Hoonhout, J.., Schuchardt, D., Fakotakis, N., Ganchev, T., Potamitis, I. (2004). "INSPIRE: Evaluation of a Smart-Home System for Infotainment Management and Device Control", in: Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2004), P-Lisbon.

Möller, S. (2004). "A New ITU-T Recommendation on the Evaluation of Telephone-Based Spoken Dialogue Systems", in: Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2004, P-Lisbon.

Möller, S. (2004). "Telephone Transmission Impact on Synthesized Speech: Quality Assessment and Prediction", ACUSTICA/acta acustica 90: pp. 121-136.

Obradovic,D., Madhu,N., Szabo,A., Chiu-Shun-Wong (2004). "Independent component analysis for semi-blind signal separation in MIMO mobile frequency selective communication channels", IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Budapest, Hungary, 25-29 July 2004.

Pulkki, V., Merimaa, J., Lokki, T. (2004). "Multi-Channel Reproduction of Measured Room Responses", in Proceedings of the 18th Congress on Acoustics, ICA 2004, pp. 1273-1277, Kyoto, Japan, April 4-9, 2004.

Raake, A. (2004). "Predicting speech quality under packet loss: Extension of the E-model", in: Proc. 7. Congrès Français d'Acoustique / 30. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., CFA/DAGA'04, pp. 51-52, F-Strassburg.

Raake, A. (2004). "How do users perceive speech quality under combined "stationary" and non-stationary degradations?", in: Proc. 7. Congrès Français d'Acoustique / 30. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., CFA/DAGA'04, pp. 265-266, F-Strassburg.

Raake, A. (2004). "Predicting Speech Quality under Random Packet Loss: Individual Impairment and Additivity with other Network Impairments", in Acta Acustica/Acustica, vol. 90, pp. 1061-1083.

Rosca, J., Borss, C., and Balan, R. (2004), "Generalized Sparse Signal Mixing Model and Application to Noisy Blind Source Separation", in Proceedings of ICASSP 2004, Montreal, Canada, May 2004.

Schaden, S. (2004). "CrossTowns: Automatically generated phonetic lexicons of cross-lingual pronunciation variants of European city names", Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2004), Lisbon, Portugal.

Schmidt, S., Hudde, H. (2004). "Finite Difference Time Domain Simulation of the Outer Ear", in: Proc. 7. Congrès Français d'Acoustique / 30. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., CFA/DAGA'04, pp. 777-778, F-Strassburg.

Silzle, A., Novo, P., Strauss, H. (2004). “IKA-SIM: A System to Generate Auditory Virtual Environments”, 116th AES Convention, Berlin, Germany, preprint 6016

Smeele, P., Krebber, J., Möller, S., Ganchev, T., Vovos, A., Kladis, B. (2004). "System Component Assessment Report" , Deliverable 6.1, IST project INSPIRE (INfotainment management with SPeech Interaction via REmote-microphones and telephone interfaces, IST-2001-32746)", Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität, D-Bochum.

Taschke, H., Hudde, H. (2004). "Bone Conduction Affecting the Peripheral Hearing Organ", in: Proc. 7. Congrès Français d'Acoustique / 30. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., CFA/DAGA'04, pp. 933-934, F-Strassburg.


Ahrens, C., Braasch, J. (2003). "Christian Gottlieb Kratzenstein : De uitvinder van de orgelregisters met doorslaande tongen [Christian Gottlieb Kratzenstein : the inventor of organ stops with free reeds]", Het Orgel, 99/4: 32-36.

Altinsoy, M. E., Blauert, J., So, R. H. Y. (2003). "Do we feel what we hear?" 146th meeting Acoust. Soc. Am., USA-Austin TX.

Altinsoy, M. E. (2003). "Perceptual aspects of auditory-tactile asynchrony", Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Stockholm, Schweden.

Altinsoy, M. E., Blauert, J., So, R. H. Y. (2003). "Effect of loudness on the haptic force-feedback perception in virtual environments", J Acoust Soc Am 114: 2330-2331.

Blauert, J., Braasch, J. (2003). "Einführung in die Modellierung des Binauralen Hörens [Introduction to the modeling of binaural hearing]", in proceedings of the 6. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie e.V. [6. Annual Meeting of the German Society for Audiology], Würzburg, Germany.

Blauert, J., Jekosch, U. (2003). "Concepts behind sound quality: Some basic consideration", Proc. InterNoise`03, KR-Jesu Isld.

Braasch, J. (2003). "Investigating the precedence effect for noise bursts of different bandwidths", J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 113: 2269..

Braasch, J. (2003). "On the scaling of free-reed organ pipes: A comparison of 19th-century theories to modern non-linear models", J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 113: 2316.

Braasch, J. (2003). "On the acoustical quality of free-reed organ pipes", First ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Auditory Quality of Systems, (U. Jekosch, S. Möller, eds.), Akademie Mont-Cenis, Germany.

Braasch, J. (2003). "Untersuchung zur Ausprägung der Lokalisationsdominanz in Abhängigigkeit der Signalbandbreite [Investigating the degree of localization dominance in dependence of the signal bandwidth]", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2003: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 29. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Aachen, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 618-619.

Braasch, J. (2003). "Zur Entwicklung der Mensurierung von Orgelregistern mit Durchschlagzungen. Eine Analyse aus heutiger Sicht [On the development of scaling of organ stops with free reeds. An analysis from today's view]", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2003: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 29. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Aachen, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 520-521.

Braasch, J. (2003). "Akustische Untersuchungen an Expressionseinrichtungen in Orgeln [Acoustical investigations on expression devices in organs]", vom rechten Thon der Orgeln und anderer Instrumenten, Festschrift Christian Ahrens zum 60. Geburtstag von Prof. Christian Ahrens [On the right sound of organs and other instruments, Festschrift for the 60st birthday of Prof. Christian Ahrens] (B. Abels ed.), Köstritzer Schriften 2, Bad Köstritz 2003: 13-30.

Braasch, J., Blauert, J. (2003). "The precedence effect for noise bursts of different bandwidths. II. Comparison of model algorithms." Acoust. Sci. & Tech. (Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan) 24 (5): 293-303.

Braasch, J., Blauert, J., Djelani, T. (2003). "The precedence effect for noise bursts of different bandwidths. I. Psychoacoustical data", Acoust. Sci. & Tech. (Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan) 24 (5): 233-241.

Braasch, J. (2003). "Localization in the presence of a distracter and reverberation in the frontal horizontal plane. III. The role of interaural level differences", ACUSTICA/acta acustica 89: 674-692.

Breithaupt, C., Martin,R. (2003). "MMSE Estimation of Magnitude-Squared DFT Coeficients with Supergaussian Priors", Proc. IEEE Intl. Conference Acoustics, Speech, Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2003.

Farag, H., Blauert, J., Abdel Alim, O. (2003). "Sound occlusion: A primary investigation", Proc. 1st Conf. Hellenistic Acoust. Soc., Acoustics 2002, GR-Patras.

Enzner, G. and Vary, P. (2003). "Robust and elegant, purely statistical adaptation of acoustic echo canceler and postfilter“, Proc. of International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC), Kyoto (Japan), pp. 43-46, September 2003.

Enzner, G. and Vary, P. (2003). "A soft-partitioned frequency-domain adaptive filter for acoustic echo cancellation“, Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Hong Kong (China), pp. 393-396, May 2003.

Enzner, G. (2003). "A unified concept of acoustic echo cancellation and residual echo suppression“, Hands-free Communication, Proc. of Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA), Aachen (Germany), pp. 744, März 2003.

Farag, H., Blauert, J., Abdel Alim, O. (2003). "A study on perceptual changes caused by sound-source occlusion." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2003: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 29. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Aachen, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Farag, H., Blauert, J., Abdel Alim, O. (2003). "Psychoacoustic Investigation on sound-source occlusion." Audio-Engr. Soc. Conv. paper, pp. 635-646

Gretzki, R., Silzle, A. (2003). A New Method for Elevation Panning Reducing the Size of the Resulting Auditory Events. EAA Symposium, Bilbao, Spain

Hess, W., Braasch, J., Blauert, J. (2003). Acoustical evaluation of virtual rooms by means of binaural activity patterns. Proc. of the 115th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society in New York.

Hess, W., Braasch, J., Blauert, J. (2003). "Evaluierung von Räumen anhand Binauraler Aktivitätsmuster [Evaluation of rooms by means of binaural activity patterns]." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2003: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 29. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Aachen, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 658-659.

Hudde, H. (2003). Wiederherstellung von Hörfunktionen, Tag der Biomedizinischen Technik, Bochum, Poster.

ITU-T Contribution COM 12-50 (2003). Proposal for Guidelines on the Quality Assessment and Evaluation of Spoken Dialogue Systems that are Operated over Telephone Networks, Federal Republic of Germany (Author: S. Möller). ITU-T SG12 Meeting, CH-Geneva, 27-31 January 2003.

ITU-T Contribution COM 12-59 (2003). Draft Text for a New Recommendation on the Subjective Quality Evaluation of Telephone Services Based on Spoken Dialogue Systems, Federal Republic of Germany (Author: S. Möller). ITU-T SG12 Meeting, CH-Geneva, 22-30 September 2003.

ITU-T Delayed Contribution D.178 (2003). "E-Model: Additivity of Packet Loss Impairment with other Impairment Types." Germany (Author: A. Raake), ITU-T SG 12 Meeting, CH-Geneva, 22-30 Sept. 2003.

ITU-T Delayed Contribution D.179 (2003). "E-Model: Average Quality vs. Quality as a Function of Average Packet Loss." Germany (Author: A. Raake), ITU-T SG 12 Meeting, CH-Geneva, 22-30 Sept. 2003.

Krebber, J., Raake, A., Möller, S., Novo, P. (2003). "Remote Access Simulation System User Manual, Deliverable 3.3, IST project INSPIRE (INfotainment management with SPeech Interaction via REmote-microphones and telephone interfaces, IST-2001-32746)." Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität, D-Bochum.

Krebber, J., Raake, A., Möller, S. (2003). "Modellierung der Einflüsse des Übertragungskanals bei der Interaktion mit einem Smart-Home-System." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2003: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 29. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Aachen, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 732-733.

Krüger, H., Lotter, T., Enzner, G. and Vary, P. (2003). “A PC-based Platform for Multichannel Real-time Audio Processing”, Proc. of International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC), Kyoto (Japan), September 2003.

Martin, R. (2003). Statistical Methods for the Enhancement of Noisy Speech, Proc.Intl. Workshop Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC),2003, pp.1-6.

Martin, R., Breithaupt,C. (2003). Speech Enhancement in the DFT Domain Using Laplacian Speech Priors, Proc. Int. Workshop Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC), 2003, pp.87-90.

Merimaa, J., Pulkki, V. (2003). Perceptually-Based Processing of Directional Room Responses for Multichannel Loudspeaker Reproduction. IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, New Paltz, NY, USA.

Möller, S. (2003). "Qualität von Telefon-Sprachdiensten: (K)eine Frage der Akustik? Invited talk for the award of the Lothar-Cremer prize, 18 Mar. 2003, D-Aachen." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2003: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 29. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Aachen, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 7-12.

Möller, S., Skowronek, J. (2003). "Quantifying the Impact of System Characteristics on Perceived Quality Dimensions of a Spoken Dialogue Service." Proc. 8th European Conf. on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech 2003 - Switzerland), Int. Speech Com. Ass. ISCA, CH-Geneva 3: 1953-1956.

Möller, S., Skowronek, J. (2003). "Einfluss von Spracherkennung und Sprachsynthese auf die Qualität natürlichsprachlicher Dialogsysteme." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2003: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 29. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Aachen, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 726-727.

Novo, P., Korany, N. (2003). "Simulation of Extended Sound Sources in Virtual Auditory Environments." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2003: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 29. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Aachen, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Raake, A. (2003). "Time Varying Distortions and Traditional Telephony: Speech Quality under Combined Network Distortions." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2003: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 29. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Aachen, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Raake, A. (2003). "Speech Quality of Heterogeneous Networks Involving VoIP: Are Time-Varying Impairments Additive to Classical Stationary Ones?" Proc. 1st ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Auditory Quality of Systems, D - Herne, pp. 63-70.

Schaden, S. (2003). Rule-based lexical modelling of foreign-accented pronunciation variants. Proceedings 10th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL '03). Budapest, Hungary, Conference Companion Volume.

Schaden, S. (2003). Generating Non-Native Pronunciation Lexicons by Phonological Rules. Proceedings 15th International Conference of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2003), Barcelona, Spain.

Schmidt, S., Braasch, J. (2003). "Die akustische Kopplung von Resonatorbechern an Aufschlagzungen [The acoustical coupling between resonators and striking reeds]." Fortschr. Akust. Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2003: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 29. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Aachen, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 526-527.

Silzle, A. (2003). "Welche Rechenleistung wird für die Echtzeitimplementierung von Virtueller Akustik benötigt? (Computational Power Needed for Real-Time Implementation of 3D-Sound)." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2003: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 29. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Aachen, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Silzle, A. (2003). Quality of Head-Related Transfer Functions - Some Practical Remarks. First ISCA Tutorial & Research Workshop on Auditory Quality of Systems, Akademie Mont-Cenis, Germany.

Taschke, H., Hudde, H., Curdes, Y. (2003). "Finite-Elemente-Studie der Basilarmembran." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2003: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 29. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Aachen, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 114-115.

Taschke, H. (2003). FE-Modellierung und -Analyse der Gehörschnecke des Menschen. 21st CAD-FEM Users' Meeting, Potsdam.

Wong. C.S., Obradovic, D., Madhu, N.:" Independent component analysis (ICA) for blind equalization of frequency selective channels", 2003 IEEE XIII Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing, Toulouse, France, 17-19 Sept. 2003 / 2003 / 8134153 CA Conference Paper (C) INSPEC® Physics/Electr./Comput. - Fachliteraturnachweis


Ahrens, C., Braasch, J. (2002). "Die "japanischen" Register der Klais-Orgel in der Kyoto Concert Hall, Japan [The "Japanese" stops of the Klais organ in the Kyoto Concert Hall]." Acta Organologica 27: 147-178.

Altinsoy, M. E., Blauert, J., Treier, C. (2002). "Zur Wahrnehmung der Synchronität bei auditv-taktil dargebotenen Stimuli." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2002: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 28. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Bochum, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 728-729.

Beaugeant, C.; Gilg, V.; Schoenle, M.; Jax, P.; Martin, R. (2002)."Computationally Efficient Speech Enhancement using RLS and a Psychoacoustic Motivated Algorithm", The 6th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI), Orlando, FL, USA, July 2002.

Blauert, J. (2002). "Instrumental Analysis and synthesis of auditory scenes: Communication acoustics." Proc. 22nd Int. Conf. Audio.Engr. Soc.:Virtual Synthesis, Entertainment and Audio: 387-395, Audio Engr. Soc, USA-New York, N.Y.

Braasch, J. (2002). "Using a combined localization/detection model to simulate human localization performance near the masked detection threshold level." J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 111: 2467.

Braasch, J., Ahrens, Chr. (2002). "Does the European free reed really originate from Asia?" J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 111: 2376.

Braasch, J. (2002). "On Weber's theory of a free reed coupled to a resonator." J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 111: 2375.

Braasch, J., Schmidt, S. (2002). "Physical modeling of organ pipes with free reeds and striking reeds", The proceedings of Forum Acusticum, 3rd EAA European Congress on acoustics, Sevilla, Spain, Sept. 16-20, 2002.

Braasch, J. (2002). "The role of interaural time and level differences when localizing noise in noise", The proceedings of Forum Acusticum, 3rd EAA European Congress on acoustics, Sevilla, Spain, Sept. 16-20, 2002.

Braasch, J., Klinke, G. (2002). "That Bane of Indian Music - Das Harmonium in Indien [...That bane of Indian music: the reed organ in India]", Harmonium und Handharmonika / 20. Musikinstrumentenbau-Symposium [Reed Organ and Harmonica / 20th Music-Instrument-Building Symposium Michaelstein], Michaelstein, Nov. 19-21, 1999 (M. Lustig ed.), Michaealsteiner Konferenzberichte, 62, D-Michaelstein: 83-100.

Braasch, J. (2002). "Lokalisationsmodelle des binauralen Hörens [Localization models of binaural hearing]." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2002: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 28. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Bochum, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 464-465.

Braasch, J. (2002). "Using a combined localization/detection model to simulate human localization performance near the masked threshold level." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2002: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 28. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Bochum, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 755-760.

Braasch, J. (2002). "Localization in presence of a distracter and reverberation in the frontal horizontal plane. II. Model algorithms." ACUSTICA/acta acustica 88: 956-969.

Braasch, J., Hartung, K. (2002). "Localization in presence of a distracter and reverberation in the frontal horizontal plane. I. Psychoacoustical data." ACUSTICA/acta acustica 88: 942-955.

Braasch, J. (2002). "Auditory Localization and Detection in Multiple-Sound-Source Scenarios", Dissertation: 72 pages.

Braasch, J., Schmidt, S. (2002). "Physikalische Modellierung von Orgelpfeifen mit Auf- und Durchschlagzungen." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2002: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 28. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Bochum, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Curdes, Y., Taschke, H., Hachmann, P. (2002). "Schwingungsmessungen am menschlichen Schädel", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2002, Dtsch. Ges. Akustik, DEGA e.V.

Djelani, T., Blauert, J. (2002). "Modeling the direction-specific built-up of the presedence effect", Proc. 3rd European Congress on Acoustics (Forum Acusticum Sevilla 2002), ES-Sevilla, Special Issue Revista de Acústica 33.

Enzner, G., Martin, R. and Vary, P. (2002). "Partitioned residual echo power estimation for frequency-domain acoustic echo cancellation and postfiltering“, European Transactions on Telecommunications, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 103-114, March 2002.

Enzner, G., Martin, R. and Vary, P. (2002). "The tight relation between acoustic echo cancellation and residual echo suppression by postfiltering“, 13. Konferenz Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung (ESSV), Dresden (Germany), pp. 213-220, September 2002.

Enzner, G., Martin, R. and Vary, P. (2002). "Unbiased residual echo power estimation for hands-free telephony“, Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Orlando (Florida), pp. 1893-1869, May 2002.

Geravanchizadeh, M. (2002). "Spectral Voice Conversion based on Locally Linear Transformation Rules for Vocal Tract Characteristics." Dissertation, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Shaker Vaerlag, D-Aachen.

Gustafsson, S., Martin, R., Jax, P., Vary, P.(2002). "A Psychoacoustic Approach to Combined Acoustic Echo Cancellation and Noise Reduction", IEEE Trans. Speech and Audio Processing, Vol.10, No.5, pp. 245-256.

Hudde, H. (2002). "Das menschliche Hörorgan aus funktionaler Sicht." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2002: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 28. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Bochum, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

ITU-T Contribution COM 12-38 (2002). "Draft Revised Recommendation G.107." Germany (Author: A. Raake), ITU-T SG12 Meeting, CH-Geneva, 27-31 May 2002.

ITU-T Contribution COM 12-39 (2002). Draft New Recommendation P.DIEIM, Federal Republic of Germany (Author: S. Möller). ITU-T SG12 Meeting, CH-Geneva, 27-31 May 2002.

ITU-T Delayed Contribution D.052 (2002). "Amendment to SG 12 COM-38 (Revision of G.107)." Deutsche Telekom AG (Author: A. Raake), ITU-T SG12 Meeting, CH-Geneva, 27-31 May 2002.

ITU-T Delayed Contribution D.056 (2002). Corrigendum and Amendments to COM 12-39 - Draft New Recommendation P.DIEIM, Deutsche Telekom AG (Author: S. Möller). ITU-T SG12 Meeting, CH-Geneva, 27-31 May 2002.

Jekosch, U. (2002). "Speech Quality in Modern Telecommunications." Proc. 3rd European Congress on Acoustics (Forum Acusticum Sevilla 2002), ES-Sevilla, Special Issue Revista de Acústica 33.

Krebber, J. (2002). "Wavelet Transformation zur Signal-Rauschabstandsverbesserung von Ausiosignalen", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2002: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 28. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Bochum, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Krebber, J., Möller, S., Raake, A., Rehmann, S., Berger, J., Johannsen, W. (2002). "Ein Simulationssystem zur Untersuchung des Einflusses von Übertragungskanälen bei Smart-Home-Anwendungen", in: Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung. Tagungsband der 13. Konferenz, R. Hoffmann (Ed.), w.e.b. Universitätsverlag.

Leung, M., Braasch, J., So, R. H. Y. (2002). 2Optimizing the cost and performance of non-individualized binaural cues for surround sound simulations", Proc. 3rd European Congress on Acoustics (Forum Acusticum Sevilla 2002), ES-Sevilla, Special Issue Revista de Acústica 33.

Möller, S. (2002). "Specification of Remote Access Simulation System", Deliverable 3.1, IST project INSPIRE (INfotainment management with SPeech Interaction via REmote-microphones and telephone interfaces, IST-2001-32746)." Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität, D-Bochum.

Möller, S., Kavallieratou, E. (2002). "Diagnostic Assessment of Telephone Transmission Impact on ASR Performance and Human-to-Human Speech Quality", Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2002), ES-Las Palmas.

Möller, S. (2002). "Towards Quantifying the Influence of User Expectation on the Quality of Mobile Services", Proc. ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Multi-Modal Dialogue in Mobile Environments, D-Kloster Irsee.

Möller, S. (2002). "Monitoring Speech Quality in Telephone Networks: An Overview", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2002: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 28. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Bochum, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 656-657.

Möller, S., Raake, A. (2002). "Telephone Speech Quality Prediction: Towards Network Planning and Monitoring Models for Modern Network Scenarios. Speech Communication. 38: 47-75.

Möller, S., Berger, J. (2002). "Describing Telephone Speech Codec Quality Degradations by Means of Impairment Factors", J. Audio Engineering Soc. 50: 667-680.

Möller, S., Bourlard, H. (2002). "Analytic Assessment of Telephone Transmission Impact on ASR Performance Using a Simulation Model", Speech Communication. 38: 441-459.

Möller, S. (2002). "A New Taxonomy for the Quality of Telephone Services Based on Spoken Dialogue Systems", Proc. 3rd SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue: 142-153.

Raake, A. (2002). "Parameter-based Modelling of Speech Quality in Telephone Networks", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2002: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 28. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Bochum, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Raake, A. (2002). "Does the Content of Speech Influence its Perceived Sound Quality?" Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2002), ES-Las Palmas, Vol. 4, 1170-1176.

Raake, A., Möller, S. (2002). "Auditive Untersuchungen zur Erweiterbarkeit des E-Modells auf Freisprechszenarios und Evaluierung der Methodologie zur Bestimmung von Equipment-Impairment-Faktoren nach ITU-T Draft Rec. P.833", Final Report, project funded by T-Nova Deutsche Telekom Innovationsges. mbH, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität, D-Bochum.

Raake, A., Rehmann, S., Möller, S. (2002). "Parametric Simulation of Impairments Caused by Telephone and Voice over IP Network Transmission", Proc. 3rd European Congress on Acoustics (Forum Acusticum Sevilla 2002), ES-Sevilla, Special Issue Revista de Acústica 33.

Schaden, S. (2002). "Regelbasierte Generierung fremdsprachlich akzentgefärbter Aussprachevarianten", Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung. Tagungsband der 13. Konferenz (ESSV 2002). (Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation, Band 24, Hrsg. v. Rüdiger Hoffmann), Dresden.

Schaden, S. (2002). "A database for the analysis of cross-lingual pronunciation variants of European city names", Proceedings Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2002), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.

Schaden, S. (2002). "Ein erweiterter Graphem-nach-Phonem-Umsetzer zur Modellierung nicht-muttersprachlicher Aussprachevarianten", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2002: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 28. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Bochum, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 650-651.

Silzle, A. (2002). "Selection and Tuning of HRTFs", 112th AES Convention, preprint 5595

Silzle, A. (2002). "Auswahl und Tuning von HRTFs", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2002: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 28. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Bochum, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Taschke, H., Curdes, Y. (2002). "Knochenschall - Schwingungsformen des menschlichen Schädels", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2002: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 28. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Bochum, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 62-5.

Taschke, H., Curdes, Y. (2002)." Einfluss der basalen und apicalen Abschlüsse auf Schwingungen innerhalb der Cochlea", Poster SA/ST 6, 9. Tag der Biomedizinischen Technik an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Warusfels, O., Blauert, J., Wessel, D. (2002). "Synopsis of reverberation enhancement systems", Proc. 3rd European Congress on Acoustics (Forum Acusticum Sevilla 2002), ES-Sevilla, Special Issue Revista de Acústica 33.

Weistenhöfer, C. (2002)."Funktionale Analyse des menschlichen Mittelohres durch dreidimensionale Messung und Modellierung", Dissertation, GCA-Verlag, Herdecke 2002.


Altinsoy, M. E., Blauert, J., Treier, C. (2001). "Inter-modal effects of non-simultaneous stimulus presentation", Proceedings of the 17 th International Congress on Acoustics, Rome, Italy.

Blauert, J. (2001). "La Realidad Virtual Auditiva y sus apliciones: algunos comentarios y reflexiones", hurly burly 16: 4-16.

Blauert, J. (2001). "Kommunikationsakustik: Instrumentelle Analyse und Synthese auditiver Szenen", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2001: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 27. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Hamburg, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 38-47.

Braasch, J., Angster, J., Miklós, A. (2001). The influence of the shallot leather facing on the sound of lingual organ pipes. Proceeding of the International Symposium on Musical Acoustics (ISMA, D. Bonsi, D. Gonzalez , D. Stanzial eds.), Perugia, Italia.

Braasch, J. (2001). "Ein Lokalisationsmodell zur Simulation des menschlichen Hörens in Mehrschallquellen-Situationen [A localization model to simulate human hearing in multiple-sound-source scenarios]." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2001: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 27. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Hamburg, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 460-461.

Braasch, J., Ahrens, Chr. (2001). "Die Klais-Orgel in Kyoto und die akustischen Besonderheiten ihrer japanischen Register [The Klais organ in Kyoto and ist acoustical specialities of its Japanese stops]." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2001: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 27. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Hamburg, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 430-431.

Brüggen, M. (2001). "Coloration and Binaural Decoloration in Natural Environments." ACUSTICA/acta acustica 87: 400-406.

Brüggen, M. (2001). "Ein Modell der binauralen Unterdrückung von Klangverfärbungen durch frühe Rückwürfe." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2001: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 27. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Hamburg, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Buchholz, J., Mourjopoulos, J., Blauert, J. (2001). "Room Masking: Understanding and Modelling the Masking of Room Reflections", 110th convention of the Audio Engineering Society, preprint: 5312.

Djelani, T. (2001). "Psychoakustische Untersuchungen und Modellierungsansätze zur Aufbauphase des auditiven Präzedenzeffektes." Dissertation, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Shaker Verlag, D-Aachen.

Djelani, T., Blauert, J. (2001). "Investigations into the Built-Up and Breakdown of the Precedence Effect." ACUSTICA/acta acustica 87: 253-261.

Djelani, T., Blauert, J. (2001). "Untersuchung des Präzedenzeffektes mit einem System zur Generierung auditiver virtueller Umgebungen." Ztsch. Audiologie.

Djelani, T. (2001). "Untersuchungen zum richtungsspezifischen Aufbau des Präzedenzeffektes." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2001: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 27. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Hamburg, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Dürrer, B. (2001). "Untersuchungen zum Entwurf von Auditory Displays - Investigations into the design of auditory displays." Dissertation, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, - Verlag im Internet, D-Berlin.

Hempel, T. (2001). "Untersuchungen zur Korrelation auditiver und instrumenteller Messergebnisse für die Bewertung von Fahrzeuginnenraumgeräuschen als Grundlage eines Beitrags zur Klassifikation von Hörereignissen." Dissertation, TU Berlin, Herbert Utz Verlag, D-München.

Hudde, H. (2001). "Verallgemeinerte Netzwerke: Erweiterung der elektromechanischen Analogie zur Behandlung dreidimensionaler Schwingungen." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2001: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 27. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Hamburg, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Jekosch, U. (2001). "Projektionsmodell zu Sprachqualitätsmessungen." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2001: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 27. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Hamburg, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Jekosch, U. (2001). "Kunstsprache optimiert: Weil der Zweck die Sprache formt." RUBIN, Wissenschaftsmagazin der RUB, 2/01: 37-43.

Jekosch, U. (2001). "Sprachqualitätsmessungen und Semiotik: Ein interdisziplinärer Brückenschlag." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2001: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 27. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Hamburg, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Jekosch, U. (2001). "Strukturanalyse von Sprachqualitätsmessungen." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2001: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 27. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Hamburg, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Jekosch, U. (2001). Sound Quality Assessment in the Context of Product Engineering, in 4th European Conference on Noise Control. EURONOISE 2001.

Jekosch, U. (2001). Auditory Perception and Sound Quality. Euronoise 2001.

Baumann, W. , Köhler, B.-U., Kolossa, D., Orglmeister, R. (2001). „Real Time Separation of Convolutive Mixtures“, in: Proceedings of the ICA2001, pp.65-69, San Diego, California, USA.

Kolossa, D., Köhler, B.-U., Conrath, M., Orglmeister, R. (2001). „Optimal Permutation Correction by Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms”, in: Proceedings of the ICA2001, pp. 373-378, San Diego, California, USA.

Korany, N., Abdel Alim, O., Blauert, J. (2001). "Acoustic simulation of rooms with boundaries of partially specular reflectivity." J. Appl. Acoust. 62: 875-887.

Lampe, L., Schober, R. and Enzner, G., and Huber, J. B.(2001). “Noncoherent Coded Continuous Phase Modulation”, Proc. of International Conference on Communications (ICC '01), Helsinki, June 2001.

Leung, M., Braasch, J., So, R. H. Y. (2001). Sound localization performance with head-related transfer functions (HRTFs) of different complexities. The 8th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Hong Kong.

Möller, S., Jekosch, U., Kraft, V., Mersdorf, J. (2001). Auditory Assessment of Synthesized Speech in Application Scenarios. Two Case Studies. Speech Communication. 34: 229-246.

Möller, S., Berger, J. (2001). "Beschreibung der von Sprachkodierern hervorgerufenen Beeinträchtigungen mittels Impairment-Faktoren." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2001: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 27. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Hamburg, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 588-589.

Möller, S., Berger, J. (2001). Instrumental Derivation of Equipment Impairment Factors for Describing Telephone Speech Codec Degradations. Proc. 7th European Conf. on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech 2001), Int. Speech Com. Ass. ISCA, DK-Aalborg.

Pellegrini, R. (2001). "A Virtual Reference Listening Room as an Application of Auditory Virtual Environments - Ein virtueller Referenz-Abhörraum als Anwendung auditiver, virtueller Umgebungen." Dissertation, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, - Verlag im Internet, D-Berlin.

Pörschmann, C. (2001). "One's Own Voice in Auditory Virtual Environments." ACUSTICA/Acta acustica 87: 378-388.

Pörschmann, C. (2001). Eigenwahrnehmung der Stimme in auditiven virtuellen Umgebungen. Dissertation, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, VDI-Verlag, D-Düsseldorf.

Raake, A., Möller, S. (2001). "Der Einfluss von Bedeutung auf die Wahrnehmung des Klangs von Sprache." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2001: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 27. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Hamburg, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Schaden, S. (2001). "Spracherkennung bei akzentgefärbten Aussprachevarianten." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2001: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 27. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Hamburg, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 98-99.

Schober, R., Lampe, L., and Enzner, G. (2001). "Noncoherent Sequence Estimation: A Comparison”, Proc. of International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT '01), Bucharest (Romania), June 2001.

Taschke, H., Hülskemper, M. (2001). "Knochenschall - Finite-Elemente-Berechnungen zur Innenohrkomponente." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2001: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 27. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Hamburg, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 169-170.

Taschke, H. (2001). "Knochenschall - Ein Finite-Elemente-Modell des menschlichen Schädels." Biomedizinische Technik 46, Ergänzungsband 1: 302-3.

Tsakostas, C., Blauert, J. (2001). "Some new experiments on the presedence effect." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2001: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 27. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Hamburg, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 486-487.

Weistenhöfer, C., Hudde, H. (2001). "Funktionale Analyse des menschlichen Mittelohres." Fortschritte der Akustik -
DAGA 2001: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 27. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., D-Hamburg, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.


Blauert, J., Braasch, J., Dürrer, B., Hempel, Th., Jekosch, U., Möller, S., Pellegrini, R., Pörschmann, C., Raake, A. (2000). "Einfluss der räumlichen Position von Schallquellen auf die Qualitätsbeurteilung von Hörereignissen,." Final Project Report, PROCOPE collaboration with LMA-CNRS, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität, D-Bochum.

Blauert, J., Lehnert, H., Sahrhage, J., Strauss, H. (2000). "An Interactive Virtual-Environment Generator for Psychoacoustic Research I: Architecture and Implementation." ACUSTICA/acta acustica 86: 94-102.

Blauert, J. (2000). "Auditory Virtual Reality and its Applications - Some Comments and Reflections." Proc. 2nd Conf. Acoust. Soc. Slovenia (M. Cudina, ed.).

Braasch, J., Ahrens, Chr. (2000). "The Klais Organ in Kyoto: A Comparison of the Acoustics of the Japanese Organ Stops to the Traditional Japanese Instruments." J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 108: 2552.

Braasch, J. (2000). "A Model to Simulate Human Sound Localization and Detection in Presence of a Distracter." J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 108: 2597.

Braasch, J., Canevet, G. (2000). "Die Lokalisationsunschärfe in Abhängigkeit des Signal-Störabstandes und dem Signaleinsatzzeitpunkt [The localization blur as a function of the signal-to-noise ratio and the signal onset time]." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2000: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 26. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 330-331.

Braasch, J., Ahrens, Chr., Cottingham, J. P., Rossing, T. D. (2000). "Der Einfluss der Becherlänge bei Orgelpfeifen mit Durchschlagzungen [The influence of the resonator length in organ pipes with free reeds]." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2000: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 26. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 242-243.

Braasch, J., Ahrens, Chr. (2000). "Attack Transients of Free Reed Pipes in Comparison to Striking Reed Pipes and Diapason Pipes." ACUSTICA/acta acustica 86: 662-670.

Braasch, J., Hartung, K. (2000). "Die Bedeutung von interauralen Zeit- und Pegeldifferenzen bei der Lokalisationsunschärfe." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2000: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 26. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 314-315.

Brüggen, M. (2000). "Wahrnehmung von Klangverfärbungen durch frühe Rückwürfe - Ein Polaritätsprofil verschiedener kopfbezogener Übertragungskanäle." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2000: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 26. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 592-593.

Djelani, T., Pörschmann, C., Sahrhage, J., Blauert, J. (2000). "An Interactive Virtual-Environment Generator for Psychoacoustic Research II: Collection of Head Related Impulse Responses and Evaluation of Auditory Localization." ACUSTICA/acta acustica 86: 1046-1053.

Djelani, T., Blauert, J. (2000). "Some New Aspects of the Buildup and Breakdown of the Precedence Effect, in: Physiological and Psychophysical Bases of Auditory Function." Proc. 12th Int. Symposium on Hearing (A.J.M. Houtsma, A. Kohlrausch, V.F. Prijs, R. Schoonhoven, eds) Shaker Publishing.

Djelani, T., Blauert, J. (2000). "Investigations into the Buildup and Breakdown of the Precedence Effect." ACUSTICA/acta acustica.

Dürrer, B., Jekosch, U. (2000). "Structure of Auditory Signs: Semiotic Theory Applied to Sounds." Proc. 29th Int. Congress On Noise Control Engineering, INTERNOISE 2000 4: 2201-2204.

Dürrer, B. (2000). "Gestaltung von Reflexionen in Auditory Displays." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2000: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 26. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 162-163.

Geravanchizadeh, M. (2000). Spectral Voice Conversion Based on Unsupervised Clustering of Acoustic Space. ICSLP 2000.

Geravanchizadeh, M. (2000). "Spektrale Transformation von Stimmen." Proc. ESSV 2000: 70-77.

Hartung, K., Pellegrini, R. (2000). "Vergleich der Qualität verschiedener Interpolationsalgorithmen für Außenohrübertragungsfunktionen in dynamischen auditiven virtuellen Umgebungen." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2000: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 26. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 158-159.

Horbach, U., Karamustafaoglu, A., Corteel, E., Pellegrini, R. (2000). Implementation of an Auralization Scheme in a Digital Mixing Console using Perceptual Parameters. 108th Conv. Audio Eng. Soc., Preprint 5099.

Hudde, H., Weistenhöfer, Ch., Taschke, H. (2000). "Mittel- und Außenohrkomponente des Knochenschalls." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2000: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 26. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 252-253.

Hudde, H., Weistenhöfer, Ch. (2000). Circuit Models of Middle Ear Function. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Middle-Ear Mechanics in Research and Otosurgery, USA-Boston/Mass., Kugler BV, The Netherlands.

Hudde, H. (2000). Middle and Outer Ear Components of Bone Conduction. 4th European Congress of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Head and Neck Surgery, D-Berlin (EUFOS 2000, K. Jahnke and M Fischer, eds.), Monduzzi Editore, I-Bologna.

ITU-T Contribution COM 12-105 (2000). The E-model: a computational model for use in transmission planning, Rapporteur of Q.20/12 (Author: U. Jekosch). ITU-T SG12 Meeting, CH-Geneva.

ITU-T Contribution COM 12-114 (2000). Draft New Rec. P.DIES - Methodology for Derivation of Equipment Impairment Factors from Subjective Listening-Only Tests, Deutsche Telekom AG (Author: S. Möller). ITU-T SG12 Meeting, CH-Geneva, 9-18 May 2000.

ITU-T Delayed Contribution D.138 (2000). Application of the New Methodology for the Derivation of Equipment Impairment Factors (P.DIES) - First Results, Deutsche Telekom AG (Author: S. Möller). ITU-T SG12 Meeting, CH-Geneva, 9-18 May 2000.

Jax, P; Martin, R.; Vary, P.; Adrat M.; Varga I.; Frank W.; Ihle M.(2000). "A Noise Suppression System for the AMR Speech Codec", ITG-Fachtagung Konvens 2000 / Sprachkommunikation, Illmenau, Oktober 2000.

Jekosch, U. (2000). "Sprachqualitätsbeurteilung im Anwendungszusammenhang." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2000: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 26. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 202-203.

Jekosch, U. (2000). "Sprache hören und beurteilen: Ein Ansatz zur Grundlegung der Sprachqualitätsbeurteilung." Habilitationsschrift am FB 3 der Universität GH Essen (english version in preparation).

Korany, N., Blauert, J., Abdel Alim, O. (2000). "Acoustic Simulation of Rooms with Boundaries of Partially Specular Reflectivity." Applied Acoustics.

Köster, S., Pörschmann, Ch., Walter, J. (2000). "Eine Datenbank für deutsche Sprache mit Lombard-Effekt." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2000: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 26. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 356-357.

Köster, S. (2000). "Akustisch-phonetische Aspekte von Lombard-Sprache für verschiedene Sprechstile." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2000: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 26. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Lehn, K. (2000). "Unscharfe zeitliche Clusteranalyse von monauralen und interauralen Merkmalen als Modell auditiver Szenenanalyse." Dissertation, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, VDI Verlag, D-Düsseldorf.

Marsch, J., Pörschmann, C. (2000). "Frequency Dependent Control of Reverberation Time for Auditory Virtual Environments." Applied Acoustics 61: 189-198.

Mersdorf, J. (2000). Sprecherspezifische Parametrisierung von Sprachgrundfrequenzverläufen: Analyse, Synthese und Evaluation. Dissertation, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Shaker Verlag, D-Aachen.

Möller, S., Raake, A. (2000). "Planung von Telefon-Sprachqualität: Unterschiedliche Modellansätze." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2000: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 26. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 208-209.

Möller, S., Jekosch, U., Raake, A. (2000). New Models Predicting Conversational Effects of Telephone Transmission on Speech Communication Quality. Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP 2000), CHN-Beijing.

Möller, S., Bourlard, H. (2000). Real-Time Telephone Transmission Simulation for Speech Recognizer and Dialogue System Evaluation and Improvement. Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP 2000), CHN-Beijing.

Möller, S. (2000). "Assessment and Prediction of Speech Quality in Telecommunications." Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Pellegrini, R. (2000). Quality Assessment of Auditory Virtual Environments. Internoise 2000.

Pellegrini, R. (2000). "Realzeitfähige Algorithmen im virtuellen Tonstudio (Real-time qualified algorithms for the virtual sound control room." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2000: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 26. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Pellegrini, R. (2000). Perception-Based Room-Rendering for Auditory Scenes. 109th convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Los Angeles, Preprint 5229.

Pörschmann, C. (2000). "Influences of Bone Conduction and Air Conduction on the Sound of One's Own Voice." ACUSTICA/Acta acustica 86: 1038-1045.

Pörschmann, C. (2000). "Einfluss der Eigenwahrnehmung der Stimme auf die Präsenz in auditiven virtuellen Umgebungen." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2000: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 26. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 164-165.

Raake, A., Möller, S. (2000). "SQ-Objektiv - Analyse und Erweiterung des E-Modells für Anwendungen in modernen Telekommunikationsnetzen." Final Report Phase 2, project funded by T-Nova Deutsche Telekom Innovationsges. mbH, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität, D-Bochum.

Raake, A. (2000). "Perceptual Dimensions of Speech Sound Quality in Modern Transmission Systems." Proc. ICSLP 2000.

Sahrhage, J., Blauert, J. (2000). "Zur Architektur interaktiver Systeme zur Erzeugung virtueller Umgebungen." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2000: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 26. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 150-151.

Stöber, K., Wagner, P., Helbig, J., Köster, S., Stall, D., Thomae, M., Blauert, J., Hess, W., Hoffmann, R., Mangold, H. (2000). Speech Synthesis using Multilevel Selection and Concatenation of Units from Large Speech Corpora. Wahlster, W., ed (2000), Verbmobil, Foundations of Speech-to-Speech Translations, 519-534, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2000.

Strauss, H. (2000). "Simulation instationärer Schallfelder in auditiven virtuellen Umgebungen." Dissertation, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, VDI Verlag, D-Düsseldorf.

Taschke, H., Weistenhoefer, Chr., Hudde, H. (2000). "A Full-Size Physical Model of the Human Middle Ear." Acustica/acta acustica 86: 103-16.

Taschke, H., Baierl, K., Hudde, H. (2000). "Knochenschall - Ein Modell des menschlichen Schädels zur Bestimmung von Schädelschwingungen." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2000: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 26. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 250-1.

Weistenhöfer, C., Hudde, H. (2000). "Schwingungsformen der menschlichen Ossikelkette bei Luftschallanregung." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2000: Plenarvortr. u. Fachbeitr. d. 26. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 248-249.


Ahrens, C., Braasch, J. (1999). Zur Geschichte der Konzertsaalorgel in Deutschland [On the History of the Concert-Hall Organ in Germany]. Bochinsky, D-Frankfurt am Main (157 pages; The book has been reviewed in: Ars Organi, 47/4 (1999), p. 242f. and Die Musikforschung, 53/1 (2000), p. 117f.).

Ahrens, C., Braasch, J. (1999). "The History of Free Reed Organ Stops." J Acoust Soc Am 106: 2288.
Bednarzyk, M. (1999). "Qualitätsbeurteilung der Geräusche industrieller Produkte. Der Stand der Forschung, abgehandelt am Beispiel der Kfz-Innenraumgeräusche." Dissertation, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, VDI Verlag, D-Düsseldorf.

Braasch, J., Hartung, K. (1999). "Localization of Distracted Sound Sources: Determining the Role of Binaural Cues using Unilaterally Attenuated and Interaurally Uncorrelated Signals." ACUSTICA/acta acustica 85: 225.

Braasch, J., Ahrens, Chr. (1999). "On the Perception of Free Reed Organ Pipes." J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 106: 2287.

Braasch, J., Ahrens, Chr. (1999). "Attack Transients of Free Reed Organ Pipes." ACUSTICA/acta acustica 85: 76.

Braasch, J., Klinke, G. (1999). That Bane of Indian Music - Das Harmonium in Indien, to appear in: 20. Musikinstrumentenbau-Symposium, D-Michaelstein.

Geravanchizadeh, M. (1999). "Eine modifizierte nichtlineare Zeitachsentransformation von Stimmen." Proc. ESSV '99.

Hartung, K., Braasch, J. (1999). "Localization of Distracted Speech and Noise in Reverberant and Anechoic Environments." ACUSTICA/acta acustica 85: 223.

Hartung, K., Braasch, J., Sterbing, S. (1999). Comparison of Different Methods for the Interpolation of Head-Related Transfer Functions. AES 16th Int. Conf. on Spatial Sound Reproduction.

Hempel, T., Möller, S., Jekosch, U., Meunier, S., Regal, X, (1999). "Speech Perception in Telephone Situations under Ambient Noise Conditions. Joint Meeting ASA/EAA/DEGA, Forum Acusticum 1999." ACUSTICA/acta acustica 85: 1, 225.

Horbach, U., Karamustafaoglu, A., Pellegrini, R., Mackensen, R., Theile, G. (1999). Design and Applications of a Data-Based Auralization System for Surround Sound. 106th convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Munich, Preprint 4976.

Hudde, H., Engel, A., Lodwig, A. (1999). "Methods for Estimating the Sound Pressure at the Eardrum." J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 106: 1977-1992.

Hudde, H., Engel, A. (1999). Estimation of the sound pressure at eardrum. Joint Meeting ASA/EAA/DEGA, Forum Acusticum 1999, ACUSTICA/acta acustica 85: Suppl. 1.

Hudde, H. (1999). Comments on 'Evidence for the Generation of Multipath Localisation Cues by Human Pinnae' by D. J. Haigh, ACUSTICA/acta acustica 84:914-917. ACUSTICA/acta acustica 85: 741.

ITU-T Contribution COM 12-98 (1999). User Expectation for Telephony from Computer Terminals, Federal Republic of Germany (Author: S. Möller). ITU-T SG12 Meeting, CH-Geneva, 21-30 Sep. 1999.

Jekosch, U., Möller, S. (1999). "Speech Quality and the E-Model, Joint Meeting ASA/EAA/DEGA, Forum Acusticum 1999." ACUSTICA/acta acustica 85: 1, 48.

Jekosch, U. (1999). "Meaning in the Context of Sound Quality Assessment." ACUSTICA/acta acustica 85: 681-684.

Köster, S., Mersdorf, J. (1999). "Intelligibility Enhancement of Synthetic Speech Heard via Telephone in a Noisy Environment." ACUSTICA/acta acustica 85: 1, 166.

Mackensen, P., Felderhoff, U., Theile, G., Horbach, U., Pellegrini, R. (1999). Binaural room scanning - A New Tool for Acoustic and Psychoacoustic Research. 137th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Tagungsband (CD-ROM).

Martin, R. (1999). "An MMSE Soft-Decision Estimator for Combined Noise and Residual Echo Reduction", Int. Workshop on Acoustic Echo Control and Noise Reduction, Pocono Manor, PA, USA, September 1999, S. 84-87.

Mersdorf, J., Schmidt, K. U. (1999). "Analysis and Synthesis of F0 Contours by Linear Prediction Coding, ASA'99/ Forum Acousticum '99", ACUSTICA/acta acustica 85: Suppl. 1, 320.

Mersdorf, J., Schmidt, K. U. , Köster, S. (1999). "Linear Prediction Coding of Individual Pitch Accent Shapes", Eurospeech '99.

Möller, S., Raake, A. (1999). "Auditive Beurteilung von Freisprecheinrichtungen im Hinblick auf eine spätere Modellierung", Final Report, study funded by T-Nova Deutsche Telekom Innovationsges. mbH, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität, D-Bochum.

Möller, S., Raake, A. (1999). "SQ-Objektiv - Analyse und Erweiterung des E-Modells für Anwendungen in modernen Telekommunikationsnetzen", Final Report Phase 1, project funded by T-Nova Deutsche Telekom Innovationsges. mbH, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität, D-Bochum.

Möller, S., Schönweiler, R. (1999). "Analysis of Infant Cries for the Early Detection of Hearing Impairment", Speech Communication. 28: 175-193.

Möller, S., Riedel, J. (1999). "Expectation in Quality Assessment of Internet Telephony", Joint Meeting ASA/EAA/DEGA, Forum Acusticum 1999, ACUSTICA/acta acustica 85: Suppl. 1, S 49.

Pellegrini, R. (1999). "The Relevance of the Shoulder Bounce to HRTFs Considering Head Movements", Joint Meeting ASA/EAA/DEGA, Forum Acusticum 1999, ACUSTICA/acta acustica 85: Suppl. 1.

Raake, A., Möller, S. (1999). "Analysis and Verification of the Tektronix M366 GSM Network QoS Analyser's Measurements and Quality Predictions." Final Report, project funded by Tektronix Padova SpA, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität, D-Bochum.

Strauss, H., Buchholz, J. (1999). "Comparison of Virtual Sound Source Positioning with Amplitude Panning and Ambisonic Reproduction", Joint Meeting ASA/EAA/DEGA, Forum Acusticum 1999, ACUSTICA/acta acustica 85: Suppl. 1.

Weistenhöfer, C., Hudde, H. (1999). "Determination of the Shape and Inertia Properties of the Human Auditory Ossicles", Audiology and Neuro-Otology. 4: 192-196.

Wiegelmann, S., Möller, S., Jekosch, U. (1999). "Scenarios for Economic Conversation Tests in Telephone Speech Quality Assessment", Joint Meeting ASA/EAA/DEGA, Forum Acusticum 1999." ACUSTICA/acta acustica 85: Suppl. 1, 48.


Blauert, J., Jekosch, U., Köster, S., Mersdorf, J., Möller, S., Rinscheid, A. (1998). "Zur Qualität von Systemen der maschinellen Sprachsynthese", Internal Report, study funded by Mannesmann Pilotentwicklung, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität, D-Bochum.

Blauert, J., Jekosch, U. (1998). "Product-Sound Quality: A New Aspect of Machinery Noise", Archives of Acoustics 23, 1: 3-12.

Braasch, J., Hartung, K. (1998). "Lokalisation von maskierten Breitbandrauschsignalen in reflexionsarmer und reflexionsfreier Umgebung [Localization of masked broadband-noise signals in anechoic and reverberant environments]", Fortschr. Akust. – DAGA’98: 500-501, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Dürrer, B., Jekosch, U. (1998). "Meaning of Sounds: A Contribution to Product Sound Design", Proc. 3rd Europ. Conf. On Noise Control EURO-NOISE 98 1: 535-540.

Gustafsson, S.; Martin, R.; Vary, P. (1998). "Combined acoustic echo control and noise reduction for hands-free telephony", Signal Processing, Vol. 64, No. 1, Januar 1998, S. 21-32.

Hartung, K. (1998). "Modellalgorithmen zum Richtungshören, basierend auf den Ergebnissen psychoakustischer und neurophysiologischer Experimente mit virtuellen Schallquellen", Dissertation, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Shaker Verlag, D-Aachen.

Hegehofer, T. (1998). "Ein Analysemodell zur rechnerbasierten Durchführung von auditiven Sprachqualitätsmeßverfahren und seine Realisierung", Dissertation, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, VDI Verlag, D-Düsseldorf.

Hudde, H., Engel, A. (1997). "Acoustomechanical human middle ear properties. Part I: Model structure and measuring techniques", ACUSTICA - acta acustica.

Hudde, H., Engel, A. (1997). "Acoustomechanical human middle ear properties. Part II: Ear canal middle ear cavities, eardrum,ossicles, and joints", ACUSTICA - acta acustica.

Hudde, H., Engel, A. (1997). "Acoustomechanical human middle ear properties. Part III: Eardrum impedances, transfer functions, and model calculations", ACUSTICA - acta acustica.

ITU-T Contribution COM 12-35 (1998). "Development of Scenarios for a Short Conversation Test", Federal Republic of Germany (Author: S. Möller). ITU-T SG12 Meeting, CH-Geneva, 17-27 Feb. 1998.

ITU-T Contribution COM 12-37 (1998). "The E-Model: An Analysis of the Sources and Comparison with Published and New Test Results", Federal Republic of Germany (Author: S. Möller). ITU-T SG12 Meeting, CH-Geneva, 17-27 Feb. 1998.

ITU-T Contribution COM 12-69 (1998). "E-Model Predictions and the Impairment Factor Principle for Low-Bitrate Codecs and Quantizing Distortion: Analysis of Test Results", Federal Republic of Germany (Author: S. Möller). ITU-T SG12 Meeting, CH-Geneva, 24 Nov. - 3 Dec. 1998.

ITU-T Contribution COM 12-70 (1998). "E-Model Predictions for Room Noise at Send Side: Proposal for Modelling the Lombard Effect", Federal Republic of Germany (Author: S. Möller). ITU-T SG12 Meeting, CH-Geneva, 24 Nov. - 3 Dec. 1998.

Langmann, D., Pfitzinger, H. R., Schneider, T., Grudszus, R., Fischer, A., Westphal, M., Crull, T., Jekosch, U. (1998). "CSDC - The MoTiV Car Speech Data Collection", ICLRE 98.

Lodwig, A. (1998). "Ein System zur Anpassung von Hörgeräten - Messtechnik, patientenbezogene Modellierung, Optimierung der Komponenten", Dissertation, Shaker Verlag, Aachen 1998.

Möller, S., Jekosch, U. (1998). "Verifikation des ETSI-Modells zur Bestimmung der Sprachübertragungsqualität im Zusammenhang unterschiedlicher Systemkonfigurationen." Final Report, project funded by Deutsche Telekom AG/Deutsche Telekom Berkom GmbH, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität, D-Bochum.

Möller, S., Berger, J. (1998). Vergleichende Untersuchung von Prädiktionsmodellen zur Sprachübertragungsqualität. 5. ITG-Fachtagung / 9. Konferenz Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung, D-Dresden.

Pörschmann, C. (1998). "Eigenwahrnehmung der Stimme in virtuellen auditiven Umgebungen." Fortschr. Akust. – DAGA’98: 550-551, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Rateitschek, K. (1998). "Ein binauraler Signalverarbeitungsansatz zur robusten maschinellen Spracherkennung in lärmerfüllter Umgebung." Dissertation, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, VDI Verlag, D-Düsseldorf.

Taschke, H., Weistenhoefer, Chr., Hudde, H. (1998). "Ein akustomechanisches Mittelohrmodell in Originalgröße." Fortschr. Akust. – DAGA’98: 296-7, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.


Blauert, J., Jekosch, U. (1997). "Sound-Quality Evaluation - A Multi-Layered Problem." ACUSTICA/acta acustica 1997 83: 747-753.

Giron, F. (1997). "Investigations about the Directional Characteristics of Sound Sources." Dissertation, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Shaker Verlag, D-Aachen.

Grabke, J. (1997). "Ein Beitrag zum Richtungshören in akustisch ungünstigen Umgebungen." Dissertation, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, VDI Verlag, D-Düsseldorf.

Gustafsson S., Martin R. (1997). "Combined Acoustic Echo Control and Noise Reduction for Mobile Communications", Proc. EUROSPEECH '97, Rhodes, Greece, September 1997, pp. 1403-1406.

Gustafsson S., Martin R. (1997). "Combined Acoustic Echo Control and Noise Reduction Based on Residual Echo Estimation", Proc. International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control, London, September 1997, pp. 160-163.

Hartung, K., Sterbing, S. J. (1997). "Generation of virtual sound sources for the electrophysiological characterization of auditory spatial tuning in the guinea pig. Acoustical Signal Processing in the Central Auditory System." Plenum Press.

Hartung, K., Sterbing, S. J. (1997). Investigating auditory spatial tuning in the guinea pig using virtual sound sources. Proceedings of the 4th French Congress on Acoustics.

Hudde, H. (1997). "Die Trommelfellimpedanz - neue Meßergebnisse und physikalische Bedeutung." Fortschr. Akust. – DAGA’97, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

ITU-T Contribution COM 12-13 (1997). Verification of the E-Model: Results of a Pilot Study, Rapporteur Q.20/12 (Authors: U. Jekosch and M. Bodden). ITU-T SG12 Meeting, CH-Geneva.

Jekosch, U. (1997). Meaning in the Context of Sound Quality Assessment. Preprints of EAA Symposium 'Psychoacoustics in Industry and Universities': 4 pages.

Lehn, K. (1997). "Ein Verfahren zur Analyse auditiver Szenen mit Hilfe monauraler und binauraler Merkmale." Fortschr. Akust. – DAGA’97, 363-364, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Lehn, K. (1997). Modeling binaural auditory scene analysis by a temporal fuzzy cluster analysis approach. ASSP Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, IEEE, NY-New Paltz.

Lodwig, A., Hudde, H. (1997). "Trommelfellbezogene Audiometrie." Fortschr. Akust. – DAGA’97, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Lodwig, A. (1997). "Ein System zur Anpassung von Hörgeräten - Meßtechnik, patientenbezogene Modellierung, Optimierung der Komponenten." Dissertation, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Martin R., Gustafsson S., Moser M. (1997). "Acoustic Echo Cancellation for Microphone Arrays using Switched Coefficient Vectors", Proc. International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control, London, September 1997, pp. 85-88.

Möller, S., Schönweiler, R. (1997). "Früherkennung und Hörgeräteanpassung bei hochgradig schwerhörigen Säuglingen und Kleinkindern mit Hilfe spektrographischer Stimmschallanalyse der Schreistimme und Klassifizierung durch Neuronale Netze." Final Report, DFG research project BL 189/20-1, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität, D-Bochum.

Möller, S., Schönweiler, R. (1997). Psychoakustische Stimmbeurteilung vs. Signalanalyse bei schwerhörigen Säuglingen, in Aktuelle phoniatrisch-pädaudiologische Aspekte (M. Gross, ed.). Tagungsband der Wiss. Jahrestg. d. Dtsch. Ges. f. Phoniatrie u. Pädaudiologie.

Möller, S., Schönweiler, R. (1997). "Analysis of Infant Cries for the Early Detection of Hearing Impairment." Proc. 5th European Conf. on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech '97), Europ. Speech Com. Ass. ESCA, GR-Rhodes.

Möller, S., Schönweiler, R. (1997). "Stimmschallanalyse bei schwerhörigen Säuglingen." Fortschr. Akust. – DAGA’97, 379-380, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Richter, J., Möller, S., Schönweiler, R. (1997). Einsatzmöglichkeiten des Säuglingsschreies zur Diagnose kindlicher Schwerhörigkeit. Aktuelle phoniatrisch-pädaudiologische Aspekte (M. Gross, ed.), Tagungsband der Wiss. Jahrestg. d. Dtsch. Ges. f. Phoniatrie u. Pädaudiologie.

Weistenhöfer, C., Hudde, H. (1997). "Die Trägheitseigenschaften der menschlichen Gehörknöchelchen." Fortschr. Akust. – DAGA’97, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.


Bednarzyk, M., Stankewitz, B. (1996). Simulation einer Stereo-Lautsprecher-Beschallung in geschlossenen Räumen, Fortschr. Akust. – DAGA’96, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Belhoula, K. (1996). "Ein regelbasiertes Verfahren zur maschinellen Graphem-nach-Phonem-Umsetzung von Eigennamen in der Sprachsynthese." Dissertation, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, VDI Verlag, D-Düsseldorf.

Blauert, J., Jekosch, U. (1996). Sound-Quality Evaluation - A Multi-Layered Problem. EAA Tutorium Aurally-Adequate Sound-Quality Evaluation, Antwerp.

Blauert, J. (1996). 2. Nachschrift zu: Räumliches Hören, S. Hirzel Verlag, D-Stuttgart.

Blauert, J., Lehn, K. (1996). "A-Posteriori Auralization of the Effect of Noise Barriers." Proc. INTERNOISE: 809-812.

Blauert, J. (1996). "Hearing of Music in Three Spatial Dimensions." Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Prof. J. Fricke, Musikwiss. Inst. Universität Köln.

Blauert, J. (1996). Einführung in die Binauraltechnik (invited plenary lecture). 19. Tonmeistertagung, D-Karlsruhe.

Bodden, M., Rateitschek, K. (1996). Noise-robust speech recognition based on a binaural auditory model. ESCA workshop on the Auditory Basis of Speech Perception.

Bodden, M. (1996). "Binaural Models and Cocktail-Party-Processors." ACUSTICA - acta acustica 82: 1, 86.

Bodden, M. (1996). "Binaural hearing and hearing impairment: relations, problems, and proposals for solutions." Seminars in Hearing, New York.

Bodden, M. (1996). "Auditory Demonstrations of a Cocktail-Party Processor." ACUSTICA - acta acustica: 2356-357.

Chateau, N., Bodden, M., Regal, X., Handmann, U. (1996). "The effect of noise on directional bands., Proceedings of Forum Acusticum, Antwerp 1996." ACUSTICA - acta acustica 82: 1, 210.

Gustafsson, S.; Martin, R.; Vary, P. (1996). "On the Optimization of Speech Enhancement Systems Using Instrumental Measures", Workshop on Quality Assessment in Speech, Audio and Image Communication", Darmstadt, 11.-13. März 1996, pp. 36-40.

Hartung, K., Raab, A. (1996). "Efficient modelling of head-related transfer function, Proceedings of Forum Acusticum, Antwerp 1996." ACUSTICA - acta acustica 82: 1, 88.

Hudde, H., Weistenhöfer, Ch. (1996). "A three-dimensional circuit model of the middle ear." ACUSTICA -acta acustica.

Hudde, H., Engel, A., Lodwig, A. (1996). "A wide-band precision acoustic measuring head." ACUSTICA-acta acustica 82: 895-904.

Hudde, H., Engel, A. (1996). Eardrum impedance and drum coupling region. Workshop on Middle Ear Mechanics in Research and Otosurgery, Dresden 1996, Proceedings.

Hudde, H. (1996). Räumliche Schwingungen im Mittelohr - wie kompliziert müssen Modelle sein? Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutschsprachiger Audiologen und Neurootologen (ADANO).

Hudde, H. (1996). "The middle ear- just a simple band-pass filter?, Forum Acusticum 1996, Antwerpen, Proceedings." ACUSTICA-acta acustica 82: (Suppl.1)89.

Jekosch, U., Bodden, M. (1996). Verifikation des ETSI-Modells zur Bestimmung der Sprachqualität im Zusammenhang
unterschiedlicher Systemkonfigurationen. Abschlußbericht.

Jekosch, U., Blauert, J. (1996). A Semiotic Approach towards Product Sound Quality. inter noise 96: 2283-2288.

Jekosch, U. (1996). Verification of the E-Model: Results of a Pilot Study, ITU-T Speech Quality Experts Group, Ipswich, Sept. 26.-27. 1996, also published as Contribution TD31, ETSI STC BTC2 Working Party A, Sophia Antipolis.

Keller, C. H., Hartung, K., Takahashi, T. T. (1996). "Head-related transfer functions of the barn owl." Soc. Neurosci.

Knohl, L. (1996). "Prosodiegesteuerte Sprecher- und UMweltadaption in einer Mehrsprecher-Architektur." Dissertation, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, VDI Verlag, D-Düsseldorf.

Kraft, V. (1996). "Verkettung natürlichsprachlicher Bausteine zur Sprachsynthese: Anforderungen, techniken und Evaluierung." Dissertation, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, VDI Verlag, D-Düsseldorf.

Kunz, O., Bodden, M. (1996). "Ein rechenzeiteffizientes Modell zur Lokalisation von Schallquellen in Realzeit." Fortschr. Akust. – DAGA’96, 364-365, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Lehn, K., Blauert, J. (1996). "Binaurale Auralisierung des Effektes von Lärmschutzmaßnahmen." Fortschr. Akust. – DAGA’96, 346-347, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Lodwig, A., Hudde, H. (1996). "Integrated hearing aid fitting system - acoustical considerations, Proc. Forum Acusticum 1996, Antwerpen." ACUSTICA-acta acustica 82: (Suppl.1), S. 229.

Mersdorf, J., Jekosch, U., Krause, S. (1996). "Evaluation of Speech Synthesis in the German Verbmobil Project." Acta acustica 1996 82: 230.

Mersdorf, J. (1996). "Ein Hörversuch zur perzeptiven Unterscheidbarkeit von Sprechern bei ausschließlich intonatorischer Information." Fortschr. Akust. – DAGA’96, 482-483, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Meunier, S., Bodden, M., Canevet, G., Grabke, J., Handmann, U. (1996). "Auditory adaptation and localization: effect of frequency and bandwidth. Proceedings of Forum Acusticum, Antwerp 1996." ACUSTICA - acta acustica 82: Suppl. 1, 215.

Pörschmann, C., Bednarzyk, M. (1996). "Erzeugung eines synthetischen binauralen diffusen Nachhalls." Fortschr. Akust. – DAGA’96, 400-401, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Rateitschek, K., Bodden, M. (1996). Noise-Robust Speech Recognition Based on a Binaural Auditory Model. Proceedings of the ESCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on the Auditory Basis of Speech Perception, Keele University.

Rateitschek, K. (1996). "Cocktail-Party-Processing in Automatic Speech Recognition." Forum Acusticum 1996.

Rinscheid, A. (1996). "Voice Conversion base on Topological Feature Maps and time-variant filtering." Proc. ICSLP '96.

Sahrhage, J., Strauss, H. (1996). "Realisierung einer auditiv/taktilen virtuellen Umgebung." Fortschr. Akust. – DAGA’96, 368-369, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Sahrhage, J., Blauert, J., Lehnert, H. (1996). Implementation of an auditory/tactile virtual environment. FIVE Conference 96, Pisa, Italy.

Schönweiler, R., Kaese, S., Möller, S., Rinscheid, A., Ptok, M. (1996). "Neuronal Networks and Self-Organizing Maps: New Computer Techniques in the Acoustic Evaluation of the Infant Cry." Int. J. of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 38: 1-11.

Sterbing, S. J., Hartung, K., Hoffman, K. P., Blauert, J. (1996). "Auditory spatial tuning of inferior colliculus neurons in the guinea pig." Soc. Neurosci.

Usagawa, T., Bodden, M., Rateitschek, K. (1996). "Binaural Speech Recognition." Proc. ICSLP '96.

Usagawa, T., Bodden, M., Rateitschek, K. (1996). "Parameter Extraction using a Binaural Model under Noisy Environment (in japanese)." Technical report of IEICE, EA 95-96: 9-16.


Belhoula, K. (1995). Evaluation of a TTS system intended for the synthesis of names. ESCA/Syn-II, AT&T. Bochum: 45-46.

Blauert, J., Lehnert, H. (1995). Acoustics of virtual environments. Invited plenary lecture, 2nd Int. Conf. Acoust. Music. Res., I-Ferrara, 1995.

Blauert, J., Lehnert, H. (1995). "The Auditory Representation in Virtual Reality." Proc. Int. Conf. Acoustics ICA 95 3: 207-210.

Blauert, J., Lehnert, H. (1995). "Binaural Technology & Virtual Reality." Proc. 2nd. Int. Conf. Acoust. Music. Res. CIARM 95, I-Ferrara: 3-10.

Bodden, M., Grabke, J., Hartung, K., Rateitschek, K. (1995). "Hörereignisausdehnung in Abhängigkeit von Anzahl, Dichte und Einfallsbereich der frühen seitlichen Reflexion." Fortschr. Akust. – DAGA’95, 935-938, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Bodden, M., Anderson, T. (1995). A binaural selectivity model for speech recognition. 4th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech): 127-130.

Bodden, M., Anderson, T. (1995). "Binaurale automatische Spracherkennung in Störschall." Fortschr. Akust. – DAGA’95, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Bodden, M., Anderson, T. (1995). Cocktail party speech recognition. Links between speech technology, speech science and hearing. Workshop of the Institute for Language, Speech and Hearing.

Handmann, U., Bodden, M. (1995). "Psychoakustische Untersuchungen an Fahrzeuginnengeräuschen." Fortschr. Akust. – DAGA’95, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Hartung, K., Keller, K., Takahashi, T. T. (1995). "Messung von Außenohrübertragungsverfahren an Schleiereulen." Fortschr. Akust. – DAGA’95, 759-762, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Hartung, K. (1995). "Messung, Verifikation und Analyse von Außenohrübertragungsfunktionen." Fortschr. Akust. – DAGA’95, 755-758, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Kirchner, M., Hudde, H. (1995). "Ein Verfahren zur individuellen Schätzung der Parameter des Gehörgangs." Fortschr. Akust. – DAGA’95, 227-230, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Kraft, V., Portele, T. (1995). "Quality evaluation of five speech synthesis systems for German." Acta Acustica 3: 351-365.

Kraft, V. (1995). Konkatenation natürlichsprachlicher Bausteine in der Sprachsynthese: Anforderungen, Verfahren und Evaluierung. Dissertation.

Lehnert, H., Richter, M. (1995). "Vereinfachung von binauralen Impulsantworten zur Auralisierung von Rückwürfen." Fortschr. Akust. – DAGA’95, 233-236, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Lehnert, H., Richter, M. (1995). "Auditory Virtual Environments: Simplified Treatment of Reflections." Proc. 15th International Congress on Acoustics ICA 95: 265-268.

Lehnert, H., Giron, F. (1995). Vocal Communication in Virtual Environments. Virtual Reality World: 279-293.

Lodwig, A., Hudde, H. (1995). "Akustische Impedanzmessungen am Ohr durch Otoplastiken." Fortschr. Akust. – DAGA’95, 223-226, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Mersdorf, J. (1995). "Untersuchungen zur perzeptiven Unterscheidbarkeit der Prosodie verschiedener Sprechereignisse." Fortschr. Akust. – DAGA’95, 1007-1010, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Rateitschek, K., Bodden, M., Grabke, J., Hartung, K. (1995). "Hörereignisausdehnung in Abhängigkeit von Anzahl, Dichte und Einfallsbereich der frühen seitlichen Reflexionen." Fortschr. Akust. – DAGA’95, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Rinscheid, A. (1995). "Adaption von Sprache mit Hilfe von Merkmalskarten." Fortschr. Akust. – DAGA’95, 1031-1035, Dtsch. Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg.

Strauss, H., Blauert, J. (1995). Virtual Auditory Environments. FIVE Conference 95, London, UK.

Strauss, H. (1995). Realisierung virtueller auditiver Umgebungen. DSP Deutschland '95, Tagungsband.

Strauss, H. (1995). "SCATIS - virtuelle Eindrücke für Gehör und Tastsinn, Spektrum der Wissenschaft, 10/95." 18-22.


Bappert, V., Blauert, J. (1994). "Auditory quality evaluation of speech-coding systems." Acta Acustica 2: 49-58.

Belhoula, K., Kraft, V., Rinscheid, A. (1994). Extension of a TTS-system to rule-based pronunciation of Names. Proceedings, Artificial Intelligence, München,Germany.

Belhoula, K., Kugler, M., Krüger, R., Rühl, H. W. (1994). To what extent does transcription inaccuracy affect the intelligibility of names? Proc. of the Workshop Speech Quality Assessment: Standards, Perspectives, Applications: 10-11.

Belhoula, K. (1994). "Evaluation of a TTS-system intended for the synthesis of names." Proc. of the 2nd ESCA/IEEE Workshop on Speech Synthesis, New Paltz, NY: 211-214.

Belhoula, K. (1994). Halbautomatische Generierung von Regelsätzen zur morphologischen Zerlegung von Wörtern für ein Text-nach-Sprache System, in Fortschritte der Akustik. DAGA'94.

Blauert, J., Bodden, M. (1994). Gütebeurteilung von Geräuschen. Soundengineering / kundenbezogene Akustikentwicklung in der Fahrzeugtechnik, edited by Q.- H. Vo (Expert-Verlag, D-Renningen): 1-9.

Blauert, J. (1994). Listening with two ear: a challenge for technology (invited public guest), Aalborg University, DK-Aalborg.

Blauert, J. (1994). "La technologie binaurale: bases scientifiques et domaines d'application génériques." J. Phys. IV, Colloque C5, Les editions des physique, F-Les Ulis: 11-20.

Blauert, J. (1994). Binaural technology: new opportunities for hearing aids, (Knowles Lecture). Inst. Sound Vibr. Contr.

Blauert, J. (1994). Scientific foundations and generic application areas of binaural technology. IPO-Symp. Human Interfaces, Perception, Action.

Blauert, J. (1994). Auditory perception and room acoustics: what next?, (invited talk). Wallace-Clement-Sabine-Centennial Symp. ASA 127th Meeting.

Blauert, J. (1994). Zur Problematik von Geräuschbeurteilung und -design. Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'94.

Blauert, J. (1994). "An introduction to binaural technology, in Binaural and Spatial Hearing, edited by R. Gilkey & T. Anderson, Lawrence Erlbaum." USA-Hilldale NJ.

Blauert, J. (1994). "Product-sound assessment: an enigmatic issue from the point of view of engineering." Proc. of INTERNOISE 94 2: 857-862.

Blauert, J. (1994). "Problems with the precedence effect (invited lecture)." Techn. Session on Communication Acoust.

Blauert, J. (1994). Binaural technology and virtual reality (invited special lecture). Special Meeting, Japan. MITI Committee on Virtual Reality.

Blauert, J. (1994). "Foundations and application opportunities of binaural technology (R.S.W-Stephens Lecture)." Proc. of Inst. Acoust 16, Part 2, GB-St. Albans: 21-36.

Bodden, M., Jekosch, U., Malter, B. (1994). Verification of a Model of Voice Transmission Quality: First Results. Proc. of the Workshop Speech Quality Assessment: Standards, Perspectives, Applications, Bochum, Germany.

Bodden, M., Rateitschek, K., Hartung, K., Dubielzig, O. (1994). "Psychoakustische Untersuchungen zur Lokalisation in reflexionsbehafteter Umgebung." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'94: 1169-1172.

Bodden, M., Grabke, J. W., Hartung, K., Rateitschek, K. (1994). Binaurale Lokalisation in reflexionsbehafteter Umgebung. Abschlußbericht, DFG-Projekt Bl 189/15-1.

Bodden, M., Canévet, G., Grabke, J., Hartung, K., Takahashi, T. T. (1994). "Räumliches Hören in komplexen akustischen Umgebungen." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'94: 1137-1140.

Bodden, M., Anderson, T. R. (1994). Improvement of speech recognition in noise. WOS-report: 94-2094.

Bodden, M. (1994). "Binaural hearing and future hearing-aids technology, Third French Congress on Acoustics." Journal de Physique IV, Colloque C5, suppl. au Journal de Physique III 4: 411-414.

Bodden, M. (1994). "Zur Bedeutung des binauralen Hörens für die Lärmbewertung." Zeitschrift für Lärmbekämpfung 41 (2): 37-42.

Bodden, M. (1994). "Verifikation der räumlichen Abbildung bei Verwendung von Signalaufzeichungssystemen mit Datenreduktionsverfahren mittels eines binauralen Modells." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'93: 1153-1156.

Bodden, M. (1994). "The importance of binaural hearing for noise evaluation, Third French Congress on Acoustics." Journal de Physique IV, Colloque C5, suppl. au Journal de Physique III 4: 399-402.

Durlach, N., Lehnert, H., Kramer, G., Shinn-Cunningham, B., Wenzel, E. (1994). Implementation of virtual auditory displays. Binaural and Spatial Hearing, edited by R. Gilkey & T. Anderson (Lawrence Erlbaum, USA-Hilldale NJ).

Genuit, K., Blauert, J., Hudde, H., Richter, U., Fedtke, T. (1994). Objektiver Gehörschützermeßplatz zur Bestimmung der Schalldämmung von Gehörschützern mit einem Kunstkopf-Meßsystem. Bericht Fb-699, Wirtschaftsverlag NW, ISBN 3-89429-439-6.

Gerwert, B., Hudde, H. (1994). "Einfluß von Mittelohr und Gehörgang auf die Messung von otoakustischen Emissionen." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'94: 1037-1040.

Giron, F. (1994). "Modellierung der Richtcharakteristik eines Sprechers mittels der Monopolsynthese." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'94 841-843.

Grabke, J. W. (1994). "Modellierung des Präzendenz-Effektes." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'94: 1145-1148.

Hartung, K., Grabke, J., Rateitschek, K., Bodden, M. (1994). "Eine Strategie zur physiologienahen Modellierung des binauralen Hörens." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'93: 1141-1144.

Hartung, K. (1994). "Die Bedeutung der Kombination interauraler Zeit- und Pegeldifferenzen unterhalb von 2 kHz zur Vorne-Hinten-Unterscheidung in der Horizontalebene." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'94: 1165-1168.

Hegehofer, T. (1994). "The Development of a Data Model for Auditive Speech Assessment Tests." Proc. of the Workshop Speech Quality Assessment: Standards, Perspectives, Applications: 36-41.

Hegehofer, T. (1994). "Ein Datenmodell zur Beschreibung von Sprachgütetests mit Versuchspersonen." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'93: 1361 - 1364.

Hegehofer, T. (1994). "A description model for speech assessment tests with subjects." Proc., ICSLP 94: 1323-1326.

Hess, W., Kraft, V., Portele, T. (1994). "Zum Problem der Evaluierung von Sprachsynthesesystemen - dargestellt am Beispiel der Systemkomponenten in VERBMOBIL." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'94: 103-116.

Hudde, H. (1994). "Messungsbezogene Modellierung des Mittelohres." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'94: 1057-1060.

Hudde, H. (1994). Modellierung der akustischen Eigenschaften des Außen- und Mittelohres. ITG-Tagung, Modelle des peripheren Hörsystems und Datenaustauschformate für Simulationen.

Hüttenbrink, K. B., Hudde, H. (1994). "Untersuchungen zur Schalleitung durch das rekonstruierte Mittelohr mit einem Hydrophon, erste Ergebnisse." HNO 42: 49-57.

Jekosch, U., Pols, L. C. W. (1994). "A feature-profile for application-specific speech synthesis assessment and evaluation." Proc. of ICSLP 94: 1319-1322.

Jekosch, U., Blauert, J., Hegehofer, Th., Mariniak, A. (1994). "Auditory speech quality assessment in the context of the GSM transmission network." Proc. of the Workshop Speech Quality Assessment: Standards, Perspectives, Applications 42.

Jekosch, U. (1994). Fable, in Koch, W. A. ed. (1994), Simple Forms. Bochum: Brockmeyer: 92-97.

Jekosch, U. (1994). "Sprachverständlichkeit in Relation zum erwartungsbezogenen Schätzwert." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'94: 1357-1360.

Jekosch, U. (1994). "Speech intelligibility testing: on the interpretation of results." J. Amer. Voice I/O Society 15: 63-80.

Knohl, L., Rinscheid, A. (1994). Verfahren zur gegenseitigen Abbildung von Merkmalsräumen. Deutsches Patent, Aktenzeichen DE 43 00 159 A1.

Knohl, L. (1994). Ein Cochlea- und Haarzellenmodell zur physiologischen Sprachvorverarbeitung. Statusseminar Neuroinformatik des BMFT, Hrsg.: Projektträger Informationstechnik des BMFT bei der Dt. Forschungsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR): 383-388.

Kraft, V. (1994). "Untersuchung qualitätsmindernder Faktoren bei der Erzeugung synthetischer Sprache." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'94: 1329-1332.

Kraft, V. (1994). "Does the resulting speech quality improvement make a sophisticated concatenation of time-domain synthesis units worthwhile?" Proc. of the 2nd ESCA/IEEE Workshop on Speech Synthesis: 65-68.

Kraft, V. (1994). "Concatenation of synthesis units: instrumental and auditive evaluation." Proc. of the Workshop Speech Quality Assessment: Standards, Perspectives, Applications: 45-46.

Lehnert, H. (1994). Fundamentals of auditory virtual environment. Artificial Life and Virtual Reality, edited by N. Magnenat and D. Thalmann, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester 1994: 161-172.

Lehnert, H. (1994). "Analyse zur Realisierbarkeit von interaktiven virtuellen auditive Umgebungen in nicht-trivialen Geometrien." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'94: 233-236.

Lodwig, A., Hudde, H., Engel, A., Dodeschal, J., Hüttenbrink, K. B. (1994). "Modellbezogene Messungen am Mittelohr." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'94: 1061-1064.

Lodwig, A., Hudde, H. (1994). Hochtonaudiometrie und Hörgeräteanpassung mit Individualkorrektur. 21. Erlanger Kolloquium audiologisch tätiger Physiker und Ingenieure, Siemens Audiologische Technik.

Lodwig, A., Hudde, H. (1994). Integriertes System zur Auswahl und Anpassung von Hörgeräten. Posterbeitrag, Tag der Biomedizinischen Technik an der Ruhr-Universität, Bochum.

Lodwig, A. (1994). Modellierung des akustischen Verhaltens von Hörgeräten bei Ankopplung an das Außenohr. ITG-Tagung, Fachgruppe Audiologie, Erfurt.

Mariniak, A., Mersdorf, J. (1994). "Ein Ansatz zur Beurteilung der Intonation von synthetischer Sprache." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'94: 1369-1372.

Mariniak, A. (1994). "Speech complexity measures in the context of speech intelligibility tests." Proc. of the ICSLP 94: 1311-1314.

Martin, R. (1994). "Spectral Subtraction Based on Minimum Statistics", EUSIPCO-94, Edinburgh, Scotland, 13.-16. September 1994, pp. 1182-1185.

Martin, R.; Vary, P. (1994). "Combined Acoustic Echo Cancellation, Dereverberation and Noise Reduction: A Two Microphone Approach Annales des Telecommunications", Vol. 49, No. 7-8, Juli-August 1994, pp. 429-438.

Martin, R.; Vary, P. (1994). "Mehrkanalige Verfahren für die Störgeräuschunterdrückung und die Kompensation akustischer Echos", 8. Aachener Kolloquium "Signaltheorie", Mobile Kommunikationssysteme, Aachen, 23.-25. März 1994, pp. 299-302.

Pols, L. C. W., Jekosch, U. (1994). "A Structured Way of Looking at the Performance of Text-to-Speech Systems." Proc. ESCA/IEEE Workshop on Speech Synthesis: 203-206.

Pompetzki, W., Bodden, M. (1994). Verifikation eines Computermodells der binauralen Raumsimulation. Abschlussbericht, DFG-Projekt Bl 189/14-1.

Pompetzki, W., Blauert, J. (1994). "A study on the perceptual authenticity of binaural room simulation." Proc. Wallace-Clement-Sabine-Centennial Symp., Acoust. Soc. Am.: 81-84.

Rinscheid, A. (1994). "Realisierung einer Zeitbereichssynthese mit Hilfe einer FIR-Filterstruktur." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'94 1325-1328.

Slatky, H. (1994). Algorithmen zur richtungsselektiven Verarbeitung von Schallsignalen - die Realisierung eines binauralen Cocktail-Party-Prozessor-Systems. Fortschr.-Ber. VDI Reihe 10 Nr. 286.

Vary, P.; Martin, R.; Altenhöner, J. (1994). "Kombinierte adaptive Filterung für die Kompensation akustischer Echos und die Störgeräuschunterdrückung", Kleinheubacher Berichte, Herausgeber Deutsche Telekom AG, Band 38, November 1994, pp. 517-526


Bappert, V., Jobst, M. (1993). Training of a time-delay neural network for speech recognition by solving stiff differential equations. EUROSPEECH'93 Berlin: 1493-1496.

Bappert, V., Jobst, M. (1993). Training eines Time Delay Neural Network (TDNN) zur Spracherkennung unter Verwendung eines effizienten Verfahrens zur Lösung steifer Differentialgleichungen, in Fortschritte der Akustik. DAGA 93, DPG-GmbH, Bad Honnef.

Belhoula, K. (1993). Ein Verfahren zur Synthese deutscher Orts- und Eigennamen, in Fortschritte der Akustik. DAGA'93, DPG-GmbH, Bad Honnef.

Belhoula, K. (1993). "Rule-based grapheme-to-phoneme conversion of names." Proc. of the EUROSPEECH'93, Berlin: 881-884.

Belhoula, K. (1993). "A concept for the synthesis of names." Proc. of the ESCA Workshop on Applications of Speech Technology, Lautrach (Bavaria): 167-170.

Blauert, J., Bodden, M., Lehnert, H. (1993). Binaural signal processing and room acoustics. IEICE Transact. Fundamentals E75: 1454-1458.

Blauert, J., Lehnert, H. (1993). "Zur Erzeugung interaktiver auditiv-taktiler Scheinwelten." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'93: 546-549.

Blauert, J., Genuit, K. (1993). "Sound-environment evaluation by binaural technology: Some basic consideration." J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 14: 139-145.

Blauert, J. (1993). Anomalien des Gesetzes der ersten Wellenfront. Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'94.

Bodden, M., Meunier, S. (1993). "Untersuchungen zur Detektion und Lokalisation von Intensitätsinkrementen in Sinussignalen." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'93: 832-835.

Bodden, M. (1993). "Binaurales Hören und die Hörgeräte-Technologie der Zukunft." Audiologische Akustik 3: 64-75.

Bodden, M. (1993). "The importance of binaural hearing for noise validation." Contributions to Psychological Acoustics, Results of the 6th Oldenburg Symposium on Psychological Acoustics, edited by August Schick, 1. Ed., Oldenburg: Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg: 537-554.

Bodden, M. (1993). "Modeling human sound source localization and the Cocktail-Party-Effect." Acta Acustica 1(1): 43-55.

Bodden, M. (1993). Richtungsselektion, in Entwicklung einer Meßtechnik mit Berücksichtigung der psychoakustischen Eigenschaften des Nachrichtenempfängers Menschliches Gehör zur physiologischen Bewertung von Lärmwirkung. Abschlußbericht, AuT-Forschungsprojekt 01 HK 029/8. 167-186.

Gaik, W. (1993). "Combined evaluation of interaural time and intensity differences: Psychoacoustic results and computer modeling." J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 94: 98-110.

Gerwert, B. (1993). "Messung von Mittelohrübertragungsfunktionen mit Hilfe eines mehrkanaligen SQUID-Magnetometers." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'93: 768-771.

Giron, F. (1993). "Die Monopolsynthese als parametrisches Modell der Richtcharakteristik." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'93 283-286.

Hartung, K., Miyoshi, M., Bodden, M., Blauert, J. (1993). "Merkmale der Vorne-Hinten-Lokalisation in der Horizontalebene unterhalb von 2 kHz." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'93 836-839.

Hegehofer, T. (1993). "Ein Programmpaket zur Durchführung von Sprachtests mit Versuchspersonen." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'93 1056 - 1059.

Jekosch, U. (1993). Cluster-similarity: a useful database for speech processing. EUROSPEECH'93: 195-198.

Jekosch, U. (1993). Speech quality assessment and evaluation. EUROSPEECH'93: 1387-1394.

Knohl, L., Rinscheid, A. (1993). Speaker normalization and adaptation based on feature map projection. EUROSPEECH'93. 1: 367-370.

Knohl, L., Rinscheid, A. (1993). "Speaker normalization with self-organizing feature maps." Proc. of the Int. Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCnn) 1: 243-246.

Knohl, L., Rinscheid, A. (1993). "Verfahren zur kontinuierlichen Merkmalsadaptaion mittels selbstorganisierender topologie-erhaltender Merkmalskarten." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'93 1004-1007.

Kraft, V. (1993). "Automatische Extraktion und Segmentierung von Halbsilben als Sprachsynthesebausteine." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'93: 1036-1039.

Kraft, V. (1993). Auditory detection of discontinuities in synthesis-by-concatenation. EUROSPEECH'93: 929-932.

Lehnert, H., Dürrer, B. (1993). "Untersuchungen zur Optimierung des Strahlverfolgungsverfahrens." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'93: 227-230.

Lehnert, H. (1993). "Abschätzung der Genauigkeit des Strahlverfolgungsverfahrens durch ein statistisches Verfahren unter Berücksichtigung der Raumgeometrie." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'93: 215-218.

Lehnert, H. (1993). "Auditory spatial impression." Proc. of the 12th International AES Conference: 40-46.

Lehnert, H. (1993). "Systematic errors of the ray-tracing algorithm." Applied Acoustics 38(2-4): 207-221.

Lehnert, H. (1993). Virtuelle auditive Umgebung mittels binauraler Raumsimulation. Virtual Reality '93: 143-151.

Lehnert, H. (1993). Real-time generation of interactive virtual auditory environments. IEEE Workshop on Application of Signal Processing to Audio & Acoustics.

Lodwig, A., Hudde, H., Hüttenbrink, K. B. (1993). "Akustische und mechanische Messungen an Felsenbeinpräparaten." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'93: 764-767.

Mariniak, A., Kielbassa, M. (1993). "Vergleich der Signaleigenschaften von synthetisch erzeugter und menschlich gesprochener Sprache." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'93: 1060-1063.

Mariniak, A. (1993). A global framework for the assessment of synthetic speech without subjects. EUROSPEECH'93: 1683-1686.

Matschke, R. G., Lehnert, H. (1993). "Sprachverständlichkeit bei hohen Lärmpegeln mit und ohne aktive Kompensation." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'93: 680-683.

Meister, H., Gerwert, B., Hudde, H. (1993). "Elektromagnetische Wandler für aktive Mittelohrimplantate." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'93: 772-775.

Nagel, R., Hudde, H. (1993). "Ein elektromechanisches Modell der äußeren Haarzellen." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'93: 748-751.

Pompetzki, W. (1993). "Psychoakustische Verifikation von Computermodellen zur binauralen Raumsimulation". Dissertation, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Shaker Verlag, D-Aachen.

Rinscheid, A. (1993). "Automatische Bestimmung von Periodenmarken mit dem EMARK-Algorithmus." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'93: 1048-1051.

Wolf, S., Blauert, J., Persterer, A. (1993). "Human sound localization and the direction of gravity." ACUSTICA/Acta Acustica 1: 57-59.

Xiang, N., Blauert, J. (1993). "Binaural scale modelling for auralization and prediction of acoustics in auditoria." J. Appl. Acoust. 38: 267-290.


Andrews, J. R., Kraft, V. (1992). "Design, evaluation and acquisition of a speech database for German synthesis-by-concatenation." Proc of SST 92: 724-729.

Andrews, J. R., Curtis, K. M., Kraft, V. (1992). "Generation and extraction of high quality synthesis units." Proc of ICSLP 92: 1203-1206.

Bappert, V. (1992). Verwendung einer Random Optimization Methode als Lernalgorithmus in einem Time Delay Neural Net zur Spracherkennung, in Fortschritte der Akustik. DAGA, DPG-GmbH, Bad Honnef.

Blauert, J., Bodden, M., Lehnert, H. (1992). Binaural signal processing & room acoustics planning. IEICE Trans. Fundamentals. E75-A.

Blauert, J., Pompetzki, W. (1992). "Auditory virtual environment." Proc. of the sixth FASE Congr.: 23-29.

Blauert, J., Lehnert, H., Pompetzki, W. (1992). Fernsteuerung mittels Scheinwelt-Systemen. Berichte 7. Symposium Maritime Elektronik, Rostock, Arbeitskreis Maritime Messelektronik.

Blauert, J., Col, J. P. (1992). "A study of temporal effects in spatial hearing, in Auditory Psychology & Perception , edited by Cazals, Y. et. al." Pergamon Press: 531-538.

Blauert, J. (1992). "Binaural-interaction modelling (translated into Japanese)." J. Acoust. Soc. Japan.

Blauert, J. (1992). "Some basic consideration of sonic quality." J. d'acoustique 5: 379-385.

Bodden, M., Blauert, J. (1992). "Separation of concurrent speech signals: a Cocktail-Party-Processor for speech enhancement." Proc. of the ESCA Workshop on speech processing in adverse conditions: 147-150.

Bodden, M. (1992). "Beurteilung der Störgeräuschunterdrückung mit einem Cocktail-Party-Prozessor." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'92: 649-652.

Bodden, M. (1992). "Binaurale Signalverarbeitung: Modellierung der Richtungserkennung und des Cocktail-Party-Effektes." Fortschr.-Ber. VDI. Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 1992.

Bodden, M. (1992). Binaurales Hören - auch für Hörgeschädigte? bernafon im Gespräch. Informations- und Diskussionsforum der bernafon-Schweiz (in German, English and French). 3, Juni 1992.

Bodden, M. (1992). "Binaurales Hören: Bedeutung für die Hörgeräte-Technologie der Zukunft." Hörakustik 3: 4-10.

Bodden, M. (1992). "Cocktail-party-processing: concept and results." Proc. of the 14th International Congress on Acoustics (ICA) 4: L3-2.

Bodden, M. (1992). Modifications spectrales appliquées à des signaux sous-marins. Etude de la detection audiophonique sous-marine, DCN/CNRS, report no. 5: 17-36.

Böhm, A. (1992). Automatische Sprachausgabe für deutschen und englischen Text. Dissertation, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Shaker Verlag, D-Aachen.

Böhm, A. (1992). "Über die Struktur des Bochumer Sprachausgabesystems SyRUB." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'92: 537-540.

Genuit, K., Blauert, J. (1992). "Evaluation of sound environment from the viewpoint of binaural technology." Proc. of ASJ Intern. Symp. on Contribution of Acoustics to the Creation of Comfortable Sound Environment, J-Osaka: 27-38.

Gerwert, B., Hudde, H. (1992). "Elektroakustische Wandler für aktive Mittelohrimplantate." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'92: 525-528.

Hegehofer, T., Jekosch, U. (1992). "Ein System zur parametrischen Beschreibung von Sprachverständlichkeitstests." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA '92: 585-588.

Hudde, H., Gerwert, B., Hüttenbrink, K. B. (1992). "Zukünftige Möglichkeiten aktiver Mittelohrimplantate." Audiologische Akustik 31: 144-165.

Hudde, H., Gerwert, B. (1992). Middle ear implants - some general considerations. 6th Congress of the Federation of the Acoustical Societies of Europe (FASE 92), Zürich, Advances in Physical Acoustics.

Hudde, H. (1992). "Akustomechanische Strukturen passiver Mittelohrimplantate." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'92: 521-524.

Hudde, H. (1992). "Mittelohrdiagnostik durch Impedanzmessung." Audiologische Akustik 31: 40-58.

Jekosch, U. (1992). The Cluster-Identification Test. Proc. of the 1992 International Conference on Spoken Language,
Banff, Canada, October 1992.

Jekosch, U. (1992). Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Verständlichkeit akustisch realisierter Sprache. Moderne Verfahren der Sprachaudiometrie, edited by Kollmeier, B., median, Heidelberg: 196-215.

Jekosch, U. (1992). "Spaces of perceptual distinction in natural and synthetic speech." Proc. of the Fourth Australian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology, Brisbane: 672-677.

Kraft, V., Rinscheid, A. (1992). "Automatische Markierung von Grundperioden bei Sprachsignalen - mit und ohne Auswertung eines Laryngogramms." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'92: 633-636.

Lehnert, H., Blauert, J. (1992). "Binaural room-simulation: basics and applications." Proc. of the 14th ICA, paper L3-4.

Lehnert, H. (1992). "Aspects of auralistaion in binaural room-simulation." Proc. of the 92nd AES Convention, Preprint 3390 (G-6).

Lehnert, H. (1992). Binaurale Raumsimulation: Ein Computermodell zur Erzeugung virtueller auditiver Umgebungen. Verlag Shaker, D-Aachen, ISBN 3-86111-166-7.

Lehnert, H., Blauert, J. (1992). "Principles of binaural room simulation." Applied Acoustics 2002 36 (3&4): 259-291.

Mariniak, A., Jekosch, U. (1992). "Auditive Güteanalyse von Systemen zur codierten Sprachsignalübertragung - Fortführende Untersuchungen." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'92: 645-648.

Michel, D., Ehlert, J. (1992). "Sprecheradaptation durch dynamische Transformation spektraler Merkmale." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'92: 577-580.

Miyoshi, M., Hartung, K., Bodden, M., Blauert, J. (1992). "On front-rear reversals in horizontal plane localization of noise below 2 kHz." J. Acoust. Soc. Am.

Pols, L. C. W. (1992). "Multi-Lingual Synthesis Evaluation Methods." Proc. of the 1992 International Conference on Spoken Language 1: 181-184.

Pompetzki, W., Blauert, J. (1992). "Auditory virtual environment." Proc. of the 6th Int. FASE-Congress 92: 29-32.

Pompetzki, W. (1992). "Gezielte Kontaminierung von trockenen Sprachsignalen für die Untersuchung von Spracheingabesystemen." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'92: 573-576.

Shao, L. (1992). "Untersuchung der computergestützten Simulation von Raumimpulsantworten mit der Monte-Carlo Methode." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'92: 209-212.

Shao, L. (1992). Generation of an Arbitrary Virtual Environment by Use of a Monte Carlo Method. 14th International Congress on Acoustics ICA.

Slatky, H. (1992). Algorithmen zur richtungsselektiven Verarbeitung von Schallsignalen - die Realisierung eines binauralen Cocktail-Party-Prozessor-Systems. Dissertation.

West, G. A., Blauert, J., McLean, J. (1992). "Teleconferencing system using head-related signals." J. Appl. Acoust. 36: 327-333.

Xiang, N., Blauert, J. (1992). "Auditorium-acoustics prediction using binaural tenth-scale modelling." Proc. Inst. Acoust. 14 part 2: 57-64.

Xiang, N., Blauert, J. (1992). "Binaural scale modelling." Proc. 14th ICA 4: L3-1.


Bappert, V., Ehlert, J. (1991). Sprachgütebeurteilung mit Hilfe des Semantischen Differentials, in Fortschritte der Akustik. DAGA 91, DPG-GmbH, Bad Honnef.

Blauert, J., Bodden, M., Lehnert, H. (1991). La technologie binaurale appliquée à l'acoustique des salles (en anglais), Cinquantaire du Laboratoire de Mechanique et d'Acoustique. Colloque Genese et Perception des Sons.

Blauert, J., Hegehofer, T., Jekosch, U., Mariniak, A. (1991). An Adaptive Test for the Assessment of Speech Intelligibility. Public Laboratories Exhibition at EUROSPEECH, 2nd European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, Genova, Italy.

Blauert, J., Lehnert, H., Pompetzki, W., Xiang, N. (1991). "Binaural room simulation." Acustica 72: 295-296.

Blauert, J. (1991). "Application-oriented modelling of binaural interaction." Nederlands-akoestisch-genootschap (NAG)-Journal 104: 51-57.

Bodden, M., Gaik, W. (1991). "Ein binaurales Modell zur Verarbeitung kopfbezogener Signale." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'91: 785-788.

Hartung, K., Wolf, S. (1991). "Integration des adaptiven Haarzellenverhaltens in ein Modell der binauralen Signalverarbeitung." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'91: 789-792.

Hegehofer, T., Jekosch, U., Holstein, D. (1991). "Beurteilung des Natürlichkeitsgrads synthetischer Sprache mit semantisch anomalen Sätzen." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 1991: 1101-1104.

Hojan, E., Pösselt, Ch. (1991). "Prediction of the early part of echograms indispensable in computer simulation in rooms." Archives of Acoustics 16: 295-303.

Hudde, H. (1991). "Kopfhörer-Impulsantworten im Gehörgang und im Mittelohr." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'91: 609-612.

Jekosch, U., Belhoula, K., Hegehofer, Th., Mariniak, A. (1991). "Verwendung von sinnleeren Wörtern zur Sprachgütebeurteilung." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'91: 901-904.

Jekosch, U., Belhoula, K. (1991). "Rechnergestützte Generierung von Testmaterialien zur Sprachgütebeurteilung." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'91: 905-908.

Jekosch, U. (1991). Speech intelligibility studies for the European HERMES spaceplane. EUROSPEECH'91. 3: 293-296.

Lehnert, H., Matschke, R. G., Veit, I. (1991). "In-Situ Messung der Wirkung eines aktiven Lärmkompensationssystems für den Einsatz in Flugzeugen." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'91: 841-844.

Lehnert, H., Blauert, J. (1991). "Berechnung von langen Raumimpulsantworten durch ein schnelles Strahlverfolgungsverfahren (Ray-Tracing)." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'91: 637-640.

Lehnert, H., Blauert, J. (1991). Binaural room simulation - principles. Tagung der DAGA'91, Vorkolloquium.

Lehnert, H., Blauert, J. (1991). "Virtual auditory environment." Proc. of the 5th international conference on advanced robotics IEEE-ICAR 1: 211-216.

Lehnert, H. (1991). Auralization in binaural room simulation - an example of implementation. Intern. Symposium Computer Modelling and Prediction of Objective and Subjective Properties of Sound Fields in Rooms.

Lehnert, H. (1991). "Strahlverfolgungsverfahren (Ray-Tracing) mit punktförmigen Quellen und Empfängern sowie idealen Strahlen." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'91: 633-636.

Lehnert, H. (1991). Systematic errors of the ray-tracing algorithm. Inter. Symposium Computer Modelling and Prediction of Objective and Subjective Properties of Sound Fields in Rooms.

Mariniak, A., Jekosch, U., Belhoula, K., Maris, Chr. (1991). "Ein spektrales Ähnlichkeitsmaß als Hilfsmittel für objektive Verfahren zur Sprachgütemessung." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA '91: 1113-1116.

Pompetzki, W., Schachner, R. (1991). "Ein rechnergesteuertes Verteilnetz für digitale Audiodaten." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'91: 817-820.

Slatky, H. (1991). "Ein binaurales Modell zur Lokalisation und Signalverarbeitung bei Darbietung mehrerer Schallquellen." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'91: 793-796.

Spaeth, U., Xiang, N., Lehnert, H. (1991). "Vergleich verschiedener Verfahren zur Messung von Raumimpulsantworten." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'91: 677-700.

Wolf, S. (1991). Untersuchungen zur Lokalisation von Schallquellen in geschlossenen Räumen. Dissertation, Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Xiang, N. (1991). "Mobile Universal Measuring System for the Binaural Room-Acoustic-Model technique." Dissertation, Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Xiang, N., Blauert, J. (1991). "A miniature dummy head for binaural evaluation of tenth-scale acoustic models." J. Appl. Acoust 33: 123-140.

Xiang, N., Blauert, J. (1991). "Computer-aided tenth-scale modelling for binaural auralization in room-acoustics design." Proc. 91th AES Conv., Preprint 3120.

Xiang, N., Blauert, J. (1991). "A miniature dummy head for binaural evaluation of tenth-scale acoustic models." J. Appl. Acoust. 33: 123-140.


Bappert, V. (1990). Auditive Güteanalyse von Systemen zur kodierten Sprachsignalübertragung, in Fortschritte der Akustik. DAGA, DPG-GmbH, Bad Honnef.

Blauert, J. (1990). "Kognitive und ästhetische Aspekte von Geräuschproblemen." Zeitschr. Lärmbekämpfung 38: 51-54.

Bodden, M. (1990). "Ein System zur Modellierung des Cocktail-Party-Effekts." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'90: 1015-1018.

Bodden, M. (1990). Einsatzmöglichkeiten binauraler Technologie in der Hörgeräteakustik. 5. Multidisziplinäres Kolloquium der Geers-Stiftung.

Bodden, M. (1990). Modelle zur Beschreibung des Richtungshörens. Sem. Nr. 510310050 S, Gehörrichtige Schallmeßtechnik.

Bodden, M. (1990). "A concept for a Cocktail-Party-Processor." Proc. of the ICSLP '90, Kobe, Japan: 285-289.

Böhm, A. (1990). "Automatische Intonationssteuerung für synthetische Sprache mittels eines speziellen Kodes für Grundfrequenzkonturen." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'90: 1067-1070.

Böhm, A. (1990). "Berücksichtigung von Assimilations- und Elisionsregeln bei der Sprachsynthese: Erste Ergebnisse." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'90: 1087-1090.

Gaik, W. (1990). "Untersuchungen zur binauralen Verarbeitung kopfbezogener Signale." Fortschr.-Ber. VDI Reihe 17 63, D-Düsseldorf.

Hudde, H. (1990). "Möglichkeiten und Grenzen passiver Mittelohrimplantate." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'90 683-686.

Jekosch, U. (1990). A weighted intelligibility index for speech assessment. Proc. of the 1990 International Conference on Spoken Language, Kobe, Japan, Nov. 1990.

Jekosch, U. (1990). "Sprachgütebeurteilung und synthetische Sprache, in Plath, P. (1990), Neue Technologien in der Hörgeräteakustik - Herausforderung an die Technologie." Schriftenreihe der GEERS-Stiftung 8: 91-102.

Kesselheim, M. (1990). "Computergestützte Konstruktion großer Wortklassensysteme." Dissertation, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Universitätsverlag Dr. N. Brockmeyer, DBochum.

Lehnert, H. (1990). "Erzeugung von virtuellen akustischen Umgebungen." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'90: 895-898.

Pompetzki, W. (1990). Binaural recording and reproduction for documentation and evaluation. AES 8th International Conference, The Sound of Audio, Washington DC.

Slatky, H. (1990). "Lokalisation simultan abstrahlender Schallquellen: Konsequenzen für den Aufbau binauraler Modelle." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'90: 751-754.

Wolf, S. (1990). "Lokalisation in geschlossenen Räumen." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'90: 747-750.

Xiang, N., Blauert, J. (1990). "Binaurale Raumsimulation (invited plenary paper)." Proc. 9. Tagung Akustik: 13-35.

Xiang, N. (1990). A mobile universal measuring system for the binaural room acoustic model-technique. Dissertation.

Xiang, N. (1990). "Ein Miniaturkunstkopf für binaurale Raumsimulation mittels eines verkleinerten raumakustischen
Modells." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'90: 831-834.


Benoit, C., van Erp, A., Grice, M., Hazan, V., Jekosch, U. (1989). Multilingual synthesizer assessment using semantically unpredictable sentences. Eurospeech '89, Paris, Sept. 1989. 2: 633-6.

Blauert, J., Col, J. P. (1989). Etude de quelques aspects temporels de l'audition spatiale. Note-laboratoire LMA, No. 118, CNRS.

Blauert, J., Pösselt, Ch. (1989). Application of modeling tools in the process of planning electronic room acoustics. Sound Reinforcement, edited by T.Tuzzle, Audio Engr. Soc., New York, N.Y: 510-517.

Blauert, J. (1989). Binaural technology: fundamentals and applications (distinguished plenary session). 118th Meeting Acoust. Soc. Amer., J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 86, Suppl.1, S66.

Blauert, J. (1989). Binaural technology: has its time finally come ? (invited plenary lecture). Audio Engr. Soc. Conv.

Blauert, J. (1989). Current efforts to the model of psychophysics of binaural interaction (invited lecture). Ass. for Research in Otolaringology (ARO), Midwinter meeting.

Blauert, J. (1989). "Räumliches Hören von Musik." Magazin Studiotechnik 5/89: 88-94.

Bodden, M., Gaik, W. (1989). "Untersuchungen zur Störsprecherunterdrückung mit einer gesteuerten Bandpaßfilterbank." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'89: 195-198.

Fleischerer, H., Blauert, J. (1989). "Audibility of some specific public-address warning signals in typical environmental noise situations." Applied Acoustics 27: 305-319.

Henrich, P. (1989). Language identification for the automatic grapheme-to-phoneme conversion of foreign words in a German text-to-speech system. EUROSPEECH'89. 2: 220-223.

Henrich, P. (1989). "Verfahren zur Sprachenidentifizierung für multilinguale Vorleseautomaten." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'89: 331-334.

Hudde, H. (1989). Schallausbreitung in inhomogenen verlustbehafteten Rohren bei Ausbreitungsfähigkeit höherer Moden - theoretische Grundlagen und Anwendungen. Habilitationsschrift, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik.

Hudde, H. (1989). "Acoustical higher order mode scattering matrix of circular non-uniform lossy tubes without flow." J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 85: 2316-2330.

Hudde, H. (1989). "Neuere Methoden zur Messung akustischer Impedanzen, Reflektanzen und Reflektanzmatrizen." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'89 69-86.

Hudde, H. (1989). "Nutzen von Mittelohrmodellen - eine Einschätzung." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'89: 431-434.

Jekosch, U., Becker, Th. (1989). Maschinelle Generierung von Aussprachevarianten: Perspektiven für Spracherkennungs- und Sprachsynthesesysteme, Informationstechnik, it 31, 400-406, also published in Sprachliche Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation, edited by Mangold, H.(1992),: 25-32.

Jekosch, U. (1989). "Maschinelle Phonem-Graphem-Umsetzung für unbegrenzten deutschen Wortschatz." Verlag für Wissenschaft und Kunst, D-Herne.

Jekosch, U. (1989). "The cluster-based rhyme test: a segmental synthesis test for open vocabulary." Proc. of ESCA Tutorial Day and Workshop on Speech Input/Output Assessment and Speech Databases, Noordwijkerhout 1.4.1-1.4.4.

Lehnert, H., Blauert, J. (1989). A concept for binaural room simulation. Workshop of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics.

Posmyk, R. (1989). Time domain synthesizer preserving microprosody. EUROSPEECH'89. 2: 191-194.

Pösselt, C., Tachibana, H., Yamasaki, Y., Morimoto, M., Hirasawa, Y., Maekawa, Z. (1989). "Acoustic survey of auditoriums in Europe and Japan." Journal Acoust. Soc. of Japan, Special Issue on Architectural Acoustics 10: 73-86.

Pösselt, C., Morimoto, M. (1989). "Contribution of reverberation to auditory spaciousness in concert halls." J. Acoust. Soc. Japan, Special Issue on Architectural Acoustics 10: 87-92.

Slatky, H. (1989). "Lokalisation mehrerer schmalbandiger Schallquellen." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'89: 407-410.

Xiang, N., Kopatz, D. (1989). "Leistungsfähige Boxen für den Ultraschallbereich." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'89: 299-302.

Xiang, N., Blauert J. (1989). "Binaural simulation technique for scale modeling." J. Acous. Soc. Am. 86: 53.

Xiang, N. (1989). "Ein IBM-PC gestütztes Meßsystem für Raumimpulsantworten mittels schneller Maximalfolgen-Transformation." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'89: 447-450.

Xiang, N. (1989). "An ultrasonic electroacoustic transducer in cylindrical form using piezoelectric polyvinylidenefluoride films." Proc. of International Ultrasonics '89.


Blauert, J., Pösselt, Ch. (1988). Application of modeling tools in the process of planning electronic room acoustics. Reports Audio Engr. Soc. 6th Intern. Conf., Nashville, TS.

Blauert, J., Fleischer, H. (1988). "Perceptibility of warning signals in typical noise situations." J. Appl. Acoustics 27: 305-319.

Blauert, J., Divenyi, P. (1988). "Spectral selectivity in binaural contralateral inhibition." Acustica 66: 267-274.

Blauert, J., Canevet, G., Gaik, W., Pösselt, Ch., Scharf, B. (1988). "Experiences de compensation sur des signaux enregistrés à l'aide d'une tête artificielle." Acustica 67: 127-134.

Bloemberg, W., Kesselheim, M. (1988). A system for creating and manipulating generalized wordclass transition matrices from large text-corpora. Colling '88.

Gaik, W., Wolf, S. (1988). "Multiple images-psychoacoustical data and model predictions, Basic Issues in hearing." Proc. of the 8th international symposium on hearing, Academic Press: 386-393.

Gebhardt, R.; Martin, R.; Ameling, W: POPSY (1988). "Eine objektorientierte Systemarchitektur zur Simulation komplexer Systeme" , Proc. 5. Symposium Simulationstechnik, Aachen, 28.-30. Sept. 1988

Henrich, P. (1988). "Sprachenidentifizierung zur automatischen Graphem-zu-Phonem-Umsetzung von Fremdwörtern in einem deutschsprachigen Vorleseautomaten." Dissertation, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Verlag für Wissenschaft und Kunst, D-Herne.

Henrich, P. (1988). "Ansatz zur automatischen Graphem-zu-Phonem-Umsetzung von Fremdwörtern in einem deutschsprachigen Vorleseautomaten für unbegrenzten Wortschatz." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'88: 661-664.

Henrich, P. (1988). Automatische Erkennung und Phonemisierung von Fremdwörtern in einem deutschsprachigen Vorleseautomaten für unbegrenzten Wortschatz. ITG-Fachberichte, Nr. 105, Digitale Sprachverarbeitung - Prinzipien und Anwendungen. VDE-Verlag Berlin: 201-206.

Hudde, H., Slatky, H. (1988). "Measurements of the input impedance of excised human lungs - measurements and model matching." J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 86: 475-492.

Hudde, H., Pösselt, Ch. (1988). "Die Bedeutung des äußeren Ohres für das räumliche Hören beim Menschen." HNO 36: 215-220.

Hudde, H. (1988). "Ein Gerät zur Messung kleiner mechanischer Impedanzen." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'88: 869-872.

Hudde, H. (1988). "Messung von Reflektanzmatrizen absorbierender Proben mit höheren Schallfeldmoden im Rohr." Acustica 68: 77-91.

Hudde, H. (1988). "The propagation constant in lossy circular near the cut-off frequencies of higher order modes." J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 83: 1311-1318.

Hudde, H. (1988). "Acoustical higher order mode scattering matrix of circular non-uniform lossy tubes without flow." J. Acoust. Soc. Am.85 2316-2330.

Kesselheim, M. (1988). "Arbeiten zur linguistischen Analyse europäischer Sprachen." BIGTECH.

Lehnert, H. (1988). "Computergestützte Messung von Raumimpulsantworten." Fortschritte der Akustik, DAGA'88: 757-760.

Letens, U. (1988). "Über die Interpretation von Impedanzmessungen im gehörgang anhand von Mittelohr-Modellen." Dissertation, Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Letens, U. (1988). "Messung der akustischen Impedanz im Gehörgang." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'88: 565-568.

Letens, U. (1988). "Akustomechanische Messungen an einem Mittelohrmodell." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'88: 561-564.

Michel, D. (1988). A model for peripheral auditory preprocessing. Mechanics of Hearing '88.

Michel, D. (1988). "Ein Modell der Signalverarbeituung in der Cochlea." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'88: 557-560.

Pösselt, C., Morimoto, M., Yamasaki, Y. (1988). "Raumakustische Messungen in verschiedenen europäischen Konzertsälen." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'88: 729-732.

Wolf, S. (1988). "Untersuchungen zum Gesetz der ersten Wellenfront." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'88: 605-608.

Xiang, N. (1988). "Messung von Impulsantworten mit Maximalfolgen." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'88: 893-896.


Blauert, J. (1987). Some fundamentals of auditory spaciousness. Perception of Reproduced Sound, edited by S. Bech & O.J. Pedersen: 33-40.

Blauert, J., Hudde, H., Letens, U. (1987). Eardrum impedance and middle-ear modelling. 5th Congress of the Federation of the Acoustical Societies of Europe (FASE 87), Lisboa, Advances in Physical Acoustics.

Blauert, J., Canevet, G., Voinier, Th. (1987). "The precedence effect: No evidence for an active release process found." J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 85(6).

Blauert, J., Canevet, G., Scharf, B., Pösselt, Ch. (1987). "Kompensationsexperimente mit dichotischen Signalen unterschiedlichen Ursprungs." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'87: 525-528.

Gaik, W. (1987). "Simulation binauraler Signalverarbeitung auf der Basis eines Kreuzkorrelationsmodells: Die Lateralisation frequenzgruppenbreiten Rauschens." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'87: 529-532.

Gebhardt, R.; Penner, E.; Martin, R.; Ameling, W. (1987). "Pulssequenzen als Modulationsfunktion beim NMR-Imaging", Proc. 6. Aachener Symposium für Signaltheorie, Springer-Verlag, Sept. 1987

Hudde, H., Slatky, H. (1987). Measurement of the acoustical input impedance of human lungs. 5th Congress of the Federation of the Acoustical Societies of Europe (FASE 87), Lisboa, Advances in Physical Acoustics.

Jekosch, U., Blauert, J. (1987). "Experiences of an interdisciplinary cooperation between acousticians and linguistics in speech technology." Proc. of SEFI Annual Conf., Interdisciplinarity in Engineering Education, Helsinki Inst. of Technology: 613-620.

Jekosch, U. (1987). Phoneme to grapheme conversion system for unrestricted German vocabulary. European Conference on Speech Technology.

Jekosch, U. (1987). Synkretismus vs. Diskretismus: Zur Genese semiotischer Systeme. Figge, U. L. (ed.), Semiotik: Interdisziplinäre und historische Aspekte. 1: 179-256.

Kesselheim, M., Kugler-Kruse, M., Gerlach, H., Hellingrath, B., Schreiber, P. (1987). Benutzersprache - Sprache der Maschinen. Vortrag im Rahmen der VDI-Tagung Herausforderung der Gesellschaft durch den technischen Wandel.

Kugler-Kruse, M., Posmyk, R. (1987). Methods for the simulation of natural intonation in the 'SYRUB' text-to-speech system for unrestricted German text. European Conference on Speech Technology.

Matschke, R. G., Pösselt, Ch. (1987). "Schallmessungen am Arbeitsplatz bei Piloten der Bundesmarine." Zeitschrift für Lärmbekämpfung 34: 67-74.

Pösselt, C. (1987). "Binaurale Raumsimulation für Kopfhörerwiedergabe." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'87 725-728.

Slatky, H., Hudde, H. (1987). "Die akustische Eingangsimpedanz der Lunge bei verschiedenen Atmungszuständen." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'87: 621-624.

Wolf, S. (1987). "Ein probablistisches Modell zur Simulation binauraler Phänomene." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'88: 533-536.

Xiang, N. (1987). "Ein Ultraschallsender in Zylinderform aus PVDF-Folie." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'87: 429-433.


Blauert, J., Möbius, U., Lindemann, W. (1986). "Supplementary psychoacoustical results on auditory spaciousness." Acustica 59: 292-293.

Blauert, J., Lindemann, W. (1986). "Spatial mapping of intracranial audio events for various degrees of interaural coherence." J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 79: 806-813.

Blauert, J., Lindemann, W. (1986). "Auditory spaciousness: Some further psychoacoustic analyses." J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 80: 533-541.

Blauert, J. (1986). "Neuere Aspekte zum Entwurf von Aufführungsstätten für Musik." Bundesbaublatt 170-173.

Blauert, J. (1986). "Cognitive and aesthetic aspects of noise engineering." Reports Internoise' 86, Cambridge MA 1: 3-24.

Blauert, J. (1986). "Further explorative studies of auditory spaciousness." Proc. of the 12th Int. Congr. Acoustics, Vancouver Symp. on Acoust. and Theatre Planning for the Performing Arts: 39-44.

Divenyi, P., Blauert, J. (1986). The presedence effect revisited: echo suppression within and across frequency bands. Reports 12th Int. Congr. Acoust. 1: B2-9.

Divenyi, P., Blauert, J. (1986). On creating a precedent for binaural pattern: when is an echo an echo?, Auditory Processing of Complex Sounds, Hilldale, N.J.

Els, H., Blauert, J. (1986). "A measuring system for acoustic scale models." Proc. of Vancouver Symp. on Acoustics and Theatre Planning for the Performing Arts 65-70.

Els, H. (1986). "Ein Meßsystem für die akustische Modelltechnik." Schriftenreihe der Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz Fb Nr. 477.

Jekosch, U., Kesselheim, M. (1986). "Programm zur Phonem-Graphem-Umsetzung." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'86: 533-536.

Kugler-Kruse, M., Jekosch, U., Kulas, W. (1986). "Erweiterung der universellen Phonemsynthesizer-Schnittstelle für marktübliche Sprachsynthetisatoren." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'86: 557-560.

Kulas, W., Kugler-Kruse, M., Jekosch, U., Kesselheim, M. (1986). "Ergonomische Gesichtspunkte bei Vorleseautomaten: Benutzerschnittstelle und Prosodiesteuerung im Bochumer SYRUB-Programmsystem zur Umsetzung von deutschem Schrifttext in Lautschrift mit Prosodieinformation." NTG-Fachberichte 94, Sprachkommunikation: 198-202.

Kulas, W., Kugler-Kruse, M. (1986). "Sprechrhythmussteuerung im Bochumer Vorleseautomaten." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'86: 553-556.

Kulas, W., Blauert, J. (1986). German text-to-phoneme software drives any speech synthesizer. Report Speech Tech '86, Media Dimensions Inc.

Letens, U. (1986). "Akustische Reflektanz im menschlichen Gehörgang. Meßergebnisse und deren kritische Untersuchung." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'86: 481-484.

Morimoto, M., Makawa, Z. (1986). "Effect of low frequency components on sound image width." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'86: 457-460.

Pösselt, C., Schroeter, J., Opitz, M., Divenyi, P. L., Blauert, J. (1986). "Generation of binaural signals for research and home entertainment." Proc. ICA'86 Toronto, B1-6.

Pösselt, C., Schroeter, J. (1986). "Objective measuring technique for hearing-protective devices including bone-conduction effect." Proc. INTER-NOISE'85.

Pösselt, C. (1986). "Einfluß von Knochenschall auf die Schalldämmung von Gehörschützern." Schriftenreihe der Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz Fb Nr. 445.

Schroeter, J., Pösselt, Ch. (1986). "The use of acoustical test fixtures for the measurement of hearing protector attenuation. Part II: Modelling the external ear simulating bone conduction, and comparing test fixture and real-ear data." J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 80: 505-527.

Schroeter, J. (1986). "The use of acoustical test fixtures for the measurement of hearing protector attenuation. Part I: Review of previous work and the design of an improved test fixture." J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 79: 1065-1081.

Wolf, S., Hudde, H., Letens, U. (1986). "Rechnergesteuertes schmalbandiges Meßsystem zur Ermittlung von Übertragungsfunktionen." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'86: 729-732.


Blauert, J., Lindemann, W. (1985). Auditory spaciousness in concert-halls - new aspects. Reports of the 5th FASE Symposium, Thessaloniki.

Blauert, J., Gruber, K., Lindemann, W. (1985). "Zur Psychoakustik der auditiven Räumlichkeit." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'85: 495-498.

Els, H., Blauert, J. (1985). Measuring techniques for acoustic models - upgraded. Reports Internoise '85, Schriftenreihe der Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz. Ib 39/II.

Els, H. (1985). "Ein Miniaturkopf für die raumakustische Modelltechnik." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'85: 423-426.

Hudde, H., Letens, U. (1985). "Schallausbreitung in zylindrischen Rohren in der Umgebung eines Querschnittsprungs." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'85: 751-754.

Hudde, H., Letens, U. (1985). "Scattering matrix of a discontinuity with nonrigid walls in a lossless circular duct." J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 78: 1826-1837.

Hudde, H. (1985). "Mittelohrmodelle im Vergleich zu Meßwerten der Trommelfellimpedanz." Acustica 57: 76-86.

Kugler, M., Kulas, W., Rühl, H. W. (1985). "Endgraphemuntersuchungen für die Satzanalyse in einem Vorleseautomaten." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'85: 583-586.

Kulas, W., Rühl, H. W. (1985). Sprachsynthese. Zur Synthese von natürlich gesprochener Sprache aus Texten und Konzepten. Germanistische Linguistik. 79-80: 128-138.

Letens, U., Hudde, H. (1985). "Akustische Impedanzmessung im Gehörgang unter Ausschluß des Einflusses inhomogener Querschnittsverläufe." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'85: 755-758.

Lindemann, W., Blauert, J., Gruber, K., Breuer, U. (1985). "Die räumliche Verteilung der Hörereignisse als Funktion des interauralen Korrelationsgrades." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'85: 499-502.

Lindemann, W. (1985). Die Erweiterung eines Kreuzkorrelationsmodells der binauralen Signalverarbeitung durch kontralaterae Inhibitionsmechanismen. Dissertation.

Lindemann, W. (1985). "Hörversuche zur Aufdeckung von Inhibitionsmechanismen bei der binauralen Signalverarbeitung." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'85: 491-494.

Rühl, H. W., Kulas, W. (1985). "Eine vergleichende Messung der Lautverständlichkeit für Sprachsynthetisatoren." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'85: 579-582.

Rühl, H. W. (1985). Measurement of intelligibility for speech synthesizers. Beitrag zur Cost Working Group I, Speech Synthesis.


Blauert, J., Morimoto, M., Gotoh, T. (1984). Kühkan Onkyo, (Space Acoustics), Kajima-Shuppankai, Tokyo.

Blauert, J. (1984). "Psychoakustik des binauralen Hörens." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'84: 117-128.

Blauert, J. (1984). "Akustische Untersuchungen mit verkleinerten Modellen." Bundesblatt: 601-604.

Dreissig, D., Kulas, W., Rühl, H. W. (1984). Sprachsynthese verfeinert. Elektronik. 6: 68-70.

Els, H. (1984). "Ein Meßsystem für die raumakustische Modelltechnik." Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'84: 383-386.

Hudde, H., Letens, U. (1984). "Untersuchungen zum akustischen Meßleitungsverfahren mit festen Meßorten", Acustica 56: 258-269.

Hudde, H., Letens, U. (1984). "Meßfehler bei Verwendung von Sondenmikrofonen", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'84: 271-274.

Hudde, H. (1984). "Meßmethoden für die akustische Impedanz des Mittelohres bei hohen Frequenzen", NTZ-Archiv. 6: 265-271.

Kulas, W., Rühl, H. W. (1984). "Ein autonomes Sprachausgabegerät mit unbegrenztem Wortschatz", Tagungsbericht der Siemens-Anwenderkreis-Tagung. Dortmund.

Kulas, W., Rühl, H. W. (1984). "Eine einfache Satzintonation für ein Sprachausgabesystem mit unbegrenztem Wortschatz", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'84: 821-824.

Kulas, W., Rühl, H. W. (1984). "Über die Erzeugung einer Satzintonation", Sprachsynthese. G. Olms Verlag.

Letens, U., Hudde, H. (1984). "Ein Gerät zur direkten Bestimmung akustischer Impedanzen", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'84: 283-286.

Lindemann, W. (1984). "Ein Mechanismus lateraler Inhibition zur Erweiterung eines Modells der binauralen Signalverarbeitung", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'84: 727-738.

Rühl, H. W. (1984). "Sprachsynthese nach Regeln für unbeschränkten deutschen Text", Dissertation.

Schroeter, J., Sondhi, M. M. (1984). "Transiente Antwortsignale elektrostatischer Lautsprecher", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'84: 155-158.

Schroeter, J., Pösselt, Ch. (1984). "Methods for objectively measuring the insertion loss of HPDs including simulation of the bone conduction pathways", invited paper for the 108th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Schroeter, J. (1984). "Physikalische und psychoakustische Grundlagen der Kunstkopftechnik", Kurs beim Schweizer Rundfunk/Fernsehen in Zürich.


Blauert, J. (1983). "Spatial Hearing - The Psychophysics of Human Sound Localization", MIT-Press, Cambridge, MA.

Blauert, J. (1983). "Psychoacoustic binaural phenomena", Springer Verlag.

Hudde, H. (1983). "Measurement of the eardrum impedance of human ears", J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 73: 242-247.

Hudde, H. (1983). "Estimation of the area function of human ear canals by sound pressure measurements", J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 73: 24-31.

Lenz, H. (1983). "Messung der akustischen Wandadmittanzen hochabsorbierender Wandauskleidungen in reflexionsarmen Räumen", Dissertation.

Lindemann, W. (1983). "The extension of binaural crosscorrelation modelling by a mechanism of lateral inhibition", J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 74: 1, 85(A).

Pösselt, C. (1983). "The occlusion-impedance of the ear canal and its influence on the occlusion effect and external physiological masking", J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 74: (S1), 33.

Rühl, H. W. (1983). "Sprachausgabe für Computer - ein ergänzendes Kommunikationsmedium für den Bildschirmarbeitsplatz", Online'83, Symposium 6 C.

Schroeter, J., Sondhi, M. M. (1983). "Nonlinear transient response of electrostatic loudspeakers." J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 74: Suppl. 1, 48.

Schroeter, J., Sondhi, M. M. (1983). "Nonlinear transient response of electrostatic loudspeakers", AT&T Bell Laboratories. Technical Memorandum: 38794-43.

Schroeter, J. (1983). "Messung der Schalldämmung von Gehörschützern mit einem physikalischen Verfahren (Kunstkopfmethode)", Dissertation, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, und Forschungsbericht 344 der Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Unfallforschung, Dortmund, Wirtschaftsverlag NW.

Schroeter, J. (1983). "Simpler realization of ear simulators using tuning stubs instead of Helmholtz resonators", J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 74: Suppl. 1, 64.

Schwederski, T., Schroeter, J. (1983). "Fast fourier transform for real data after G.D. Bergland", microcoded for Hewlett Packard HP 1000-F. computers. Arbeitsbericht.


Blauert, J. (1982). "Binaural localization in Binaural Effects in Normal and Impaired Hearing", Scand. Audiol. 15: 7-25.

Blauert, J., Lindemann, W. (1982). "Zur Entwicklung von Modellen der binauralen Signalverarbeitung", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'82: 1161-116.

Blauert, J. (1982). "The psychoacoustic background of auditory spaciousness", Proc. of Conf. Auditorium Acoustics and Electro-Acoustics, Edinburgh, Institute of Acoustics, London.

Blauert, J. (1982). "Binaural localization: Multiple images and applications in room- and electroacoustics, in Localization of Sound, Theory and Application", The Amphora Press: 65-68.

Blauert, J. (1982). "Stichworte: Hören, binaurales, Hören, monaurales, Räumliches Hören, Sprachsynthese", Frankfurt, Verlag E. Bochinsky.

Buschmann, U. (1982). "Untersuchung der Schallausbreitung im inhomogenen Strömungsfeld mit asymptotischen mathematischen Methoden", Dissertation.

Kulas, W., Rühl, H. W. (1982). "Satzzerlegung für ein Sprachausgabesystem mit unbegrenztem Wortschatz", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'82: 1017-1020.

Kulas, W., Rühl, H. W. (1982). "SYNTEX - Synthetische Sprache aus Text. Eine Übersicht", NTG-Sitzung über Sprachsynthese.

Lindemann, W. (1982). "Evaluation of interaural signal differences", Scand. Audiol. 15: 147-155.

Lindemann, W., Blauert, J. (1982). "Die Anwendung eines Modells binauraler Signalverarbeitung auf Schallfelder in Räumen", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'82: 1165-1168.

Pösselt, C. (1982). "Der Verschlußeffekt als Funktion der Verschlußimpedanz", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'82: 1182-1185.

Rühl, H. W., Blauert, J. (1982). "Syntex - the text-to-speech system of the Ruhr-University Bochum", A status report, The Fourth F.A.S.E. Symposium on Acoustics and Speech.

Rühl, H. W. (1982). "SYNTEX -a microprocessor based system for automatic conversion of German text to speech", Proc. ICASSP 82 3: 1608-1611.

Rühl, H. W. (1982). "Ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Wortbetonung zur Sprachsynthese", Acustica 51: 12-17.

Schroeter, J., Els, H. (1982). "On basic research towards an improved artificial head for the measurement of hearing protectors." Acustica 50: 250-260.

Schroeter, J. (1982). "Ein Kunstkopf zu Messungen der Schalldämmung von Gehörschützern", Zeitschrift für Lärmbekämpfung 29: 83-91.

Schroeter, J. (1982). "Ein neuer Kunstkopf zur Messung der Schalldämmung von Gehörschützern", Fortschritte der Akustik - FASE/DAGA'82: 651-654.

Schroeter, J. (1982). "Improvements in measuring the attentuation of personal ear protectors with artificial heads", Invited Paper. 103th Meeting of the Acoust. Soc. of Am., Chicago.


Blauert, J. (1981). "Lateralization of jittered tones", J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 70: 694-698.

Braas, J. (1981). "Ein digitales Leitungsmodell als Hilfsmittel zur Sprachsynthese", Dissertation.

Braas, J. (1981). "Sprachsynthese mit einem digitalen Leitungsmodell", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'81 677-680.

Braas, J. (1981). "A digital transmission line model for speech synthesis", FASE 1981. 161-163.

Els, H., Schroeter, J. (1981). "Mechanical impedance of the human outer ear", Royal Aircraft Establishment. Library Translation 2065.

Joswig, M. (1981). "Messung der Trommelfellimpedanz des Menschen mit einer Meßrohrmethode", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'81: 709-712.

Rühl, H. W. (1981). "Ein System zur Sprachsynthese aus deutschem Text", Funkschau 20/1981. 61-62.

Rühl, H. W. (1981). "Über ein Wortanalyse-Verfahren für Vorleseautomaten", Acustica 48: 143-148.

Rühl, H. W. (1981). "Wortbetonung für ein System zur Sprachsynthese aus Text", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'81: 669-672.

Schlichthärle, D. (1981). "Ein Modell zur Erklärung der Hörbarkeit von Phasen- und Gruppenlaufzeitverzerrungen", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'81: 745-748.


Blauert, J., Fricke, J. P. (1980). "Optimale Aussteuerung in der Sendung", Rundfunktechnische Mitteilungen 24: 63-71.

Blauert, J., Tüttemann, G. (1980). "Auditory backward inhibition in concert halls, (Translation of Acustica 40, '78, 132-133)", Journal of the Audio Eng. Soc. 28: 718-719.

Blauert, J., Els, H., Schroeter, J. (1980). "A review of the progress in external ear physics regarding the objective performance evaluation of personal ear protectors", Proc. of INTER-NOISE 80: 653-658.

Blauert, J., Braas, J., Lenz, H., Tüttemann, G. (1980). "Schallabstrahlung von Drehstromschienensystemen mit Ummantelung", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'80: 257-260.

Blauert, J. (1980). "Interaural arrival tone difference: Envelope vs. fine structure", Proc. of the tenth International Congress on Acoustics Vortrag B - 10.7.

Blauert, J. (1980). "Modelling of interaural time and intensity difference discrimination, in Psychophysical, Physiological and Behavioural Studies in Hearing", edited by G. van den Brink, F.A. Bilsen." Delft University Press.

Blauert, J. (1980). "Räumliches Hören", Moskau, Verlag Energija.

Braas, J. (1980). "Flexible speech synthesizer controlled by a minicomputer", Proc. of the 10th International Congress on
Acoustics, A1-3.2.

Buschmann, U., Tüttemann, G. (1980). "Meßtechnische Bestimmung des Immissionsgeräusches einer Mülldeponie bei hohem Störpegel", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'80: 201-203.

Els, H., Schroeter, J. (1980). "Mechanische Impedanzen am äußeren Ohr des Menschen", Forschungsbericht Nr. 238 der Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Unfallforschung in Dortmund, Wirtschaftsverlag NW, Bremerhaven.

Els, H., Schroeter, J. (1980). "Mechanical impedance of human skin - results from series of circumaural and interaul measurements", Proc. of 10th International Congress on Acoustics, Vortrag B-14.2.

Hudde, H., Schroeter, J. (1980). "The equalization of artificial heads without exact replication of the eardrum impedance", Acustica 44: 301-307.

Hudde, H., Schroeter, J. (1980). "Verbesserungen am Neumann-Kunstkopfsystem", NTG-Fachberichte 72, Hörrundfunk 5: 25-33.

Hudde, H. (1980). "Messung der Trommelfellimpedanz des menschlichen Ohres bis 19 kHz", Dissertation.

Hudde, H. (1980). "Messung der menschlichen Trommelfellimpedanz bis 19 kHz.", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'80: 579-582.

Jekosch, U. (1980). "Syncretism and Gestalt in Psychogenesis", Koch, W. A. ed. (1980), Semiogenesis: 252-73.

Lenz, H. (1980). "Reverberation time evaluation by running digital integration", Proc. of the 10th International Congress on Acoustica, Vortrag E-5.2.

Schlichthärle, D. (1980). "Modelle des Hörens - mit Anwendungen auf die Hörbarkeit von Laufzeitverzerrungen", Dissertation.

Schroeter, J., Els, H. (1980). "Die akustischen Eigenschaften des menschlichen Kopfes", Forschungsbericht Nr. 239 der Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Unfallforschung in Dortmund, Wirtschaftsverlag NW, Bremerhaven.

Schroeter, J., Els, H. (1980). "New artificial head for measurement of hearing protectors", Proc. of the 10th International Congress on Acoustics, Vortrag B-14.2, Sydney, Australia.


Rühl, H. W. (1979). "Ein Verfahren zur Zerlegung deutscher Wörter für die Sprachsynthese", Tagungsbericht, 4. DFG-Kolloquium Sprachverarbeitung: 113-116.


Blauert, J., Tüttemann, G. (1978). "Primärschall-Unterdrückung in Konzertsälen", Acustica 40:132-133.

Blauert, J., Mellert, V., Platte, H. J., Laws, P., Hudde, H., Scherer, P., Poulsen, T., Gottlob, D., Plenge, G. (1978). "Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen der kopfbezogenen Stereophonie", Rundfunktechn. Mitteilungen. 22: 195-218.

Blauert, J., Laws, P. (1978). "Group delay distortions in electroacoustical systems", J. Acoust. Soc. Am 63: 1478-1483.

Blauert, J., Cobben, W. (1978). "Some consideration of binaural cross correlation analysis", Acustica 39: 96-104.

Blauert, J. (1978). "Schalldämmung im Schulbau - Ein Vorschlag", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'78: 163-166.

Blauert, J. (1978). "Some aspects of three dimensional hearing in rooms", Proc. of FASE 78 3: 65-68.

Buschmann, U. (1978). "Verwendung des Dither-Algorithmus zur Darstellung von Spektogrammen auf dem Sichtgerät eines Laborrechners", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'78: 459-461.

Hudde, H. (1978). "Ein neues System zur Erfassung breitbandiger akustischer Signale", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'78: 593-596.

Joswig, M., Hudde, H. (1978). "Eine Meßrohrmethode zur Bestimmung der Querschnittsfunktion von Rohren", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'78: 597-600.

Lenz, H. (1978). "Nachhallzeitmessung mit Hilfe eines Mikroprozessors", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'78: 625-628.

Schlichthärle, D. (1978). "Anwendung von Methoden der Digitalfiltertheorie auf das Cochlea-Leitungsmodell", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'78: 523-526.

Schroeter, J. (1978). "Vergleich von Methoden zur Schalldämmungsmessung von Gehörschützern", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'78: 629-632.

Uhle, M. (1978). "Die akustische Ausgabe orthographischer Texte", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA''78: 473-476.

Uhle, M. (1978). "Minicomputereinsatz als Mikroprozessor-Entwicklungssystem", NTZ 31: 678-681.


Allen, J. B., Berkley, D. A., Blauert, J. (1977). "Multimicrophone signal-processing technique to remove room reverberation from speech signals", J Acoust Soc Am. 85: 254-261.

Blauert, J., Tüttemann, G. (1977). "An unsuccessful attempt to reproduce von Bekesy's auditory backward inhibition experiment", Reports 9th, International Congress on Acoustics 1: 372.

Boerger, G., Laws, P., Blauert, J. (1977). "Stereophone Kopfhörerwiedergabe mit Steuerung bestimmter Übertragungsfaktoren durch Kopfdrehbewegungen", Acustica 39: 22-26.

Braas, J. (1977). "Application of the wave digital filter concept to speech synthesis", Reports 9th International Congress on Acoustics. 1: 515.


Hudde, H. (1976). "Zur Ungenauigkeit der Trommelfellimpedanzbestimmung nach der Impulsmethode", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA'76: 629-632.

Laws, P., Blauert, J., Platte, H. J. (1976). "Anmerkungen zur stereophonen kopfbezogenen Übertragungstechnik", Acustica 36: 45-47.

Schroeter, J. (1976). Die Störung der Schallausbreitung einer ebenen Welle im Rohr durch eine schräg eingespannte

Membran, in Blauert, J. ed. (1980). "Neuere Ergebnisse zum räumlichen Hören", Rheinisch-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Vorträge N 292.

Blauert, J., Platte, H.-J., (1976). "Impulse measurements of human eardrum impedance", J. Audiolog. Techn. 15, 34-44.

Blauert, J., (1976). "Vorbemerkungen zur 2. Aufl.", in: Aschoff, V. (ed.), Hörsaalplanung, 2. Aufl., 3-17, Vulcan-Verlag Dr. Classen, Essen.


Aschoff, V., Blauert, J., (1975). "Akustische und sichttechnische Probleme in Unterrichtsräumen mit wechselnder Nutzung", Bauverw. 4:148-149; further: SBL-Kurzinform. 6 (1974):32-35.

Blauert, J., Trittart, P., (1975). "Ausnutzung von Verdeckungseffekten bei der Sprachkodierung", Fortschr. Akustik, DAGA'75, 377-380, Physiker-Verlag, Weinheim.


Blauert, J., (1974). "Räumliches Hören", S. Hirzel, D-Stuttgart.

Blauert, J., Laws, P., Platte, H.J., (1974). "Impulsverfahren zur Messung von Außenohrübertragungsfunktionen", Acustica 31:36-37.

Blauert, J., (1974). "Vergleich unterschiedlicher Systeme zur originalgetreuen elektroakustischen Übertragung", Rundfunktechn. Mitt. 18:222-227; further: Nachrichtentechn. Fachber. 48: 127-135.

Blauert, J., (1974). "Impulse measurements of eardrum impedance", Rep. 8th Int. Congr. Acoustics I:172, GB-London.

Blauert, J., (1974). "Akustik im Schulbau", Rep. Symp. Unterrichtstechnologie & Schulbau 1973, 43-73, Heyn-Verlag, Klagenfurt.


Laws, P., Blauert, J., (1973). "Ein Beitrag zur Hörbarkeit von Laufzeitverzerrungen", Fortschr. Akustik, DAGA'73, 447-450, VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf.